Chapter 698 He is too difficult~!

How can I confess to my family tactfully that I am mentally ill, so that I don’t scare them? Waiting online, Baiyin Yuxing said that he was in a hurry!

“Dosan, I said, this is for Xiaogui to defend himself, do you believe it?”

“Do you want to defend your sister?” Wei Xun’s father Baiyin pressed the switch of the electric shock device: “Shoo, yo…” After a burst of electric current, the father silver who was holding the electric shock device in his hand was stunned to the ground. .

Silver Royal Line: “…”

Why is the person holding the electric shock device being stunned?

Bai Yingui: “…”

So, this is Nissan. No, is this the purpose of this pervert at home? Want her to stun herself? This nun…abnormal suddenly became so terrible.

Bai Yingui took a few steps back again, almost the same distance as a room, and said coldly:

“This is the electric shock device that you used to defend yourself. If Duo Sang happened to press the switch, what are you going to do to your sister? Pervert!”

Bai Yin Yuxing was already in a cold sweat at this time, for, why did things turn out to be like this? Why is the person pressing the switch being stunned? He, how should he explain this now?

“Xiao Gui, my brother said, this was actually an accident, do you believe it?” Bai Yin Yuxing wanted to step forward.

“Stop…” Seeing Bai Yin Yuxing’s actions, Bai Yingui hurriedly stopped and said: “Before Dosan wakes up, I think we must keep a certain distance. If you want to come over, then I can only leave home first. …”

“Kyu, listen to me, all of this is a misunderstanding, I definitely don’t have the idea of ​​stunning you…”

“Have you finally stated your purpose? The rope you prepared didn’t want to tie yourself, right?” Bai Yingui said with a guarded look.

Silver Royal Line: “…”

Does he have time to confess his condition now?

“Wait, Kei, if I really want to do something to you, I don’t need any electric shocks, right?”

“Hmm…” Bai Yinkei admitted this: “That’s why I’m so far away from you. It would be nice if the family were a little older…”

“…” Baiyin Yuxing tried to restore the image: “Then why don’t you just think about it, if I don’t say anything, you can’t even run away if I do it directly. Is your brother this kind of person in your eyes?”

“It wasn’t…” Bai Yingui said coldly: “I don’t know now. After all, you just said that you might be able to do something to me. If you don’t have this idea, why do you say that? As for why you don’t do it directly. , Probably to satisfy your strange hobby, how can normal people understand abnormal thoughts…”

Bai Yin Yuxing regretted it: “I said it, there is a reason…” It’s better to confess from the beginning!

“Nothing can hide the fact that you want to do something to your sister…” Bai Yingui said coldly.

“I am sick, a very serious illness…” Bai Yin Yuxing hesitated for a while and was forced to confess.

“Excuse me, is there any disease that will make people unable to help their own sister?” Bai Yinkei questioned: “You dare to talk a little bit…”

“What if it is a serious mental illness?” Baiyin Yuxing asked rhetorically.

Bai Yingui: “…”

My elder brother is not only a pervert, but also made up a lie that he is mentally ill. How to break it? Waiting online, very anxious!

“Are you mentally ill?”

“I only discovered this fact today…” Bai Yin Yuxing lowered his head and said, “I’m afraid that when I get sick, I can’t control myself, so I will give Xiaogui you the props to subdue me…”

“The electric shock that stunned yourself?” Bai Yinkei said coldly: “And a bunch of rope? From a certain point of view, you are indeed sick…”

“I didn’t lie to you! The electric shock device is to let you stun me when I am sick, and the rope is to make you stun me, there is a means to control me…” Bai Yin Yuxing said as he threw the rope. On the table: “Look, how sturdy you are. Isn’t it a waste of tying you…”

I didn’t finish the rest, and suddenly a note and a whip fell from the rope thrown on the table.

Looking at the long whip that was full of astringency, Bai Yingui said with a black thread: “The electric shock device is to subdue you, and the rope is to tie you, so what is this whip for?”

Silver Royal Line: “…”

For what? What is this for?

At this time, he finally understood what the expression on your face that you would thank me meant when the senior patient gave him the rope…

However, before he could think clearly what to say, Dad Silver, who had just been stunned by him, had already opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a piece of paper floating down, and he stretched out his hand, the piece of paper. He grabbed the strip in his hand, but now he didn’t even bother to read the content on the strip. After exhaling a puff of black smoke, he got up and sat on the ground, looking at Baiyin Yuxingdao:

“Yu Xing, can you explain, what happened to the electric shock device you used to defend your sister?”

“This is really a misunderstanding…” Bai Yin Yuxing felt his brain hurt, why did he encounter this kind of thing: “I really don’t know if using that electric shock device is to stun myself…”

“Dao Sang, Nissan just said that he has a serious mental illness!” Before Bai Yin Yuxing could finish speaking, Bai Yin Kei took over.

Father Silver: “…”

There should be no history of mental illness in their family, right?

“Yu Xing, what the hell is going on?”

“By the way, Duo Sang not only prepared an electric shock device that would stun the user, but also a rope and a leather whip!”

“Little Gui, girls don’t say anything that is so irritating! Even if you are talking about things, listen to what Nissan says…” Since his home, this is the first time that Dad Silver has become serious. It makes him feel like It was as if Yan Father’s halo was turned on. However, this change was like turning on a switch for Bai Yin Yuxing.

How could his father, who only knew about alcoholism all day, be so majestic? So, this must be his illusion again. It turns out that in his subconscious he has always longed for his father to be serious. Yes, this is indeed in line with his subconscious…

Subconsciously, the idea of ​​protecting my sister came to mind, and Bai Yin Yuxing hurriedly said:

“Kyu, hurry, leave home quickly, I, I seem to be sick again…”

Bai Yingui: “…”

Doesn’t it feel like being sick?

Papa Silver: #^_^

“Yu Xing, you said you were ill? Are you talking about what disease you are?”

“Xiao Gui, hurry up, while I’m still conscious, wait until Dad wakes up and subdues me, you are coming back…” Bai Yin Yuxing, who thought he was in a hallucination, was very anxious.

Bai Yingui: “…”

Didn’t Dad wake up already? Nissan is a pervert who doesn’t answer his father’s question, and he keeps urging her sister to go out at night. What is his mind? Isn’t it crazy?

Father Silver: “…”

What kind of nonsense is Yuxing this little bastard talking about, waiting for his father to wake up to subdue him? Who is he then? Thinking of this, Dad Bai Yin supported his hand and stood up from the ground. He looked around and saw the leather whip hidden in the rope. The look was not serious at first, and it was exactly the same as Bai Yin Kei said. It’s so astringent!

Thinking of this, Father Bai Yin felt cold, took the whip up, and after throwing the whip twice in the air, he looked at Bai Yin Yuxing Road: “Yin Yuxing, you honestly admit your mistake now, I can treat it as nothing happened!”

Silver Royal Line: “…”

Sure enough, he is a pervert, his subconscious desires not only to be beaten by the fourth house, but also to be humiliated and whip by his father!

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