Chapter 696 Brainwashing things (spurred by group members {beat?} add more!)

“Woo…” In the setting sun, Bai Yin Yuxing slowly opened his eyes on the bench: “Where is this again?”

“Of course it is Toyosaki. You can faint yourself just by shaking off Koraku. To a certain extent, you are also a talent, drink? Anyway, it is President Silver that you bought…” See When the other party woke up, Doma Sougo was talking while throwing Kuole next to him.

“Thank you…” After receiving Kuole, Baiyin Yuxing subconsciously thanked him, and then he seemed to have suddenly reacted to something, and said with a look of suspicion: “Wait! What do you mean, what do you mean by me? Faint yourself?”

“Literally…” Doma Sougo said with a shrug: “Otherwise why would you wake up here?”

“Of course it’s because of the fourth house…” Bai Yin Yuxing replied subconsciously. When he mentioned the fourth house, he shivered conditioned reflexively.

“Shinomiya? Are you talking about Kaguya Shinomiya? President Silver, are you talking nonsense again? How could that guy from Shinomiya come to Toyonosaki at this time? Or you…” Sougo Tama “Skeptical” on his face.

“Wait a minute, you told me at the time that your judgment was wrong, that is not an illusion, it is the real fourth house…” Bai Yin Yuxing said with his head in his hands.

“When did I tell you these things?” Sougo Tama’s face was full of puzzlement.

“You, haven’t you said it?” Bai Yin Yuxing was taken aback when he heard the words, wait, shouldn’t it be, those hallucinations from beginning to end are all his hallucinations, right?

“Of course I haven’t said…” Sougo Tama surely said, “However, even if you see the guy in the fourth house, you don’t have to faint with excitement, President Silver?”

Is he excited? He was clearly beaten and fainted. At that time, he even saw the revolving lantern! No, looking at this guy’s appearance, I don’t know what happened. Could it be that it was an illusion! ?

By the way, the injury on his body…

The injury on his body! ? ? Si Gong is so cruel, there is no sign of injury on his body! ? Bai Yin Yuxing clutched his head with both hands: “…”

It’s over, he really got sick! And it was a very serious illness, so serious that when he recalled the scene of the fourth house at the time, he still felt a dull pain in his body. It was a terrifying hallucination. Do people with mental illness struggle with these hallucinations every day? He, can he really hold on until he doesn’t collapse?

Originally, he thought that hallucinations were all illusory, but…why is it so painful!

Baiyin Yuxing is in self-doubt.

“What’s the matter?” Sou Wu Tama said with a light smile: “Are you reminiscing about those hallucinations? Just relax and treat it with a normal heart. Anyway, it will be soon…”

“How about soon?” Bai Yin Yuxing asked quickly. This is a senior who has long been mentally ill. He has to study!

“Soon you will get used to it. At that time, even if you see any hallucinations that excite you, you won’t faint like you are today!” Sougo Doma shook his fingers and said.

“Excited? Happy? Hey, Senior, aren’t all the hallucinations you see like this?” Bai Yin Yuxing asked with an inquiring expression.

“Of course…” Sougo Tama nodded: “These hallucinations are actually the subconscious satisfaction behavior of the brain. To put it simply, the more you look forward to what happens, the hallucinations will show you something…”

“Aren’t there any exceptions?” Bai Yin Yuxing covered his face with one hand. Could it be that he is not only mentally ill, but deep down in his heart, he also yearns to be beaten by her? Was beaten by a small punch from the fourth house? Isn’t he a hidden super shaking M?

“There are no exceptions…” In the earth, people are tireless, and always realize: “The so-called hallucinations are originally the behavior induced by the brain to satisfy the subconscious. It can be said that the more your subconscious desires something, the more you can experience something in the hallucination. Even the degree of desire will affect the authenticity of the illusion…”

Silver Royal Line: “…”

What should I do if I suddenly found out that I was a super trembling M who was eager to be beaten? This is the disease? Can it be cured?

“Eh Duo, senior, may I ask, do people feel pain in hallucinations?”

“Pain?” Tsuma Sougou said with a weird face: “It may indeed cause pain. After all, pain is also controlled by the brain, but most people don’t long for pain, right? President Silver, what hallucinations have you experienced? How do you feel pain? Or, do you long for pain…”

Bai Yin Yuxing covered his face again when he heard the words, he really was a weird pervert!

“Don’t be embarrassed, everyone has their own interests. Among the patients I know, there are still people who desire to be burned or electric shocked. The desire for pain is not a big deal…” Tujian, empathetic, Sougo opened up the other party: “Speaking of which, it hurts, no wonder President Silver fainted with excitement! It seems…”

“Wait, wait…” Baiyin Yuxing has accepted the name of the patient: “Are you sure those people are eager to be burned and electrocuted? Would anyone be like this? Couldn’t they be persecuted by hallucinations!?”

“But, their expressions are very enjoyable. Those who fantasize about being burnt think it is warm, and those who fantasize about being shocked think that it is a massage…” Sougo Doma blinked and said, “Of course, they were also taken aback at first. Jump, but, afterwards, it turns out that they felt pleasure when the hallucinations appeared…”

Silver Royal Line: “…”

So, he really wants to be beaten by the fourth house, right? If it is the fourth house in reality… Silver Yuxing thought for a while, if it is a little lighter, it seems that it is not unacceptable. Silver Yuxing, the training progress increases by 1!

“By the way, President Silver’s hallucinations should be very exciting, right?” As he thought about it, Sougo Doma said with an expression on his face that a man understands.

“Huh? It’s really exciting…” Bai Yin Yuxing twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the words, irritating, why not irritating, he saw the revolving lantern and got on the Naihe Bridge. Isn’t it irritating enough?

“I said it’s very exciting, right?” Sougo Morama said with a smirk: “Is it a whip or a candle? Is that guy in the fourth house a queen costume…”

“Leather whip? Candle?” So far the mother’s womb has been single, the virgin silver imperial Xing was taken aback when he heard the words: “There is also a queen costume?”

“Of course, you can feel the pain, and the illusion that makes you faint with the excitement of President Silver. It must be %*#@ (silence). In the illusion, where are you going? Whiplash? Or wax drop? Or? ……” In the soil, the uncle possessed his body, always enlightened.

The super virgin Silver Yuxing blushed after hearing the words-illusion, there is still this treatment in the illusion? and many more! The reason why he had the illusion of being beaten by the fourth house just now was completely because he didn’t realize these behaviors in his subconscious mind, so he wanted to replace it with now…

Bai Yin Yuxing thought for a while, if every day I can see the fourth house wearing a queen costume and whip at him, it seems that it is not acceptable. Then this disease can still be cured? Silver Royal Line, tuning progress +2!

That’s not right, Baiyin Yuxing, you can’t be deceived because of this! You have already experienced the horror of hallucinations, let alone the time when hallucinations appear can’t be controlled…

and many more!

This is not the time to consider these…

Bai Yin Yuxing turned his head stiffly, Doma Sougou smiled, showing it in a timely manner, don’t worry, everyone understands, we don’t know this expression…

Hehehehe, he really was regarded as a pervert!

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