Chapter 693 The person who does it must be a snake-hearted!

Baiyin Yuxing bears the unbearable weight (pain) of his life. He seems to have hallucinations again, in a trance, he seems to be crowded onto a crowded bridge. The degree of crowdedness of the bridge Baiyin Yuxing dare to swear , Is definitely the only thing he has seen in his life-after all, the bridge that can squeeze people into the river…

Such a crowded bridge is even more terrifying than the tram during peak hours.

“Don’t squeeze everyone, take your time, not rushing to reincarnate…” someone who was squeezed to the edge couldn’t help saying.

But before that person could finish speaking, Baiyin Yuhang saw the pedestrians on the bridge turning their heads and looking over: “I got on the Naihe Bridge, didn’t I rush to reincarnation, what else can I do?”

Bai Yin Yuxing was stunned when he heard the words: “…”

It turns out that this is the Naihe Bridge! ?


Why is he on the Naihe Bridge! ?

In reality, looking at “Sougen Tama” who was unconscious at his feet, Shigiya Huiye sneered: “Don’t pretend to be dead, get up quickly!”

“The earth is always enlightened”, it should be said that Bai Yin Yuxing’s breath is weak and his face is dizzy: “…”

Seeing that the other party didn’t seem to react falsely, Blacken’s fourth house was stunned. After a while, fourth house Kaguya broke free from Blacken’s state: “Soil, dirt, don’t, don’t pretend to be dead, get up quickly… …”

Bai Yin Yuxing’s breathing became weaker and weaker.

A cold sweat broke out on Si Gong Huiye’s face: “…”

No way? No way? Well, this bastard won’t just hang up like that, right? Hasn’t this guy practiced fighting? Why is it not so resistant to beating! ?

If the bastard Tujian hangs here, he still hangs it in her hands, not to mention whether the Tujian family will fight the Sigong family because of this, just say that she is a murderer, that is definitely sitting very firmly! Carrying this level of identity, she will spend the rest of her life in prison, and she will never want to make progress with the president in this life…

Thinking of this, Sigiya Huiye hurriedly pushed and fell to the ground, breathing weakly, “Sovereign Enlightenment”.

“Soumazuo, wake me up quickly…”


After shaking for a while without seeing a response, she slapped the opponent, trying to wake him up: “Wake up quickly, I forgive you about Kuole…”

“Ehhhh~!” Seeing that Shigiya Kaguya was relieved from Blacken’s state, Sougo Tama, who approached quietly, was rather puzzled when he heard these words: “Ms. Sigiya, you said the opposite. With this virtue, you should expect me to forgive you, not you forgive me. After all, I have suffered more damage…”

“As long as…” When you wake up, you can do whatever you want-Kaguya Sinomiya just wanted to say that, but the words just came from behind her. Thinking of this, she slowly turned her head. , Looked at the smiling Sou Wu Tama for a while, and for a while, he pointed his finger at the other person and said: “You, why are you here? Are you a human or a ghost?”

Tuma Zou Wu rolled his eyes when he heard this, and pointed to the shadow on the ground and said, “Do you see what this is?”

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

There is a shadow, it’s a human! and many more!

“Why are you behind me, then, who is this guy lying on the ground?” Shigiya Kaguya stiffly turned his head back, and pointed to the “Sougenzu” who was lying on the ground with more air intake and less air. .

“You can touch his chin…”

Sougo Tuma didn’t finish her words, Shigiya Kaguya was already looking for the chin of Sougo Tama, “What is this…” Within a few seconds, she found the mouth that looked like a sticky thing. .

“Instead of asking me, why not open it and take a look?”


The simulated reality mask, whether it is put on or torn off, is so easy, and it has the function of being damaged when it is used up, so that the user has no worries… These advantages are not introduced yet, Shimiya Teru Ye was already dumbfounded:

“Yes, president!!!”

On the bridge of Naihe, Baiyin Yuxing who said Naihe seemed to have heard something: “It seems that someone called me…”

“What are you nervous about in front of you, hurry up, no one here has ever heard of someone calling himself…” He paused in a trance in the hallucinations, and the “people” behind were dissatisfied.

at the same time.

“I really hope that Miss Sinomiya will grow up quickly. Don’t be so self-willed. Wouldn’t it be okay to go back to review after the exam? Walking around has greatly increased my workload…” On the private Toyonosaki campus, some seemingly It is a student of Xiuzhiyuan, who is actually a blonde maid, while checking the location, complaining: “I remember this school is the place for the exam of President Silver…

That’s it, it’s the president again, it’s really hard to have a love-brained eldest lady, woo~! Is the positioning right at the front corner? This place is really remote. Anyway, did the president find this place? Sure enough, men are…

Wait, if now, if the eldest lady is doing something shameful with the president, wouldn’t it be…” The blonde maid’s entanglement hadn’t held her ***, she heard her own eldest’s cry: “President! ! ! ”

As an almighty maid, protecting the eldest lady is also one of the blonde maid’s jobs. Even if the eldest lady in Sinomiya has amazing strength, as long as the enemy does not use hot weapons, she has a certain degree of self-protection, but this is not that she does not need protection. The reason for this is that, after hearing the shout of Miss Si Gong, the blond maid rushed over, and then she saw…

Turning his head to the side, Doma Sougou, who has nothing to do with me, appeared on his face.

Falling to the ground, the dying President Silver, and the panicked eldest sister of the four palaces whispered: “Why, how could it be the President, I, I…”

Blond maid: “…”

I always feel that a lot of things have happened in this place!

Why did President Bai Yin be so miserable? Who is this… Hayasaka Ai glanced at Sougo Mama who had nothing to do with me, and said secretly: “Is it this guy? This guy beat President Silver into this way. No wonder Ms. Shinomiya came here. , Making my eldest woman feel sad, this guy’s fate…” Hayasaka Ai closed her eyes, feeling unbearable to look straight. After a while, she opened her eyes and stared at Tama Sougo and thought: “However, this The guy seems familiar, have you seen it before?”

While thinking about this, she quickly came to Si Gong Huiye: “Miss, are you okay?”

“Morning, Hayasaka?” After hearing this, Shigiya Kaguya turned his head and looked at the visitor, with a happy heart: “Saasaka, you, take a look, yes, how is the chairman…”

After Ai Hayasaka nodded, she turned her gaze to Shirogin Miyuki who had a swollen nose and weak breathing: “This…”

“Haasaka, what’s the situation with the president now?” Shinomiya Kaguya seemed to have found the backbone, and asked Hayasaka Ai again and again: “Is there anything wrong with the president? There will be nothing wrong with him, right?”

“This…” Although Ai Hayasaka hadn’t learned much about medicine, she could still judge a little after seeing Shirogin Yuxing’s body injury: “Miss, the guy who shot the Guild grows is really mean, not only vicious. …”

“Wait!” Hearing this, Tuma Sougou’s heart was full of joy, but his face was full of seriousness: “The meaning of the fourth house should be for you to check the injury, not for you to say something about the person who did it. Besides, based on this little information, you dare to say that the hands-on people are mean-hearted? You are afraid that…”

“Why not?” Ai Hayasaka thought about who this familiar guy is, and said coldly, “Although I am not a doctor, but…”

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