Chapter 694 I think this lady is right!

Femme-hearted? Cruel means? Cruel and cruel…

Shinomiya Kaguya felt that she was stabbed to the face and stabbed in the back. But before she could speak, she heard Hayasaka Ai say: “Don’t talk about the other things, just the injury on the stomach, it is obviously cruel. According to the scars that can only be seen after a place is beaten, if there was a sharp object in his hand at that time, President Silver would have died a long time ago…”

Speaking of this, Hayasaka Ai glanced at the smiling “murderer” Sougo Morama. The perception of danger made her realize that the guy in front of her was extremely dangerous. She just looked at the other person, and she already had a kind of cold hair all over her body. The feeling of getting up, how did the eldest know such a dangerous person!

No, I can’t let the eldest lady continue to come into contact with this kind of guy. Ai Hayasaka thought about it, while returning her gaze to Shirogin Miyuki: “Miss, please look, the other party is probably jealous of the president’s face, so much so The face is even more…”

As soon as Hayasaka spoke, she felt cold all over, as if she was locked in with murderous intent. She sneaked a glance at Sougo Morama, and when the other party locked her with murderous intent, she was still smiling. The legendary smiling tiger! At this time, Hayasaka Ai didn’t notice her at all, Shinomiya Kaguya with a black face was staring at her with cold eyes!

“This lady is too right. As the saying goes: If you hit someone without slapping your face, the person who did it was definitely because he was jealous of the other person’s face, so he focused his attack on the face!” Seeing Ai Yasaka shook her whole body, she suddenly stopped. Sougo Doma can only add to her when she speaks.

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

What, what’s going on? This, this dangerous man actually admitted that he was jealous…

“Shut up, who would be jealous of the face of the opposite sex…” Sigong Huiye became angry from embarrassment.

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

and many more! What does the eldest lady mean?

No, no! ? Move, it’s Miss Hui Ye who beat President Bai Yin with his hands? Hayasaka Ai turned her head stiffly. She just glanced casually and noticed that the eldest lady was constantly exuding extremely dark low air pressure, and the other person staring at her was also exuding unexplained red light.

“Guru~!” Hayasaka Ai swallowed her saliva. Hara, it turns out that the dangerous person who made her chill out is the eldest lady?

That’s okay… blame it! As a professional maid, after speaking to her master that she has a snake-hearted heart, I would like to ask, is it too late to buy a graveyard?

“I’m just following this lady’s thinking and analyzing it…” Just when Hayasaka Ai wanted to dig a hole to bury herself, Doma Sougo pointed at her.

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

Hayasaka, why do you have to say so confidently!

“By the way, if you continue to argue with me in the fourth house, the silver president on the ground may really go to Santuchuan…”

“Three, Three Ways…” Looking at Bai Yin Yuxing’s breathing on the ground getting weaker and weaker, Sigong Huiye: “President!!!”

Looking at Shinomiya Kaguya with anxious face, Hayasaka Ai had a black line on her face: “…”

Since you are so nervous, don’t put such a heavy hand, my eldest lady…Speaking of which, what did the president do! ?

“Sigong, if I were you, I would not look at the other person shouting now, but contact the ambulance…” Kindly reminded from Tuma Sougo.

“Ambulance, yes, Hayasaka, call the ambulance…”

“Understood…” Contact immediately. Before Hayasaka finished speaking, he listened to Soma Sougou on the side with emotion:

“It’s great. With this opportunity, you can have a good reason to avoid the entrance exam. President Silver must be very happy, right?”

Shigiya Kaguya stiffened again: “…”

I’m afraid it’s not that it’s bad news, it’s because you have the desire to kill, right? For this joint entrance exam, the president has worked hard. If he was beaten to the hospital and the subsequent subjects could not be assessed, hehehehe, Shigiya Huiye looked into the distance, she seemed to have seen the sadness of being single for a lifetime. Life……

“President, he must hate me to death!”

“Miss, please be sorry…” Hayasaka Ai seemed to have realized something too. She patted Kaguya Shinomiya on the shoulder and said, “Does the ambulance still need to be contacted?”

“I don’t think there is any need to contact…” Before Ninomiya Kaguya had time to speak, Tuma Sougou on the side suggested: “Since you think there will be resentment in the fourth house, it is better to just let it go, or contact. Come to deal with the corpse and make President Silver become your eternal memory in the fourth house…”

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

She feels right. She can give up a life so easily. This familiar guy is really dangerous. However, this proposal is quite good. If the lady is no longer in love with her brain, her job will be much easier, right? If she can survive afterwards…

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

Why can this bastard give such a vicious suggestion with a sacred look on his face!

“Haasaka, don’t listen to this bastard talking nonsense…”

“By the way, if President Silver is handed over to me for treatment, I can make him recover right away…” Shimiya Teruya was only halfway through speaking, and Sougo Tama took the conversation and said, “Of course, this is. I’m talking nonsense…”

While talking, he applied a layer of ointment to Baiyin Yuxing’s face. Under the effect of the ointment, the hard-hit area on Baiyin Yuxing’s face began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Earth, earth, you, can you heal the president?” Seeing the hope of regaining youth, Shigiya Kaguya doesn’t care about the amazingly effective ointment, but instead asks Sougo Morama with a nervous expression on his face. Bai Yin Yuxing’s injuries…

Hayasaka loves more on her face-my eldest lady, this is not the time when you care about the chairman, you don’t see the effect of the ointment on the opponent’s hand, if it can be mass-produced by the Sinomiya family, miss The bargaining chip you have… Hayasaka Ai looks very worried, but she can’t directly remind her;

Analyzing from the situation just now, the guy surnamed Tujian in front of him didn’t seem to take the ointment too seriously. No matter how he looked at it, he seemed to take out the precious ointment with amazing effects in order to be angry with the young lady. , Obviously, this guy hasn’t realized how precious the ointment in his hand is at this time, but if she reminds the eldest lady now, this guy is not sure…

Fortunately, this place is remote and there are no outsiders. She can still advise the eldest lady after the fact. If she wants to come, no one will refuse to cooperate with the Sigong Family, right? In front of this earth…

and many more!

The soil! ?

Hayasaka Ai finally realized who this guy was in front of her, no wonder she always felt that this guy was familiar with him, he, he was clearly the Soma Sougo who embarrassed the lady! Isn’t this young lady’s thorny eye? Why would they… No, when did they get together! ? As the maid of the eldest lady, she didn’t even hear anything about it!

Damn it, if it’s from the Tujian family, it’s no wonder that Missy doesn’t care about the effect of the ointment at all. The Tujian family does have the confidence not to cooperate with the Si Gong family!

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