Chapter 692 Don’t ask why you can not chaos in the face of danger, ask is to prepare early!

Fortunately, the hallucinated Blacken Fourth Palace has been blinded by anger, causing her to ignore the silver imperial next to Doma Sougo, and only want to offer the other shore flower to the asshole, so she did not notice the silver imperial With that expression of doubting life, otherwise, her Blacken level would probably be deeper…

Of course, even if her Blacken level is ten times deeper, it is not difficult for Soma Tuma to wake up the other party, as long as Blacken’s fourth house vents the anger in his heart, so he is replying. After arriving at Baiyin Yuxing’s side, he whispered:

“Chairman Silver, I have three news to explain to you now. One is good news, one is bad news, and the other is good news. What are you going to hear first?”

Bai Yin Yuxing, who was considering whether to seek medical treatment, was dumbfounded: “?_?”

“Is there any worse news than mental illness?”

“Of course there is!” Sougo Morama said calmly: “That’s because I made a mistake in judgment. Bai Yin, your condition is not serious enough to share hallucinations. The eldest lady in the fourth house in front of you is a real thing, not an illusion!”

“…” Bai Yin Yuxing: “Wait, this isn’t bad news, is it?”

Wait, isn’t it an illusion? In other words, the murderous girl in front is really the fourth house?

“Guru~!” Bai Yin Yuxing swallowed his saliva, Si, Si Gong, she still has this, such a side…

“Think about it, she was sprayed by Kuole just now. Although Kuole was sent by me, the reason why it was sprayed is entirely due to you, President Silver…” Ren, Zong Wu looked at Si Gong Huiye, who was slowly walking forward with a murderous intent, and said: “Look again, that guy has lost his reason because of this incident…

If you don’t control her and let her vent her anger here, I’m afraid there will be a large area of ​​casualties…”

Mass casualties? What do you think of her in the fourth house? Bai Yin Yuxing looked at the murderous Blacken in the fourth house, and decided to hide this sentence in his heart, but said: “You…” Can’t you control the fourth house?

But when he didn’t say anything, he heard Sougo Doma’s face annoyed and said:

“If I didn’t agree to you, Ten Bottles of Kuole, who made peace, then I can stop her as an enemy now, but now…”

Silver Royal Line: “…”

Is this so principled?

Why should we be principled on this kind of thing!

“Then what’s the good news?”

“The good news is, President Bai Yin, your labor has not lost its value, and Kuole has played its due role…”

Silver Royal Line: “…”

The role it deserves! ? Wait, doesn’t this effect mean spraying her face in Si Gong? Is this good news? If there is no such good news, there will be no bad news above!

“The good news is…”

“I have a wealth of escape experience, and I am not familiar with Shigiya Kaguya, so…” Sougo Tama smiled and said: “Even if she is making trouble, it has nothing to do with me. As long as something happens, I will not be there. That’s it.”

“You don’t want to run away…” The corner of Bai Yin Yuxing’s mouth twitched.

“Bingo!” Sougo Tōma said with a look of emotion: “As expected of President Silver, you can see all this, then, goodbye!”

“Wait, wait…” As soon as the voice fell, Bai Yin Yuxing hurriedly said, the man’s sixth sense told him that the reason why she became such a murderous appearance in Si Gong is definitely related to the guy in front of her. No matter if he stands in any position, he can’t let this guy leave easily…

Although the idea is good, but Sumaru Toma is too well prepared and too fast. As soon as Baiyin Yuxing wanted to intercept him, he was shocked by the opponent’s operation, and threw the smoke bomb first!

Facing the smoke suddenly appearing around, Bai Yin Yuxing: “…”

Is this guy a ninja? He just came to take the test very ordinary, shouldn’t it be wrong? Why would anyone carry a smoke bomb during the exam? I am afraid that no one would believe what he encountered today!

Immediately afterwards, he felt a strong wind blow across his cheeks. Under the pressure of this wind, he could not even open his eyes. Fortunately, the duration of this wind pressure was very short, about one or two seconds. That’s it.

However, when he opened his eyes, the smoke had disappeared, and Tuma Zougou was already ten meters away from him…

This speed is not too fast, but…

“Soul of the earth, give me fertilizer for the flowers of the other side!” When Bai Yin Yuxing opened his eyes again, the murderous Sigong Huiye had already rushed to him. Before he could say anything, Sigong Huiye was already there. An angry iron fist was thrown at him.

“Puff!” There was an angry iron fist on his stomach, Bai Yin Yuxing felt a sting, and the inside was like a fire. He quickly covered his stomach and said: “Fourth, fourth house…”

“Ha, ha ha…” With a blow Jiangong, Si Gong Hui Ye showed a sickly smile on her face. She looked at the “Song Wu” in front of her and said, “Do you want to beg for mercy now? It’s too late, asshole in the soil,” Do you know how long I waited today?”

While talking, Shigiya Kaguya once again threw a punch at “Toma Sougo”, then took another elbow, and when “Toma Sougo” bowed his head due to pain, she put another knee top…

This set of tactics was eloquent. Before “Tama Sougou” could say anything, he had already replaced words with painful shouts because of pain: “…”

This made Mujian who was hiding behind a tree more than 30 meters away and peeking with emotion: “When a woman gets fierce, it really doesn’t matter to a man, but this proves my far-sightedness. The simulated mask that I used as a template…”

“Boom…” At the same time he was feeling emotional, Shi Yin Yuxing, who had suffered from the unwarranted calamity, had been beaten to the ground. He looked at the murderous Sinomiya Kaguya in his eyes and recalled that Tama Sougou just now. Fan words: “Si Gong has lost his sanity because of Kuo Le’s spray on his face, and the six relatives don’t recognize it…”

At that time, Bai Yin Yuxing thought that Tama Sougo was exaggerating, but now he wants to say: “You are going to bring me with you!”

How did she change from an illusion to a real person in Si Gong? Being beaten like this, it is better to let him fall into a hallucination!

“Soil bastard…” While Shi Yin Yuxing was lying on the ground feeling upset, Si Gong Huiye also sneered looking at the “Song Wu” who fell on the ground and panted, “Tsk tsk, I didn’t expect. Are you so weak? You fell down before I tried hard enough. Then, you can bear it…”

Silver Royal Line: “…”


and many more! What does it mean that he fell down without exerting any force? What’s the big move next? Is he too late to buy insurance now?

“Fourth, fourth house, calm down, don’t let anger occupy your sanity, calm down…” Regardless of whether he can buy insurance or not, he will have to help himself. Bai Yin Yuxing feels that the top priority is to restore sanity to the fourth house. At the very least, you have to recognize people clearly: “Violence…”

“Oh… earthy bastard, are you begging for mercy?” Shigiya Kaguya laughed sickly again: “I am very calm now. After so many years of fighting skills, I finally came in handy today. what!”

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