Chapter 691 Bai Yin Yuxing: This is really an illusion, and there are flaws everywhere

why! ?

Why can she be fooled twice by the same trick? ? How boring this bastard is! ?

Bai Yin Yuxing, who shook Kuole vigorously in the back, saw this scene: “Sure enough, there was an illusion. She had seen me shaking here for a long time, so how could she even take Kuole to shower herself in Si Gong? I don’t know. Can this disease be cured? It will cost a lot.”

Skip it here for now.

“Miss Si Gong, this is the Kuole you asked to change. No wonder I, originally, I wanted to spray my face to apologize for what happened at the beginning, but I was helpless if I was snatched by you. Ah, is it so difficult to apologize?” Sougo Doma shrugged as he looked at Shigiya Kaguya with red eyes.

“Do you think I would believe it?” The red light in Shigiya Kaguya’s eyes became more intense, and a dark mist seemed to rise all around her: “You did it on purpose! You are talking to me. At that time, I deliberately let me see the Kuole in my hand. If you want to apologize, why did you choose to let me see your actions at that time…”

“Life needs surprises, so an apology seems sincere, doesn’t it?” Sougo Tama shook his fingers.

“In that case, why didn’t you refuse when I offered the exchange?”

“I refused!” Sougo Tama blinked, “But, you didn’t agree with the fourth house, you still insisted on changing…”

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

But, Damn it! She, Sigiya Kaguya was actually calculated by this bastard, in that case, would everyone choose to exchange?

“But if it’s an apology, can you explain this situation directly?”

“Then there is no sense of surprise? Doesn’t an apology appear to be insincere? By the way, you didn’t see that my face changed at the time? I finally thought of the method of atonement…” Tuma Sougo said with emotion. .

It was because her expression had changed that she guessed that the Kuole in her hands had lost her hands and feet, and Sigong Kaguya wanted to roar like this.

“In fact, I try my best to keep this from happening…” While she was annoyed, Sougo Tama continued: “If you wait a little longer, wait for the gas in the bottle to dissolve in the water again. Turn it on and this will not happen. For this reason, I have always emphasized that I am not thirsty, but in the fourth house, you have to use Kuole to have a toast. I am also helpless!”

Sigiya Huiye gritted his teeth, so this pot is still hers?

“Speaking of it, it’s the fourth house that you are too impatient to wait…” Sougo Tama analyzed his chin and said.

“Haha…” Sigong Huiye sneered. At that time, it was the best time to have a grudge. What happened to her impatiently?

“I understand your thoughts, in order to taste President Silver’s mind earlier, so…”

Si Gong Huiye’s mouth twitched: “…”

Don’t, don’t say it! That said, she was even more aggrieved. Not only did she not drink the Kuole that the president bought, she didn’t even get a face, and the culprit was…Sigiya Kaguya, the level of Blacken was 30%.

“But, then again, this is after all the liquid that President Silver shook out by himself? Can’t say…”

“Huh?” Sigong Huiye was taken aback: “What do you mean?”

“Didn’t you say that I was the only boy who sprayed your face? Now there is one more…” Sougo Doma shrugged.

“The president would not do such a thing, if it weren’t for you!” Si Gong Huiye’s eyes kept releasing killing intent!

“Even if the eldest sister of the four palaces said so, I can’t deny that this is indeed the liquid swayed by the hand of President Silver?” Sougo Tsuchima pointed to the other side’s face and said with great joy: “Boy’s hand, as expected. Full of miracles…”

“What about the liquid that the president shook? Isn’t it you who brought me to spray myself?” Si Gong Huiye stared coldly.

“No, Miss Si Gong has forgotten it again? You snatched it by yourself, wait…” Doma Sougo seems to have reacted, looking at the other party with a look of uncertainty: “Si Gong, you Wouldn’t you know that this is the liquid that President Silver shook out, so I deliberately grabbed it and sprayed it myself?”

“Why do you think I would do such a thing? Do I look like an idiot?” Shigiya Kaguya continued to stare coldly.

“After all, that is the liquid that President Silver shook out with his hand. It is very commemorative to say it!” Sougo Morama chuckled lightly.

“What do you mean by this!? What if the president shakes it out? How can there be any commemorative significance?” Si Gong Huiye was puzzled.

“…” The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched, feeling like he was harming the little sister: “Sigong, are you really a high school student?”

“Huh?” Shigiya Huiye was taken aback: “Sougen Tuma, what do you mean?”

“Generally speaking, the liquid that boys shake out with their hands mostly refers to %¥#*%¥#*#@ (silence)…” Doma, an adult, Sougou!

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

She seemed to be surprised. After a while, her pretty face quickly turned red, and after a while, she heard her shout again: “Domain Sougo! Do you have a lower limit!”

Shigiya Kaguya, Blacken’s degree is 99%.

“What does it matter to me? Isn’t the person who snatched you? I just told a fact, I seriously suspect that Miss Sigong you deliberately snatched the bottle of Kuole!” Sougo Tachi shrugged. Shrugged.

“I can’t do that kind of thing! Wait…” Shimiya Kaguya suddenly remembered something, no wonder, no wonder that when she said that she was sprayed by Sou Wu, many people used weird things. Looking at her, those guys are also…

“What’s the matter?” Tuma always felt puzzled.

“Heh, hehe…” Thinking of the weird eyes baptism she had experienced over the years, Shigiya Kaguya twitched her shoulders and made a sound like a smile but not a smile. After a while, she gritted her teeth and said: “Truth Jian Wu…”

Shigiya Kaguya, Blacken level is 120%, Super Blacken succeeded!

“Go to hell to reflect on the sins you have committed!” As the saying goes, Blacken is weak by three points, and Blacken is ten times stronger, even if he knows that he is not the opponent of Sou Maura, but Shimiya Kaguya fights. His Blacken state still rushed to the other side brazenly, and shot like lightning, vowing to send the unscrupulous bastard in front of him to Santuchuan.

“Wait, wait, did I say something wrong? From the moment you came here, Miss Si Gong, I have always presented facts and made sense…” Facing Kaguya Si Gong’s small fist punched your chest (straight Fist punches, if Hiratsuka is here, you may not be able to share his iron fist experience with her), Tama Sougo stepped back, and after several consecutive backflips, he turned directly back to Shirogin Yuxing’s side. .

Looking at all of this, Bai Yin Yuxing said in his heart: “This illusion is really getting easier and easier to see. Although the fourth house has amazing strength, she is not such a girl who can do things casually, even more. Besides…

The clever girl in the fourth house has suffered a loss in the hands of this inhumane guy next to him. Before he is sure, the fourth house will be even more impossible to do it. The fourth house in the hallucination is really big The usual fourth house is completely different. Sure enough, the fourth house in reality is the fourth house…

This is just an illusion in the skin of the fourth house! ”

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