Chapter 690 Is it difficult to give some trust?

Britain, the British royal family offers black tea! ?

Isn’t this bastard Domama wanting to ruin the president once? What’s more, there is no way for the chairman…Wait, this bastard must also understand this. Is he trying to humiliate the chairman? Sure enough, this nasty bastard didn’t even want to easily let go of the chairman…

no! As a member of the Student Union (Daefog), she must not let the president be humiliated!

Sovereign Tama hasn’t finished speaking, Shigiya Kaguya’s brain has already figured out the “truth”: “Tama-san is joking. Speaking of identities, we are all students now, aren’t we? Kuole is enough. give it to me.”

“Nuo,” Sougo Tuma passed Kuole in his hand after hearing the words: “I didn’t expect to hear this from Miss Si Gong, I remember, Si Gong has always regarded itself very high, don’t say it. Common people, even aristocrats with a little ordinary family background…” I don’t think much of it.

Before the following words could be spoken, Shigiya Kaguya accepted the words blankly:

“Can I think that you are slandering our fourth house family? What’s more, I don’t think that the decency of the fourth house family needs to be maintained by foreign objects. Everywhere in the meeting, you will use extravagant foreign objects to satisfy your own vanity with insufficient foundation.”

These remarks were quite innuendo and contended. Sougo Tama assumed that this was a provocation to him. He smiled at this:

“Woo~! Then treat it as slandering the Sigong family, what can a decent Sigong family do with me? Also, by the way, Miss Sigong who does not rely on foreign objects to maintain her body, you Do you know how many yen a bottle of Cole is in your hand? Do you know the minimum hourly wage for odd jobs in restaurants, convenience stores, etc.?”

Si Gong Huiye gritted his teeth: “…”

This bastard in the soil is really arrogant~! He actually dared to say in front of her that he was slandering the Sigong Family. What’s wrong? Damn it, why does this kind of guy have a dad with a thousand-year-old wizard!

Besides, what are the questions this bastard asks, why does she have to know how much a bottle of Kuole is? Does the hourly salary of the convenience store have anything to do with her? That’s right, this bastard must be embarrassing her to get fat… embarrassing her Shigiya Kaguya!

But before she could argue with anything, Sougo Tuma pointed at the Kuo Le Dao in his own hand.

“I’m going to change the way of asking, Miss Si Gong, do you know how long it takes the Silver President over there to do odd jobs for this bottle of Kuo Le?” Speaking of this, Sougo Doma must hold his hands. Unscrew the Kuole cover: “Doesn’t rely on foreign objects to maintain? Excuse me, Miss Si Gong has less than 10,000 yen in her purse…”

“Wait!” After noticing Tuma Sougou’s movements, Sigiya Kaguya moved in his eyes, and suddenly said, “Doma-san, let’s not talk about other things in advance, let’s exchange the Kuole in our hands!”

Sou Wu Tama’s face changed when he heard this, and he looked a little stiff: “Sigong, isn’t it necessary?”

“…” Sigong Huiye rolled his eyes in his heart. This bastard was really bad, and this Kuole was actually used by him. He wanted to use the same trick twice on her? This is to treat her Si Gong Huiye as an idiot. She is going to let this bastard steal the rice this time: “I think your bottle will taste better…”

“That’s just your illusion, you see, how can there be a difference in the taste of the same Kule, mass-produced soda? He, hehe…” Tuma always grinned.

“…” Shigiya Huiye rolled her eyes. This guy is so stupid now, he almost didn’t move his hands and feet to write on his face. How could she be teased by such a stupid bastard in the first place? While thinking about this, Shigiya Huiye handed Kuole back in his hand: “Then Doomasan should satisfy my illusion!”

Sou Wu Tama’s face grew stiffer: “Really, really want to change it?”

“Of course!” Shigiya Huiye handed Kuole back to Sougo Tuma, while taking Kuole from the other party’s hands: “Sango Tuma was thirsty just now, right? You are welcome, you can now. Drink to your heart’s content…”

“Actually…” Sougo Tama shook his head: “I’m not very thirsty…”

“Huh!?” A scary red light appeared in Si Gong Huiye’s eyes: “Is Tuma-san not thirsty? Or is he afraid to open Kuole?”

“In the fourth house, you actually suspect me? I thought you shouldn’t doubt me in terms of our cooperative relationship. Am I like the kind of person who can do things?” Sougo Tama was hurt.

“…” Can’t say like, be bold, how good is it to use it directly? What interrogative sentence and affirmative sentence are good? This unaware soil bastard——Sigong Kaguya murmured like this in his heart.

“Since Tamasan has said so…”

“Kuo Le doesn’t need to be opened?” Tuma Zougou said with joy on his face.

“That’s not right!” Shigiya Huiye smiled evilly: “Since it is a cooperative relationship, then, let us come to our cooperation to have a toast?”

“Who would touch Kuole to celebrate, Fourth Palace, you just don’t trust me, or I swear it, if anyone does something on Kuole, who…”

“Stop!” Sigong Huiye stopped directly, don’t think she hadn’t seen it, the president he was still shaking Kuole desperately over there!

“I don’t care that Kuole didn’t do anything, it’s just a way of celebrating. Why can’t you touch Kuole? Or is it that you don’t want to show your face?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Cheers, Toma!” Sigiya Kaguya seemed to turn on a certain switch, looking at the tense face of Toma Sougo, her heart was full of joy, and she was not slow in action, directly holding the Kuole bottle. Invite.

“Guru~!” Toma Zougou could only swallow his saliva, and then tremblingly touched the opponent with Kuole: “Cheers, but you, Si Gong, let me slow down for a while. Can you open it? I’m really not thirsty now…”

“Even if you are not thirsty, you can drink first, right, Tujian?” Si Gong Huiye sneered.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Uh~!” He took a step back and suddenly pointed to the back of Sigong Huiye: “Look at the flying saucer!”

“Don’t say it’s just a flying saucer, even if an alien appears, I have to watch you open the bottle and take a sip. I count one, two, three, and we open it together…” Si Gong Huiye sneered.

“Sigong, listen to me…”


“No, it’s not a question of whether you are happy or not…”

“Two! If you confess your mistakes to the president now, I don’t need to embarrass you!” Sigiya Kaguya threatened.

“Impossible!” Sougo Morama is so tough!

“Then, three… let’s open it together…”

Toma Zongwu gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, put his hand on the bottle cap, and put on a face of life and death, he would do it if he didn’t accept it, and he would be a hero again after eighteen years!

Sigiya Kaguya sneered in her heart, and when she twisted the bottle cap in her hand, she focused all of her attention on Sougo Tuma. This bastard showered her face with Kuole, and now she is finally going to get revenge. NS!

“Stop, bang…”

However, when she was observing the total enlightenment of the earth, she did not find that the gas in her bottle rose rapidly. Driven by the gas, Kuole sprayed out from the bottle mouth, forming a coke fountain, and once again drenched in Shimiya Teru. Ye gave a look.

“So, didn’t I say, I really didn’t touch the bottle in my hand?” And Sougo Tama stepped aside, and gently unscrewed the Kuole cap in his hand: “Why do you always tell the truth? Believe it? The fourth house, you say this world is strange…”

Sigong Kaguya who was showered all over again: “…”

For a long while!

“Souma Sougen!”

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