Chapter 680: How to Eliminate Memory? simple!

To screen out the scenes with the most beautiful images and the most beautiful pictures from the movies and TV series performed by a certain actor is actually quite a time-consuming task. When Ms. Sakurajima realized this, she finally I understand why Doma Sougo looked at her like a tool person, so why is this using her as cheap labor?

“Need help?” Just as she gritted her teeth in annoyance, a cold voice came from behind Ms. Sakurajima.

“Mai, why are you still asleep?”

“Can’t sleep…” Mai Sakurajima stepped forward and sat side by side with Ms. Sakurajima: “Otherwise, Kasang will go to sleep!”

“I don’t have much sleep, speaking of it, it seems that Mai and I have not been alone in such a long time.” Ms. Sakurajima said with emotion.

“Uh~!” Mai Sakurajima was silent for a while before nodding: “It’s been a long time indeed.”

“Mai, I’m sorry…”

“Huh!?” A trace of puzzlement and confusion flashed in Mai Sakurajima’s eyes.

“I heard from Zongwu. The reason why you have this symptom is also inseparable from your experience. If, if your mother doesn’t have you to enter the showbiz…”

“Kasan, actually, I really like acting!” Before Ms. Sakurajima could finish speaking, Mai Sakurajima turned her head and interrupted the other party.

“Is that so?”

“Well, this scene can be used? I remember that in order to capture this scene, I NG a dozen times…” Mai Sakurajima nodded, pointing to the scene of a little girl smiling back in the sun.

“Yes, at that time, Mai, you were almost scolded by the director, right?” Ms. Sakurajima pursed her lips and smiled as if thinking of something.

“At that time, it was Kasan who kept encouraging me to make me confident to shoot this scene…” Sakurajima Mai also did the same.

“And this scene, at that time…”

Some memories have passed for a long, long time, but once they are recalled, the feelings deposited in those memories will become mellow.

“Sougo-kun, do you have a way to make the memory disappear?” Soon after separating from the mother and daughter of Mai Sakurajima, Sougo Tama received the line from Kasumigaoka Shiwa.

“You’re asking the right person!” As a member of the bowing clan, Sougou Leap, who was driving between the tree trunks, thought that he was safe.

“Wait, do you really have one?” The message came back quite quickly.

“…Since you think it is impossible, then Shiyu, why do you ask me?”

“I just asked casually, I didn’t expect Zongwu Jun to still not disappoint! Ask, how can one’s memory disappear?”

“Kill him!” In the soil, the murderer, Zou Wu.


“Easy? When people die, there must be no such thing as memory.”

“Don’t make killings so easy, is there no more reliable way? Sou-go-kun?”

“Shiyu whose memory do you want to erase?”


“Well, since there isn’t, I won’t tell you how to…” Sougo Tama entered the tram, the gathering place of the bowed tribe, and replied to the news.

“Do you really have a way to erase other people’s memories?”


After the message was sent, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu replied to the message until she was about to get off the tram: “Question, Zong Wu-jun, do you have any sequelae of the so-called erasing of memory?”

“…You have got the idea!” After sending this message, the tram has arrived at the station.

“No sequelae?”

“There is a high probability that the subject of amnestics will become a vegetable. After all, the brain will suffer a heavy blow…”

“Sou-go-kun, are you talking about the thing in the legend, physical amnesia? -_-!”

“Of course~! Otherwise, the frontal lobe of the brain is removed? It is said to be able to treat mental illness!”

“…Sou-go-kun, don’t think I don’t know if I read less. The surgery to remove the frontal lobe of the brain was banned internationally decades ago, right?”

“That’s right, but Shiyu, you only asked how to make the memory disappear, right? Or, do you want to erase the memory with the flash of a flashlight like in a science fiction movie?”

“is it okay!?”

“What do you think?” In fact, this technology is really there, but it is more complicated to operate. It needs to enter the laboratory, bring his special brainwashing apparatus, and enter the incubator. Originally, he wanted to use this This technique is used to inhibit his memory ability, but unfortunately, it is useful for others, but for himself, but the brainwashing device cannot withstand the pressure and breaks…

“Um… well, Sou-go-kun, I actually want to help you with something!”


“Art comes from life but is higher than life. Isn’t Zongwu opposed to it?”

“Then what?” Tuma always wondered what happened to Shiyu.

“Therefore, art tends to exaggerate certain scenes. In fact, it is only a form of expression of art. In fact, it is not so exaggerated…”


“For example, Zhenbai. As an internationally renowned artist, she often records the little things around her in exaggerated ways, but in fact, it is not so exaggerated. I said that, Zongwujun, do you understand?”

“When you brought Zhenbai to meet Yuanzi today, something unexpected happened and it was recorded by Zhenbai?” Sougo Tama tried to translate.

“…The point is the exaggerated performance technique!”

“So, what happened?”

“That guy Yuanzi didn’t trust me. She felt that some of my final rolls were not worthy of true white illustrations. Readers would think that they were toilet paper for buying illustrations…”

“Then, Shiyu, are you Blacken?”


“Immediately afterwards, really white painted you Blacken?”

“That’s really white using an exaggerated technique…”

“Is Zhenbai still alive?”

“Zong Wujun#^_^!”

“Sorry, I sent the wrong message. If it’s really white, you won’t ask Shiyu if I know how to erase people’s memories…”

“…Don’t look like you get the answer after reasoning!”

“Wait, it’s also possible that the true white is gone, Shiyu, what you want to erase is the memories of other witnesses, but that’s not necessarily!” Tujian, never too big of a problem, Zong Wu.

“Am I a murderer? If it’s really white, I don’t need to mention any exaggerated expressions to you~!”

“Then she is seriously injured or slightly injured?”

“Zongwu-jun, what image am I in your heart?”

“Stupid image, I haven’t seen your Blacken look, in fact, it’s quite cute…” Looking at the door of the house in front of him, Tama Sougou smiled on his face and tapped his finger. The message was sent successfully.

He also opened the door along the way: “I’m back~!”

“It’s really white, a woman who is too obsessed with the past can not become a great cartoonist…” Then, it was such a word that first came to his ears.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Is this the legendary Xiazhiqiu, Huyou, Shiyu?

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