Chapter 681 Of course it’s because I have an “enmity” with her!

The earth is still turning, driving time. The bunny girl’s problem has not been solved yet, but it’s time for the prestigious school entrance exam.

“Ha~!” During this special period, Sougo Doma still yawned when he stepped into the school, his eyes were red, and he looked as though he hadn’t been asleep yet.

In response, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu twitched the corners of her mouth, but before she could say anything, she heard the young lady on the side burying herself and saying: “This fellow O’Neill must have cleared the “XX Legend” all night last night… ”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s eyelids twitched upon hearing this: “…”

Playing games all night? Sou-kun is afraid that he really wants to change his job to become a slave knight? She thought for a while, if this is true, it will be fine, and the first order will let him destroy the painting of Zhenbai! Her image! !

Ignore this, this time the entrance exam is quite formal, and even the students participating in the assessment have disrupted the order, and then randomly assigned to other prestigious schools for the test. The strictness is comparable to the national entrance exam and the invigilator. The same is true.

Of course, if capital is involved, it is another matter.

For example, in the private Hidechi Garden, Shinomiya Teruya, Hayasaka Ai, Fujiwara Chika… etc., are all assessed at our school.

As for private Toyosaki, buried in the soil, Sawamura Hideri, Sougoto, Kasumioka, Yukino, Shiina Mashiro, Tamaki Ako, etc., are also tested at our school.

“Classmate, do you look sleepy?” When Doma Sougo walked into the examination room lazily, yawning and leaning against the desk, the boy sitting in front of him turned his head and looked at him with grim eyes.

“Ha~ owe!” To this, Sougo Tama lazily patted his mouth in response: “Congratulations, I am not blind~! I can still see that I am sleepy…”

The boy’s mouth twitched when he heard the words: “Classmate, this is a prestigious school entrance exam!”

“Uh, what then?” Tuma always realized that he was puzzled.

“…” The boy with stubborn eyes didn’t want to talk anymore. He probably couldn’t understand the thoughts of scumbags in his entire life, right? A sleepy-eyed guy who can pass the entrance exam of a prestigious school, if in their school…

“Don’t speak, I was just about to fall asleep, and you woke me up too much, isn’t it a bit too much?” Before the boy had finished thinking about it, the earth seemed to be a little more awake, except for those who bothered me to fall asleep peacefully. Guy, he still has a lot of energy to get up.

“…” The man with a hideous look in his eyes suffered from the innocent disaster.

“Are you staring at me?” Tuma Zougou felt that the guy in front of him was quite inexplicable. He interrupted him to rest, and stared at him fiercely. Is this, hate him? Or, find a reason to kill the other party?

“Hey many, I just haven’t slept well for a long time, classmates, what you call staring, is actually dead fish eyes and dark circles…” In line with the principle that more is better than anything, the man with ugly eyes explained.

“So that’s it?” Sougo Tama looked at the other’s hideous eyes again. Indeed, it was because of dark circles under the eyes and sleepy eyes.

“Classmate, can you understand?” The man with savage eyes was rather surprised when he heard the words.

“Not at all…” Sougo Tama shook his head and spoke in a rather wicked way: “However, I suspect that you woke me up because you want to take the opportunity to make me look like you and look savage.”

“Huh?” The man with sullen eyes looked dumbfounded when he heard the words. He was pitiful. He had never thought of this before. He just kindly reminded the other party that this is a prestigious school entrance exam, don’t sleep!

“You want to turn the handsome me into scornful eyes, let’s talk, are you planning for a long time, or are you making a temporary intention?” Sougo Doma squeezed his chin.

“Wait, wait, I don’t even know you!”

“I see, you made a temporary intention!” Sougo Tama’s eyes looked like a knife.

Man with savage eyes: “…”

What is this all about!

“Who let you come?” Sougo Tama continued.

“School arranged, by the way, I’m here for the exam!” The man with savage eyes twitched at the corner of his mouth.

“Understood, that is to say, this is your own initiative, right?”

The man with savage eyes wanted to cry without tears: “…”

“Classmate, how can you believe that I am not malicious to you? As long as I can do it…”

“I believe you are not malicious.” Doma Sougo said with half-squinted eyes. He remembered who this guy was in front of him. The great philosopher Lu Xun once said: If you can’t climb to the top, then you just have to The people on the top of the peak are thrown away, and the place where you are becomes the top of the peak-Sougo Tama is ready to give it a try.

“Huh!?” The man with ferocious eyes was taken aback when he heard the words: “Then, then you still…”

“I just passed the boring time before the exam for a while…” Sougo Tama shrugged.

Man with savage eyes: “…”

What’s the matter with this person?

But before he could say anything, Sougo Tama said astonishingly:

“Of course, while passing the time, I can also observe by the way, what kind of character is the guy who likes Shigiya Kaguya, it seems to be quite profitable, just like I thought, it is a shame!” It is for cooperation. On the top, the soil always digs a hole, and at the same time sends a wave of assists to Kuole Ji.

The look in his eyes should say Baiyin Yuxing: “…”


Why does this guy know that he likes Kaguya Sinomiya? No, what the hell is shaking M?

“Don’t, don’t talk nonsense, I and the fourth palace are innocent…”

“Tsundere?” Tsundere said in a rather rational tone. Most people heard it and were absolutely convinced.

“Who Tsundere!?”

This time, Tsuma Sougou didn’t speak, but just looked up and down with his eyes. The meaning is self-evident—Of course it’s you in Tsundere?

“Wait, why do you know about me and Si Gong? You shouldn’t be a student of Xiuzhiyuan, right?”

“Of course it’s because of…” Sougo Tama showed a wicked smile upon hearing this: “I have an enmity with Shigiya Kaguya. Of course I have to investigate the guy who appears next to the enemy. Are you right? White~silver~will~long!”

Sougo Tama thinks that Principal Yamamoto should really thank him. If the news he got is correct, this guy in front of him is the ace player of the private Shuichien. Now he is so influenced by him, and he doesn’t know when he took the exam. How much strength can the opponent show…

“You, you have an enemy with the fourth house!?” Baiyin Yuxing said in a cold sweat, what the hell, he came to take the exam and ran into the fourth house’s enemy. Is it because the fourth house has too many enemies, or is he lucky back?

“Does President Silver think I will lie? If there is no deep hatred, I don’t think anyone will be stupid enough to regard the eldest daughter of the fourth house as an enemy?” Tujian is so stupid, Sougo!

This is what Bai Yin Yuxing thought in his heart, so, what kind of hatred and grievance did this guy have with Si Gong? Just as he was thinking about it, Tujian always realized that he spoke again:

“I still remember the things that Sigong Huiye did to me…” It was obviously a hateful word, but he smiled and said it gently.

This performance made Bai Yin Yuxing’s heart tense. If Tuma Zougou is angry and embarrassed, he probably doesn’t think anything, but the other party has a gentle face. Obviously, this guy who says he has hatred with Si Gong , I can calm down, and the revenge of this kind of person is the most terrifying!

“So, do you know how excited I was when I recognized you? President Shirogane!” Sougo Tama turned the conversation again and started burying people!

Silver Royal Line: “…”

Wait, what does this guy mean?

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