Chapter 679 Another tool to make money, start!

When Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu finally realized that she had not made a mistake in the past, and that the guy who was really white was cut apart, it was absolutely pitch black.

Tokyo, XX (Confidential) Bay.

“Master Tuma, Mai can’t succeed at all, right?” After Mai Sakurajima explained what she wanted to do to Ms. Sakurajima, Ms. Sakurajima first expressed her full support for her, but she had something to do with Mai Sakurajima alone. When she left for a while, Ms. Sakurajima’s face was solemn, looking at Tama always enlightened.

“Huh?” Sougo Tama turned his head and looked at the other party: “Why does Ms. Sakurajima say that? Mai’s method that she came up with is hopeful to solve it fundamentally…”

“Master Tuma, I’m not a fool!” Before he could finish speaking, Ms. Sakurajima stared at him tightly, “Let’s not say whether Mai’s problem will be caused by her being recognized by the public. Yu, her current situation alone is already very troublesome for her comeback. May I ask, how can an object that cannot be seen by others reappear on the screen?”

“Well, shouldn’t this question be your agent’s responsibility?” Tsuchama Sougou said nonchalantly. It seemed that he didn’t take the other party’s statement seriously.

Ms. Sakurajima was silent for a while before lowering her head and said, “Sorry, I, I can’t think of a way, Master Muma, if you have another way or you can achieve Mai’s comeback, please…”

“Wait, didn’t Mai tell me? She can be observed by others while she is in school…” Tama Sougo reminded.

“I don’t think that the observation range of a school can change anything…” Ms. Sakurajima lowered her head again: “Mai is my daughter, I will never let her disappear, Master Muman, I beg you, help me! “.

“…” Toma always sighed secretly. Sure enough, anyone who hadn’t eaten their brains knew that Mai’s method was unreliable, but how could Mai reject such a simple and sensational deed that dropped the virus in the entire city? Having said that, if you change the method: “Ms. Sakurajima, it’s not that I don’t help. What if Mai discovers something is wrong, and then step on my foot?”

In fact, it is not impossible to change the method. In fact, if Mai’s own plan is handed over to him to optimize and optimize, it is also very possible to solve the symptoms of the other party.

Ms. Sakurajima: “…”


What did her daughter do during this time!

“Or, I will help you pull her away, or let the earth master step back under the linen?” Can this kind of statement work?

“This is what Ms. Sakurajima promised, so, is Ms. Sakurajima ready to give something?” Sougo Tama promised, seemingly delighted, but then, the conversation changed.

Ms. Sakurajima: “Huh!?”

“Ms. Sakurajima shouldn’t think that what I just said is the condition?” I am sorry for the pig who brought it to the door.

“What does Young Master Tujian want? As long as I have…”

“Don’t worry, Ms. Sakurajima must have it. I want half of Ms. Sakurajima’s studio…”

Ms. Sakurajima: “…”

She feels Tama Sougo is digging her heart. After so many years of starting a business, she has long regarded the studio as her own child. In her heart, even Mai…

“Of course, I don’t want your shares in vain. Under the same or slightly inferior conditions, I promise that the other party will give priority to the employees of Ms. Sakurajima’s studio. If the studio employees encounter threats…”

“Happy cooperation!” Ms. Sakurajima couldn’t wait to reach out her hand before Sougo Tama could finish her words.

“Kazan, Sougo, what are you doing?” When Mai Sakurajima came back, she saw the scene of Ms. Sakurajima shaking hands with Sougo Tama.

However, what Tama always thought was that the studio in the entertainment industry, which is a processing factory that can madly spend money by packaging people and packaging them abroad, did not expect to help the bunny girl and have this unexpected joy.

What Ms. Sakurajima thinks is that with the words of Young Master Tuma, in the future, her studio will be able to walk sideways in the entertainment industry. At that time, will it be full of talents and wealth?

“Mai is back. Auntie is just discussing with me how to make your comeback smoothly…” To the tool person who can help him make money, Sougo Doma has always been polite. He first changed his name: “Obviously, Auntie and I reached a consensus.”

Ms. Sakurajima: “…”

Why did she suddenly feel the feeling of drawing a wolf into the room? Is it because Young Master Tuma still looks like a master in her nanny car?

“Uncle, Auntie!?” Mai Sakurajima also shivered, and this was the first time I met! Already called the mother-in-law? This guy’s thoughts on her are known to passers-by, right? Although she doesn’t hate it very much, but it’s impossible to let her give in so easily! Well, now is not the time to care about these:

“Kasan, do you already have a plan? Is there anything I need to do?”

Ms. Sakurajima glanced at Sougo Morama as if asking for help: “…”

This guy is simply Zhang Kou Lai, when did they negotiate Mai’s comeback?

“Do you know? Fans are a forgetful group, but they are also the most memorable group. If the memories of fans can be used reasonably, Mai’s comeback plan will become very simple…” Facing the cooperation partner’s help, Sou Wu Tama took over the words quite naturally:

“If you do it properly, you might be able to make Mai you more popular than ever before you come back.”

“Using memory?” Sougo Tama’s words made Sakurajima’s mother and daughter listen to the cloud. Can the memory be used? How do you use it?

“Yes, using memory, it’s a lot of thanks to Mai, you are constantly being forgotten. For many people, Mai, you are just a blank piece of paper, you can say that you have no impression. However, this is not yours. Advantages, what color the white paper wants to turn into, isn’t it up to us?”

“What does this mean? Can you tell me directly, what do I need to do?”

“You now need to prepare for the comeback performance of the press conference. As for when the press conference will be held…” Sougo Tsuchima said with a light smile: “It’s fixed, the forgotten Mai has become the goddess of the nation, and a large number of fans are looking forward to demanding you strongly. When it comes back.”

Mai Sakurajima, Ms. Sakurajima:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

This guy is not exaggerating, is he? Can this kind of thing be done? Mai, her highest achievement is nothing but a super popular idol! National goddess? Do you want fans to look forward to her comeback? This, how powerful is this? Moreover, Mai (she) is still in a state of being forgotten!

Just as the mother and daughter were shocked, Tama Sougo turned his gaze to Ms. Sakurajima, and said with the look of a tool person:

“Auntie, as far as the current situation is concerned, your work is the most onerous…”

Ms. Sakurajima: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Is there anything about her in this? Her work is the heaviest? What does she need to do? Will it affect Mai? Do you want to be so sudden?

“Auntie, in the movies and TV series that Mai has performed, screen out her most beautiful characters as soon as possible, as well as her beautiful images in the series…”

“Huh~!” Ms. Sakurajima, the tool person, breathed a sigh of relief.

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