Chapter 676

“Ms. Sakurajima, you can answer me, why did you take my 500 million Fukuzawa Yukichi back then?” Sougo Tama had a bright face.

Ms. Sakurajima: “…”

“Master Tujian joked, but you asked my daughter Maichan to take a swimsuit photo…”

“Hey, Ms. Sakurajima just said that she didn’t have a daughter? I’ve been sure again and again…” Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.

Mai Sakurajima turned her back, and her mother did remember her, but she felt that she was remembered by the way because of the 500 million Fukuzawa Yukichi relationship. That’s so angry!

Ms. Sakurajima: “…Sorry!”

What happened to her just now, how could she forget whether she has a daughter?

“Forget it, since Ms. Sakurajima has admitted that she has a daughter, let’s talk about it. Isn’t your daughter Mai Sakurajima stepping on my foot?” Ms. Sakurajima, with a grudge, Sougou.


As soon as the voice fell, Sakurajima Mai had already turned and stepped on the insteps of Sougo Morama. Even if her mother was present, she was not at all afraid!

Ms. Sakurajima: “…”


What is she doing, Mai! ? Does she know the identity of the person in front of her? That’s the young master of the Tujian family! The big people who can make their mother and daughter can’t stay in this country with their mouths!

“Mai, don’t you think you are too much?” Sougo Tama also squinted while Ms. Sakurajima was panicking.

“What?” Mai Sakurajima still didn’t persuade.

“Maichan, don’t mess around!” This is Ms. Sakurajima.

“If you have the ability, don’t stare at one foot! Can’t you get another one?” This was Soma Sougoto, who spoke the most insulting lines in the most ferocious tone.

Mai Sakurajima in a good mood finally turned to look at Ms. Sakurajima again: “Mom…”

Ms. Sakurajima: “…”

Okay, she won’t get involved with young people, or she will have to be scared of heart disease.

“Huh~!” Tuma Sougo also breathed a sigh of relief. In order to ensure the mouse’s mentality, he was really hardworking. Fortunately, he didn’t hate this little mouse.

“Mai, why didn’t you tell me the first time this happened to you?” In the nanny’s car, Ms. Sakurajima, after listening to her daughter’s bizarre experience, her first reaction was not to believe it, but she even thought of her. She just forgot about having a daughter, she couldn’t believe it or not.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

In fact, if it were not for no alternative, she still didn’t want to tell the person in front of her who was her mother by blood.

“I know, Mai is desperate to face and suffer…” So, before she could speak, Tuma Zougou answered instead for her.

“You…” Sakurajima Mai gritted her teeth and glanced at Mottoma Sougo, who was sitting cross-legged.

Can’t you step on it like this? Tuma Sougo sneered in his heart, he could kill his popularity without doing anything.

Ms. Sakurajima: “…”

Hehehehe, it feels like this young master of the earth is quite approachable. Compared with other people, Mai Yi looks very rude!

“I just don’t want her to worry about it. After all, even if this kind of thing is said, it’s probably a problem for ordinary people to believe it…” While Ms. Sakurajima was thinking about it, Mai Sakurajima turned her head aside, she decided. Let’s ignore the Sougou between the earth.

Ms. Sakurajima opened her mouth when she heard the words. She seemed to want to say something, but in the end she chose to remain silent. However, this could not hide the eyes of Sougo Tama:

“Ms. Sakurajima seems to know something?”

Sakurajima Mai was taken aback when she heard the words, and then turned to look at Ms. Sakurajima.

“…” After Ms. Sakurajima was silent for a while, she spoke slowly as if she had made up her mind: “The situation that appeared on Mai’s body is very similar to a certain urban legend.”

“Urban legend? So, the situation on Mai’s body is not a special case?” Sougo Doma squeezed his chin and speculated. If this is the case, the number of mice seems to be increasing.

Ms. Sakurajima nodded: “I wonder if you have ever heard of adolescent syndrome?”

“Does excessive endocrine lead to the symptoms of acne? Or is excessive endocrine causing mental imbalance and rebellious thoughts, or is it…” Sougo Tama asked subconsciously.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

This is probably the difference between Xueshen and ordinary people? In this guy’s eyes, probably all phenomena can be explained by theory.

Ms. Sakurajima shook her head with shame: “The so-called puberty syndrome means that some strange things happen to children in adolescence. Some people say that they can hear the voice of others, some can see the future, and others. Wounds appear for no reason, etc…”

Sōgo Tama was stunned: “Why have I never heard of these things?”

“It’s probably because these things are too weird and bizarre, which has caused this urban legend to not spread so widely. Even if you have heard of it, most people think it is a rebellious fantasy of adolescence. If it weren’t for Mai, I would …” Ms. Sakurajima explained.

“Since it is called a symptom, in other words, it can be treated?” Sougo Doma is very aware of the point. If it can be treated with modern technology, doesn’t it mean that there is something he has overlooked. There is still a huge gap between the technology he has mastered and the entire era…

Just as Doma was thinking about it, Ms. Sakurajima shook her head: “If it can be cured, then it can’t be called an urban legend. It is precisely because people are clueless and unable to struggle…” At this point, she turned to look at the bunny girl: “Mai, don’t be afraid, no matter what other people are doing, mom will definitely find a way…”

It turned out that modern technology cannot be cured. Doma Sougo thought while looking at the scene in front of him, quite the feeling of watching maternal love in supernatural movies-even if he has no idea about the weirdness, he still has to stand with his children. before?

“No fear, in fact, this guy already has dozens of ways to solve the problem.” After Sakurajima Mai realized this, he pointed to Soma Sou, who was watching a play next to him.

“Huh?” Ms. Sakurajima, who had just brewed the emotion of protecting her baby, seemed to be embarrassed. She said with a quizzical expression: “Does Master Tuma have a way?”

The unsuccessful Doma nodded: “It’s all right there. Mai asked you to come out today, just to use her own method to solve her problems.”

“Mai figured it out by herself? It’s not that you, Master Tuma…” Ms. Sakurajima was puzzled.

“Because the solution I came up with Mai didn’t want to try…” Sougo Tama shrugged: “So, she referred to my theory and thought of a more troublesome method.”

“Mai…” Ms. Sakurajima turned her head to look at her daughter again: “Since Tama can solve the problem, why are you still…”

Mai Sakurajima twitched her mouth: “…”

Why does she not want to try? Is it human work to drop a virus on the entire city? Just try that method, no matter whether she disappears or not, waiting for her will only die! But she couldn’t tell her mother these words directly. If Ms. Sakurajima knew what this guy thought…

Mai Sakurajima can guarantee that her mother’s fear of the guy next to her from now on is far more than grateful!

If it really becomes like this, then a sprouting idea in her heart will cause a lot of trouble! ! !

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