Chapter 675 Why should I give you so much Fukuzawa Yukichi?

“…” Looking at Sougo Doma, who almost didn’t say please please me, Mai Sakurajima’s eyelids jumped, but she also knew that the guy next to him was telling the truth, and there was a backing of Doma’s homework. , Let alone walking sideways in the entertainment industry, even in the upper class as a whole, it is an unprovokable existence, but she should be allowed to hold her thighs…

“Don’t be embarrassed, take a look…” While Mai Sakurajima was thinking about it, Sougo Tama also put his hands around the nape of his neck down and patted his thighs and said, “Isn’t this thigh thick? Coarse, if Mai you…”


Seeing the guy with a sullen face in front of her, Mai Sakurajima decided to follow her heart, and she stepped on the back of the other person again: “I’m not a crab, why do I walk sideways? It’s you, but a mere boss Realize…”

“Mai, there is a limit to human patience…” Tōma Sougou’s face was full of kindness.

“So?” Mai Sakurajima looked at her coldly when she heard the words, showing no weakness.

“Mai, I’m not a person anymore!” Doma Zouwu narrowed his smile and slowly closed his eyes.

Mai Sakurajima’s mouth twitched: “…”

She was silent for a long while, retracting her feet, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly:


The beach in the afternoon does not seem to be different from the scene in the early hours of the morning. I have to say something, probably because there are a few more beach tourists. At the very least, it is like this in the eyes of Somatoto, let alone the beach at this time. In the guest, there is no seductive girl in a bikini at all, which makes him feel a little disappointed——

Otherwise, for a while, this bunny girl next to you will come and see in a bikini? As soon as Tōma Sougo thought that, an adult woman in professional attire with a serious face appeared in front of him-in fact, professional attire is also good, and maid attire can also be tried. You don’t have to be a bunny girl, a cat girl, Leopard girl or something…

“Mom…” As he was thinking about it, Mai Sakurajima suddenly said.

Toma Zou Wu was taken aback when he heard the words, he looked at the serious adult woman in front of him again. Is this Miss Bunny Girl’s mother? Is it too serious? No—the adult woman in front of her didn’t even see Mai Sakurajima next to him.

Mai Sakurajima seemed to have noticed this too, she looked a little at a loss: “…”

“Hey…” To this, Tama Sougo had to sigh again, thanks to him following: “Ms. Sakurajima, right?”

Mai Sakurajima was stunned, but before she could say anything, the adult woman turned her head to look at the uttering Sou Ma, “Is that you? Use spam to lead me out. What is your purpose?”

“Of course it is to ask Ms. Sakurajima, why does your daughter Mai Sakurajima keep stepping on my feet!” Sougo Tsuchima tilted his head.

Mai Sakurajima’s mouth twitched: “…”

Dog, the dog can’t spit out ivory!

Cheng, the serious-faced Ms. Sakurajima was also taken aback: “What nonsense are you talking about, where is my daughter?”

Sakurajima Mai seemed to be silent again when she heard this.

“Ms. Sakurajima is sure she doesn’t have a daughter?” Sougo Tama’s face was bright.

“Joke, do I have a daughter who doesn’t know about it?” Ms. Sakurajima frowned with a serious face.

“Then Ms. Sakurajima, why are you here today?”

“Of course you used spam to lead me over. What is your purpose? If you don’t say anything, I will call the police…”

Sakurajima Mai caught the hand of Sougo Tama after hearing this: “Sougo, let’s go back and think about a new way, I, I didn’t expect, just, even she…”

Sougo Tama shook his head, as if answering Mai Sakurajima and responding to Ms. Sakurajima: “Since Ms. Sakurajima does not have a daughter, why did you appear on the shooting scene of “Kasuga” nine years ago?”

Ms. Sakurajima was taken aback: “What does it have to do with you?”

Although she said that, she was still suspicious in her heart.

“Eight years ago, Ms. Sakurajima was still seen on the shooting site of “Study of the Sunshine”. Excuse me, why are you going there?” Sougo Tama continued to ask.

Ms. Sakurajima: “…”

Yes? What is she going there for?

“Seven years ago, Ms. Sakurajima looked like she was waiting for the commercial filming of [Lactic Acid Drink More Taste].”

Ms. Sakurajima: “…”

What is she doing all these years? What do those things have to do with her?

“six years ago……”

Ms. Sakurajima furrowed her brows tighter: “…”

“So, two years ago, why can you accept the huge reward I gave you?” Sougo Tama stepped forward and asked, “Ms. Sakurajima would not have forgotten the collection of 500 million Fukuzawa Yukichi? ”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”


Five, five hundred million Fukuzawa Yukichi, no, no wonder her mother was going to sell her! She is really worth the money…

“You, you are…” Ms. Sakurajima was even more taken aback. Faced with Sougo Doma’s questioning, she first stepped back two steps before she tremblingly said: “Ms. Tuma, Master Mu…”

“Ms. Sakurajima seems to have guessed who I am…” Sougo Tama smiled: “Excuse me, why did you accept my 500 million Fukuzawa Yukichi? I’m very curious! If I can’t say anything, Then I have lost such a huge sum of money in vain, who should be responsible for this?”

“No, it’s none of my business…” The seriousness on Ms. Sakurajima’s face has been changed to panic: “I, I really don’t know why, why did I accept…”

“Ms. Sakurajima, are you sure?” Sougo Tama stepped forward again: “Is there a traitor around me, and that traitor colluded with you to transfer my funds?”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

If she hadn’t witnessed the whole process, maybe she would really believe it, this guy would be too talented not to be an actor and screenwriter!

Ms. Sakurajima is panicking now, why is she involved in such an event that sounds like a giant struggle for no reason? To say that she didn’t participate, when she thought of the 500 million Fukuzawa Yukichi on her account, let alone other people, she didn’t even believe it! But the question is, when did she get involved in this kind of thing?

What did she do in the first place, why did she accept the other party’s 500 million Fukuzawa Yukichi? That’s 500 million, and the lottery wins only 300 million, and taxes are still to be paid! In “Into the Scientific Washing Machine”, one billion yen is called a bank robbery. She took 500 million without doing anything. Who would believe it? But she…

“Do you need me to find someone to help Ms. Sakurajima recall your memories?” Doma, the villain, Sougo!

Ms. Sakurajima shook her head quickly. Don’t think she doesn’t know what it means to find someone to help her remember. These giants are glamorous on the surface, but the private means are hard to say, and it’s dark. If she confiscates the money, it’s better. …

After all, how did she accept the money in peace? Even if you sell children and girls, wait, some memories suddenly appeared in Ms. Sakurajima’s mind: “Mr. Sakurajima, that’s 500 million yen. It’s not for you to sell children and girls. It’s just for Mai-chan to take some pictures. Swimsuit photo, are you sure you want to refuse?”

“Guru~!” Looking at the contract in front of her, Ms. Sakurajima swallowed, “I sign!”

By the way, it is Mai. The other party asked Mai to take a swimsuit photo, and only then gave her 500 million Fukuzawa Yukichi, Mai, Mai… Mai Sakurajima, her daughter Mai Sakurajima! ! !

Countless memories burst into Ms. Sakurajima’s mind suddenly, and she had to close her eyes to sort out the extra memories. When she opened her eyes again:

“Mai, why are you here?”

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