Chapter 677 What do you get for buying illustrations?

Tokyo, Akihabara District, XX Cafe.

“Shiba…” Machida Yuanzi looked at the somewhat naive and natural Shiina Zhenbai’s eyelids, then picked up the contract he carried with him, put Zhenbai aside, and said to Kasumigaoka Shiyu: “Are you sure of this. The child is that internationally famous genius and beautiful girl painter, Shiina really white?”

“Isn’t it?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said “didn’t understand”, cough cough, if she hadn’t seen a really white painting, it would be hard for her to believe that this natural black girl with almost the same voice as her would be an internationally renowned artist. , Known as the existence of only one in a thousand years.

“…” When Machida Yuanzi heard the words, she could only look at her chewing on the Baumkuchen again. It seemed that the girl who could not attract the attention of the other party except Baumkuchen was silent for a long while before holding her head and said: “Poetry Yu, do you know what it feels like to be disillusioned?”

“Probably like you are now Yuanzi?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu tilted his head and said.

“…” Machida Yuanzi’s mouth twitched, right!

“Shiyu, are you sure that this child can paint the effect you want? Although she is quite famous in the art world, illustration and oil painting…” After all, there are two different artistic expressions!

Before Machida Yuanzi could finish speaking, Kasumigaoka Shiwa turned his head to the natural underworld beside him: “It’s really white, show Yuanzi the original manuscript of the illustration you drew…”

“Huh?” Zhenbai was stunned while eating the Baumkuchen: “Shiyu, the editor is Ayano, not Yuanzi…”

Machida Sonoko: “…”


Who is that Ayano! ?

Shi, Shiyu will not betray her, will he? She hasn’t contacted her for such a short time, is Shi Yu just another person?

“True White, Ayano is your manga editor, and Yuanzi is my novel and your illustration…” It’s because Sougo Tama helped Kasanooka Shiyu mentioned Shiina’s true white relationship, otherwise, she would have to be ashamed, at this moment. , Xia Zhiqiu seems to have some understanding of what Sougo was thinking when he first contacted Zhenbai…

Shiina Mashiro with the BOSS panel is actually very safe! Xiazhiqiu Shiyu thinks so. After all, Zhenbai’s lack of common sense is almost equal to her talent for painting. It can only exist once a thousand years…

Just as Kasumigaoka explained the difference between manga editors and illustration editors to Mashiro, Machida Sonoko only heard the word manga:

“Shiyu, Shiyu…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu was taken aback: “Huh?”

“It has been reported in the news that Mr. Shiina is going to debut as a manga artist. Isn’t this true?” Machida Sonoko whispered. When she saw the news, she always thought that the other party was bragging, like true white. If the character wants to make his debut as a cartoonist, will he go to those small publishing houses?

The Undead Chuan Library where she is located is No. 1 in this country. In addition, the entire publishing house is vaguely spread. Their library is backed by a top chaebol. They are extremely powerful. Teacher Shiina wants to make a comic debut, the first choice. It should be their publishing house. After all, apart from the little black room, there is really nothing to blame for Undying Chuan…

“Zhenbai’s current goal is indeed to debut as a manga artist…” Just as Machida Yuanko was meditating, Kasumigaoka Shiyu gave an affirmative reply.

Machida Sonoko: “…”


What happened at the beginning turned out to be true? Shiina-sensei debuted for the manga…wait, she seems to be able to cut a beard.

“Shi Yujiang~!” The old woman who was nearly 30 years old actually made a whisper: “Don’t forget, they still work as a part-time comic editor…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu shuddered, and then said with black lines: “Yuan Zi…”

“Shiyu, Undead River…”

“Stop!” Before Machida Yuanzi was handsome, Shiyu Kasumigaoka had already subconsciously asked: “Yuanzi, you are the manga editor who is only in charge of Sougo-kun so far, right? Are you sure you can? Responsible for the really white comics?”

Machida Sonoko: “…”

She really didn’t dare to say that she was responsible. After all, she could be responsible for the guy in the soil, but because the other party only needs to submit the manuscript, and she doesn’t even need to mention any amendments. When she is an editor, she thinks I want to feel aggrieved!

“Shi Yujiang, you said it’s not too late for me to start studying the comics market?”

“Yuan Zi…” These words have already let Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu know the other party’s answer: “You should take the light novel in charge first…”

“Shiyu sauce, do you know?” Machida Yuanzi gritted his teeth and said: “The hatred of the hot mouth is not shared. Obviously, I have become the editor of that guy, but I can’t avenge my revenge. Do you know the pain? ?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

“Forget it, I’ll talk about the comics later, I’ll take a look at Shiina-sensei’s illustration first!” After the anger in his heart was released, Machida Yuanzi said to the two.

Two minutes later.

Machida Yuanzi, who was holding the manuscript of the illustration, looked at Kasumigaoka Shiwa and seemed a little hesitant.

“Yuanzi, what’s your expression? Can’t really white paintings work?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little puzzled.

Shiina Mashiro was also taken aback after hearing this: “True White, can’t you?”

Upon seeing this, Machida Moroko shook his head and said, “It’s not impossible, but too good, Shiba, are you sure you want to use Shiina teacher’s illustration?”

“Is there any problem? Isn’t it great?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was puzzled.

“Because it is so good, so Shiyu your novel is probably, maybe, maybe, described as buying an illustration and giving away toilet paper…” Machida Yuanzi looked at the other side cautiously.

“…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, autistic!

“Shiba, what is buying illustrations and giving toilet paper?” Shiina Mabai inadvertently inserted another knife.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

She was wrong. She thought that her true white talent could only hit people who learned to paint, but she didn’t expect it, she didn’t expect…

Machida Sonoko: -_-!

Is this intentional, Shiina-sensei?

“Of course, it is also possible that Shiba’s novels and Shiina-sensei’s illustrations complement each other to achieve a 1+13 effect…”

“Wait…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little confused: “Aren’t you sure about this kind of thing Yuanzi?”

Machida Yuanzi turned her head, not daring to look at each other.

“Yuan Zi, you won’t really study the comics market anymore? Can’t you as an editor judge this kind of thing?”

“How is it possible!” When Kasuga no Oka Shiyu questioned her professionalism, Machida Yuanzi also jumped a little: “If it were ordinary novels, I would have made the assertion long ago, but Shiyu, the final volume of your “Love Metronome”…”

“What happened to the final volume I wrote?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little upset.

“Shiyu, the final volume you wrote was not returned by the library, and it can be published smoothly. This is completely out of my expectation. To be honest, as an editor, I am not optimistic about your final volume…”

“So, do you think the final volume I wrote is not worthy of a really white painting?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu understood.

“Yes…” Machida Yuanzi hesitated for a few seconds before nodding, “I have a hunch that the final volume you wrote, Shiyu, will probably become a failure, a waterloo in your creative career…”

“No, Shiyu’s novels are very beautiful, especially the final volume of “The Metronome of Love”!” However, before she could finish her words, Shiina Mashiro suddenly spoke.

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