Chapter 662

“It’s not so much the sea at night, but rather, I want to go to the beach to watch the sunrise…” Mai Sakurajima walked to the side of Sougo Doma and explained.

“The sun rises from the other end of the sea level, which symbolizes the beginning of a new life. I will probably also want to win a prize. I hope that after tomorrow is over, it will be a new beginning for me.”

“Is it really boring enough to not sleep at night just to be able to see the nuclear fusion reaction on top of my head at a glance?”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

It feels like being chatted to death this day! Is this the difference between Xueba and ordinary people?

“It’s better to stay up at night than you do. It’s better to change the test papers for elementary school students here?”

“Primary student…” Sou Wu Tama twitched his mouth, and the vest of that guy Xiao Bui hadn’t been taken off yet.

“However, when you said that, I suddenly lost the mood to go to see the beginning of the day. Do you need help?” Mai Sakurajima asked with a test paper.

“You don’t want to…” Doma couldn’t bear to say straight, and he could only lower his head and say.

“…” Mai Sakurajima, who received the test paper, was silent for a while unexpectedly.

Then, she didn’t want to admit one thing, that is, she couldn’t understand what the test papers in her hand were all about! She knows every word of the title, but why does it become misty after being combined?

This f*ck is the test paper for elementary school students? This is the test paper that the little team who played video games with her just now wants to answer? Mai Sakurajima feels once again that her IQ has been thrown on the ground and rubbed!

She doesn’t know whether to say that geniuses are inherited? Or should we say that elite education is also different? How do you think that dumpling is under ten years old! ! !

“Do you feel that it is more valuable for me to correct the test paper here than to see the rise of nuclear fusion above your head?” Just when Mai Sakurajima was about to doubt his life, Sougo Tama intervened again.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

This is no longer a question of value or value. She felt that compared with the two siblings, she was wasting her life in everything she did. As a high school student, she couldn’t read the test paper of a small dumpling? She wants to refute:

“Don’t you think that this kind of knowledge is a little too fragile for a child as small as Xiaobui? She is the age she should play…”

“Do you think that guy is not having fun enough?” Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.

Think about the entire set of game discs, Mai Sakurajima: “…”

“You can’t say that, she should try what she is interested in now…” At this point, Mai Sakurajima shut her mouth, and she suddenly remembered that the ball is not only about knowledge, but also for amateurs such as piano. The hobbies are also top-notch. Although she still doesn’t know the result of the competition between Dongma and Sha and the dumpling, as far as Dongma’s performance just now, she probably guessed something.

While she was silent, Tuma Zougou motioned her to continue talking.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

What else can she say! ? These two brothers and sisters were definitely sent from heaven to attack ordinary people like them!

That’s right, she, the super popular idol artist Mai Sakurajima, has put herself in the perspective of ordinary people! At this moment, she finally understood what it was like for those studying students to see her, powerless!

If she changed the occasion, and she didn’t know the two siblings, she would treat them with an attitude of looking up…

“Is there nothing I can help here?”

I don’t know why, Sakurajima Mai suddenly felt stupid when she woke up so early, she wanted to leave, she is now in the mood by Zou Gou, but when she goes back to sleep, she can’t sleep anymore, but if she just sits and watches The other side, the lonely man and the widow in this big night, is the atmosphere wrong? When there is no other way, she can only test.

“Hey…” Sougo Tama finished reviewing a test paper again: “So, why are you doing this? I was so excited when I saw you chatting and talking, I thought you would all sleep until dawn, but I didn’t expect… ”

“…” Mai Sakurajima, did they have a good chat?

“However, I didn’t expect that you guys who are not good at making friends with people are quite congenial.” Sougo Tama continued.

“Huh!?” Mai Sakurajima was taken aback: “Wasaya is also…?”

“That guy actually looks like a hedgehog…” Sougo Tama nodded: “Don’t look at her like this, in fact, when her hair stands up, it can hurt people very much.”

“But I feel that Hesa ​​is very gentle, although there are some Tsundere…” Mai Sakurajima said.

“In other words, I have known her for so long. There must be a difference between treating me and treating others, and you are the ones I introduced to her…” Sougo Tsuchima took it for granted.

Mai Sakurajima crooked his head and said, “Is that so? Big~Ma~King!?”

“Kacha!” The pencil in Tuma Zougou’s hand broke in response: “The slander, it is definitely Dongma Xiaosan’s slander, what did she say? I Tu Jian is upright, the so-called light of the right way…”

“Uh~!” Looking at someone who was excited, Mai Sakurajima said with a black thread: “Kasa didn’t say anything about you, I just found out that she sometimes couldn’t help but call you the Great Demon King. …”

“Unexpectedly, Dongma Xiaosan actually looks at me like this…”

“By the way, you heard her calling like that tomorrow morning, right? And, using Xiaosan to call a girl, doesn’t it feel like I’m too much?”

“But, this is the title she got when she tried her best. When she got this title, Dongma was so excited to cry!” Fortunately, there are not many papers left. Even if the pencil is broken, she can still use it reluctantly. , Doma Sougo said while doing the finishing work.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

I always feel that Wasa has become like a hedgehog, and half of the credit should be given to this guy in front of me.

“Daguo, the title of the Great Demon King is called, and Kaisa really trusts you…”

“Huh?” Tuma is always puzzled. What did they talk about just now?

“Remember the boy on the tram?”

“Yeah!” Sougo Tama nodded, and collected the last few test papers.

“That boy is Kaisa’s current classmate and…”

“And then?” With these backgrounds, Sougo Tama was too lazy to listen.

“Just because Sougo you said that the other party is a scumbag, Kazuya is convinced of this. Speaking of it, it should be the first time you met that boy?” Mai Sakurajima vomited.

“Is there any connection between the first meeting and whether the other party is a scum?” Sougo Tama was puzzled.

“Such words are too irresponsible, right?” Mai Sakurajima’s face was full of black lines.

“Scum and bad guys can be distinguished from each other!” Sougo Doma collected the test papers.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Why can this guy be so arrogant! ?

“Zou Gou means that you are actually a human being…”

“I belong to the category of bad guys. To describe me as a scumbag simply underestimates my ability to do bad things…” Sougo Doma, who was finally freed from the hell of error correction, was quite indulgent.

“Is this a boy’s speech in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex? Or is it just a second grade?”

“Huh?” Tuma was always puzzled.

“Probably I am ignorant. I have never seen a bad guy who only chats with girls in the middle of the night, or even chats and stares at the test questions…” Sakurajima Mai chuckled lightly.

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