Chapter 661 Some Decisions are Hard and Stupid

The next day!


After all, I have had the experience of filming at night, so Mai Sakurajima didn’t feel much discomfort when she woke up from light sleep. After she looked at the sleeping Touma and Sasha and Shiina Mashiro who were sleeping next to her, she didn’t bother them. Circumstances, get up quietly.

What Sakurajima Mai did not expect was that she would meet and recognize such a few interesting guys during the period of time when she could not be observed. It was like a kind of compensation from the heavens for her lack of friends in the past, and she, After getting to know these guys, I understand, what is it that every family has a hard-to-read sutra…

Thinking of this, she glanced at the sleeping Dongma and Sha. This glamorous girl, like her, had a rather unreliable mother. However, her mother was unreliable because she was hiding it from her. Qian went to sign a photo contract she didn’t want to shoot, and Dongma Yaozi was…

Mai Sakurajima shook her head. In fact, she and this Ms. Wasa are in a really similar environment. They are both single-parent families and unreliable mothers. However, Touma and Saa have always resisted in their own way. , And she obeyed until, she couldn’t bear it…

Mai Sakurajima doesn’t know who is right or wrong with Touma and Sa, but Touma and Sa did do what she had thought of, but didn’t dare to do it. She yearned for that, but let’s talk. At that time, she also saw the eyes of Dongma and Sa, and it seemed that she was also yearning for her. Looking at it this way, she was really confused…

However, the nearly identical growth environment of the two people made them chat a lot, which made Mai Sakurajima, who lacked communication, feels better, as did Touma and Sae.

Thinking of the scene of their happy exchanges, Mai Sakurajima looked at the sleeping partner with a chuckle and blessed: “May you and your mother reconcile as soon as possible.”

Immediately afterwards, she turned her gaze to Shiina Shiro. This simple and paper-like girl made Sakurajima Mai want to sigh with emotion: “It turns out that there are more unreliable education methods in this world than irresponsibility!”

Although I want to sigh with emotion, what makes Sakurajima Mai faintly ashamed is that she does not dislike her true white character. On the contrary, she even hopes that there will be more people with her true white character. Mai Sakurajima thinks so. In fact, my heart is full of gloom…

However, if you can always maintain this simple personality, it may be a good thing for Zhen Bai, which proves that the other party has been well protected. Thinking of this, she also blessed: “May you always be happy…”

After doing this, Mai Sakurajima walked out of the room quietly and closed the door gently.

AM3: 55.

This was the darkest time before dawn. Coming out of the guest room, Mai Sakurajima looked at the night sky outside the window and sighed. Although Sougo proposed dozens of solutions, those are just theories after all. Can they solve her? The problem on her body still needs practice to prove. In this case, she does not feel sleepy…

If it proves that it can’t be solved after practice, how long can she exist? Perhaps one day, Sougo will also forget her, and will not be able to observe her existence…

No one can guarantee that this worst result will happen. After all, what happened to her was already bad enough, and even if it is worse, it seems that it is not impossible!

Thinking of this, Mai Sakurajima’s eyes became firm. Maybe she should leave. When she solves the problem that she had put on her body according to the method summed up by Zou Wu, it would be better for her to reappear. If not, at that time, probably Satoru has forgotten her…

“Do you want to leave without saying hello?” However, the bunny girl had just made a decision, but the voice of Sougo Doma suddenly came from behind.

“You haven’t slept yet?” Mai Sakurajima was taken aback.

“I speculate that a certain bunny girl might act like a plot in a third-rate TV series, resisting the problem to herself, and then, leaving silently or something, just wait and see…” Sougo Tama jokingly said: “Unexpectedly, it really made me wait!”

“Before you say this, please stop the pen in your hand, you are clearly rushing homework!” Mai Sakurajima turned to refute a few words, what is the plot of a third-rate TV series? Do you know how long she struggled in her heart before she made the decision, but when she turned her head, she saw Sougo Doma struggling to write on the test paper with a pen–

Is this waiting for her on a special trip? Haha, if it hadn’t been for the thick pile of papers to testify, she would have almost believed it!

However, Xueshen also rushes homework? What kind of school is this! ?

“You made a mistake. I am changing the test paper, not rushing homework…” Sougo Tama didn’t even lift his head when he said this. After these guys stayed behind, there was a lot of waste material. Want to play online games with them, and worry about the exam? Thanks to his cruel heart, he threw the waste material into the hell of Mathematical Olympiad, Chemistry, Physics and other competition test questions…


When you throw others into hell, in fact, you are also tainted with the breath of hell. The waste material is so much that you can rest after finishing the problem, but he has entered the hell of error correction. It can be described as a living world. Report!

“Okay, let’s get back to the subject, doesn’t Mai think that what she is doing is stupid? It’s a problem that can be solved quickly with me, but you have to leave, wait, don’t you say Mai you don’t want to owe this favor, so, talent……”

“That’s not the reason!” Mai Sakurajima retorted: “Today, I am very satisfied, or that I have already owed unrepayable favors, I’m just afraid…” I’m afraid that the experiment will fail, I’m afraid that there will be hope. Become desperate again! Fear that goodbye becomes a goodbye!

“What is there to be afraid of?” Sougo Tama looked at the competition test paper in his hand, trying to find the missing areas in the problem solving from the above, so as to analyze the many weaknesses of his own, while speaking in an indifferent tone. : “If you are afraid that the experiment will fail, then you can just assume that the experiment will fail at the beginning? It’s a big deal to overturn the hypothesis and re-analyze…”

“How do you know that I am afraid that the experiment will fail…”

“Illness anxiety, a normal psychological reaction.” Sougo Doma put a perfect answer to the contest test question, and said, “By the way, it’s not 4 o’clock in the morning, even if it is to hide. Don’t you think it’s too early for this kind of bloody plot where everyone left alone?”

“Dog blood or something…” Mai Sakurajima felt embarrassed, her voice was much lower.

“Is this a so-called artist’s occupational disease? Because I have photographed too many bloody scenes, I unknowingly substituting them into life?”

“Wait, it’s not a bloody plot! I just want to see the sea at night when no one can see me…”

“Look at the sea!?” Sougo Tama looked at each other with the expression that you were teasing me: “Or the sea at night?”

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