Chapter 663 Is he misunderstanding about safety?


What does it mean to have never seen such a bad person? What’s wrong with only chatting in the middle of the night? What’s wrong with staring at the test questions? Have you never heard that bad guys are educated, but are you afraid of all the rules? Doma Sougou felt that this bunny girl provoked. He first put the prepared test paper aside, then got up and walked in front of the opponent, stretched out his hand, raised her chin, and said in a condescending manner:

“Then Mai Sang thinks, what should the bad guys do?” The proper dude molested the Liang family’s woman.

Sakurajima Mai could not help but opened her eyes wide when she was so disturbed. Although, she quickly recovered as usual: “Does Sougo want to do something to me?”

“Then Mai, are you scared?”

“Are you going to kiss?” Mai Sakurajima was not afraid.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Embarrassed, embarrassed!

Is he being molested instead of being molested? Who can tell him what happened to the girls now? This night, are you not afraid that he will really become a wolf? Do you want to admit it or…

“Mai, do you want to?” How can this situation be recognized, and it is the bunny girl who wants to be counseled first! Tama Sougo leaned his head over…

“Yes!” Mai Sakurajima nodded, “Anyway, I haven’t tried KISS. If the experiment fails, I can still experience the feeling of KISS before disappearing completely…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Riding, riding a tiger is hard to get off! Before he did something, why didn’t he consider Mai Sakurajima’s mentality at this time, the other party even dared to put on the street in the bunny costume, she was like those terminally ill patients, and wanted to experience something that hadn’t been experienced before! So, whether it’s kissing, or…

After understanding this, Sou Gochu Tama wanted to take his hand back, no, it should be said that it is best to give him a time machine, he will not molest this bunny girl again! Damn it, now I can only hold the other side steady, and also, I can’t let the other side discover him…

“Wait, wait! Mai, according to the information we have obtained today, the probability of success of the experiment is more than 90%. As long as the experiment is successful and the operation is correct, your problems will be solved. First kiss?”

“It seems that you don’t want Sougo?” Mai Sakurajima took a step back with a chuckle, freeing his chin from Sougo’s palm.

Seeing this, Sougo Tama took the opportunity to retort: ​​”But aren’t you hiding now?”

“Do you want a kiss? This is the last chance…” Mai Sakurajima said with her arm in her arms.

“So sloppy? How do you say, this is your first kiss…”

“It seems that Sougo has refused, so, there will be no chance in the future…” Before Sougo Doma could finish speaking, Sakurajima Mai said in a cold voice, “Provocatively”, “Then, the bad guy Sougo, that’s it. NS.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

and many more! Isn’t he pretending to be a dude? Why did it become a question of discussing KISS or not with the other party? Is he led by the nose by this bunny girl?

The last bad guy was a provocation, right? Is it a blatant provocation?

Since he is a bad person, who does he want to be rude and want the other person to give him a chance? What a joke! ?

What’s more, it is not necessary for a man and a woman to be indecent to each other in order to be called a bad person. Thinking of this, Sougo Tama stepped forward again:

“Mai, do you like the feeling of looking down from a height?”

Mai Sakurajima: “Huh? Sorry, I’m afraid…”

Two minutes later!

70 meters above the soil house.

“Let it go, let me go!!!” Mai Sakurajima did not take any safety measures on her body, but was held by Sougo Motoma, who was flying with a hang gliding wing, in her hand, looking at the dark patches around her. Coupled with the floating feeling that her feet were not on the ground, she finally couldn’t help but make a sound.

“Are you sure you want me to let go now?” Sougo Doma asked seriously while manipulating the hang glider.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Who told you to let go now and take her to land as soon as possible!

“Well, I’m not talking anymore, Mai, did you want me to let you go and let you fall? Or do you not let it go?” Sougo Tama said with a “confused” expression.

Mai Sakurajima with her eyes closed: “…”

“Mai, do you think I am a good person now? Or a bad person?”

Mai Sakurajima gritted her teeth: “Bad guy!”

“Sure enough, this is what the bad guys should do, Mai, are you ignorant now?”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

This guy forcibly tied her to the sky, is it to prove that he is a bad person? Damn it, she wouldn’t admit that she was afraid of heights if she knew it! what should I do now?

“Mai, don’t keep your eyes closed, in fact, I do this for you!” Tuma, thoughtful, Sougo.

Mai Sakurajima wanted to roll her eyes, but considering that it would open her eyes, she chose to remain silent: “…”

Holding her with fear of heights and playing high-altitude gliding, is this for her? Edit, continue editing! She loses if she believes a word.

“Didn’t you just say, do you want to go to the beach to see the sea? Now trams and everything are out of service, and taxis late at night are actually quite dangerous…”

“What do you mean?” Mai Sakurajima barely opened one eye.

“Of course it means that the end of this hang gliding journey, the destination is the sea, are you sure you don’t open your eyes?” Tsuchima Sougou’s temptation as always.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

This guy actually wants to show her to the sea? Just because she just said that she wanted to see the sea? But… can you change a vehicle, even a bicycle!

“Wow, from this angle, the sea level is already not far ahead!” While Sakurajima was meditating, Sougo Tama continued to tempt him: “Mai, you don’t want to try to see the sea from the sky. ?”

“I would rather watch it from the beach…”

“Don’t you think that is too common? Anyone can see the sea from the beach, but from a height of hundreds of meters, and there is still no obstruction to see the sea, not everyone The treatment you can enjoy!”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Over a hundred meters in the sky! ? Can you not mention this question? She has already weakened her feet just thinking about it. It is impossible for her to open her eyes. It is impossible for her to open her eyes under such circumstances in this life!

“Not to mention, from this height, it seems that the shadow of the sun can already be seen!”

Mai Sakurajima opened her eyes, “How could it be possible that we can see the beginning of the day when it’s only what time?”

“No, I mean, the shadow of the sun-the moon!” Looking at the bunny girl who opened her eyes, Sougo Doma smiled brightly: “Mai, since you have opened your eyes, do you want to look down? ”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Got fooled…

Although she closed her eyes very quickly, Mai Sakurajima still felt her legs soft when those matchbox-like houses appeared in her eyes.

“There is no need to be so scared, actually hang gliding is a very safe means of transportation…”

Mai Sakurajima closed her eyes and didn’t speak, she didn’t want to listen, she didn’t want to listen!

“The number of people who fall to death every year because of hang gliding is less than 30% of the hang gliding crowd…”

Mai Sakurajima’s face turned paler: Does this guy have any misunderstandings about safety! ?

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