Chapter 625 No, the boss of other people’s family!

“It’s been so long, you guy is still so bad, in front of the other side to give the other peer’s peerless great white lotus evaluation, but the other side reads less, and don’t even know that I was ridiculed…” Skip the bunny girl’s topic first. After Sougo Morama finished asking, Dongma and Sa snorted coldly.

“So, are you here to make your head?” Sougo Tama said “confused”.

“Why do I have to help the dog man who you judged to be a white lotus bitch?” The story of Dongma and Sa did not seem to have begun.

“Then what are you here for?” Sougo Tama shrugged.

“Of course it’s asking why you gave up on the piano?” Dongma Kazuya looked very imposing on the surface, but he said in his heart: “Yes, it’s this imposing manner. It’s not in vain that I practiced privately for a long time…”

A certain bunny girl who still plays the role of the air, eating melons and watching a play heard this, and unconsciously glanced at Sougen Tama: “…”

This guy has also learned piano? However, she felt that she could understand why he gave up the piano. As far as Tama Sougou’s mouth is a set of quantum theory knowledge, Sakurajima Mai estimated that this talent should point to the learning of knowledge, as for the piano…

“Piano~!” Toma Sougo said in memory. From a certain perspective, this loyal dog Misan is also his junior, although it only took him more than a month to hollow out Dongma Yaozi. , And surpassed each other…

“Probably because I found something more interesting than playing the piano…”

“Find something more interesting than playing the piano?” Touma and Sa squeezed his fists. “Only because of this? Just because of this, you gave up the piano?”

“Is this not enough?” Tuma always realized that he was puzzled: “Aren’t people living to do what they are interested in?”

“Interest? You say interest? Damn it, why is it that you guys have that kind of talent…” Touma Kazuya seemed to be trembling: “Do you know that since you gave up the piano, every time, every time That woman will compare me to you once…”

“That’s the kid from someone else’s family?” Sougo Doma asked rhetorically.

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

Do you want to say it so bluntly!

“Since you are not interested in piano, then don’t learn it at the beginning! Until now, that woman still said that I can’t keep up with your twelve-year-old level!”

Mai Sakurajima eating melon silently: “…”

This~! Did she understand the problem, or did she say that the girl’s talent on the piano was already so bad and unknowingly, this situation is very likely considering the other party’s funny nature.

“There is no need to be so angry, right? You think, if I didn’t give up the piano, wouldn’t you be more shocked? However, Ms. Yaozi was also too much. She herself was not better than my level when I was twelve, and you were taught by her… …”

Mai Sakurajima twitched her mouth: “…”

It turns out that she understood. She didn’t have any talent at all, and she also met a low-level teacher. It’s weird to be able to learn well! That is to say, she is talking now that others can’t hear, otherwise, she wants to persuade this girl who seems to be cold but in fact funny to change to a new teacher or another special skill.

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

The truth is the truth, but she can’t help being angry when she has been compared with each other all the time! and.

“Less nonsense, how could that woman be no better than your level when you were twelve…” No matter how you are in conflict with Dongma Yoko, but Dongma and Sae are both world-class pianists. no.

“Eh? A lot? Didn’t you find that Ms. Yaozi seldom speaks after guiding me for more than a month? Later, it even developed that as long as I sit in front of the piano, Ms. Yaozi will leave very far…”

The corners of Dongma and the yarn mouth twitched. In memory, there seemed to be such a period of time: “Why would she…”

“Probably because I’m afraid of being hit?” Sougo Tama shrugged, “So, Xiaosan, if Ms. Yaozi compares me with you next time, you can compare her to me. Am I kind enough? ”

Mai Sakurajima feels that she can no longer look at the word kindness directly. If she is kind, she should persuade the other party to change to another teacher!

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

This is not enough to hit her, but also to hit her mother by the way? But why is she so excited?

“Are you sure you surpassed that woman when you were twelve?”

“Of course, if you can reach the level of my twelve years old now, it means that you have surpassed Ms. Yoko…” Sougo Tama nodded affirmatively.

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

The woman He Ze is not comparing other people’s children with her, but comparing them to other people’s big brothers!

However, before she could speak, I heard Sougo Tama continue to say:

“Even my family was more than a year and a half ago in the field of piano, reaching that level.”

Mai Sakurajima, who was eating melons silently, sighed. This is the gap in educational resources!

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

She didn’t want to know anything like this!

This family is abnormal!

I don’t know why, Dongma and Sa suddenly felt that they were empty of piano practice in the past.

“Okay, the answer is over, is there anything else?” Looking at Dongma Kazuya who was suspicious of life, Sougo Doma reminded her who was in the way.

“Are you in a hurry to leave?” Dongma and Sa seemed a little upset.

“Woo~!” Sougo Tama glanced at Mai Sakurajima, who looked like the crowd of melon-eating people watching the show. Although the other party did not have any impatient expressions, considering the other party’s particularity, in order to avoid night long dreams. , He nodded: “Please, it’s all about it, most people are eager to go home for dinner, don’t you even eat dinner…”

Before he could finish speaking, Dongma and Sa asked rhetorically:

“Do you think that woman will cook at home?”

“Uh~! I’m sorry…” Sougo Tama realized that he had said something stupid: “It’s been so long, and your relationship with Ms. Yoko is still so peculiar…”

“It’s really subtle to use the peculiar way of saying…” Dongma and Sha’s mouth twitched: “Forget it, you can go home in a hurry, I’ll be alone…”

She turned around as she said, her back looked a little lonely and ended: “From the time you left without saying a word, I should understand that we are just…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

What’s the matter with this guy? So that’s it! Now this atmosphere…

When a beautiful girl has her back to you, she speaks in a bitter tone, and when she is still halfway through her speech, you can realize what is meant by the murderous sight of passers-by.

What makes him leave without saying a word? He had already made up his mind to stay away from the piano, how could he go to her house to say goodbye? Let’s not talk about how to send Dongma Yaozi…

What if that woman, after meeting him, couldn’t figure it out, and tried to force him to study again, to hook up with the old man in his family? With the sea king attributes of that woman, the old man is really going to be hooked up, so he can’t wear the green hat one by one?

In order to avoid such things from happening, he directly flashed people, but Dongma and Sa said so, why did he say that he was like a scumbag, as if he deceived people’s feelings, and then quietly left…

How old they were then! ?

He is not a copper alchemist…

But these things can’t be explained clearly in one sentence. When he finishes explaining it, I am afraid it will be dark. The key is that someone must believe it!

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