Chapter 626 Stop it, or you will be hit by a hatchet!

I left without telling the other party, because I was afraid that after the other party’s mother saw him, he couldn’t bear to give up his talent on the piano so much that he would hook up with his old man. The corners of Tujian’s mouth twitched. Dongma and Sa may believe it, but passersby…

Seeing more and more passers-by looking at him, their eyes were labeled as scumbags, and the corners of Tama’s mouth twitched.

The others are okay, but the bunny girl next to him who is eating melons and watching the show gradually has weird eyes. If this is because false rumors have affected the mentality of the mouse, he…

“I haven’t seen it in a few years, I didn’t expect you to be so skilled in framing people…” After adding the accent to “I haven’t seen it in a few years”, Sou Wu Tama gathered in Dongma Hesha’s ear and whispered.

Mai Sakurajima also reacted, what was she thinking about just now? This guy hasn’t seen this funny girl for several years. How old they were a few years ago!

“I learned from you, I can’t be fooled by you for so long, haven’t you learned anything?” Dongma and Sa also lowered their voice.

“…” The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched: “What do you want to do?”

“Although the dog man just now was a white lotus scum, he still stayed with me anyway. You drove people away from me…”

“Wait! I see…” Although the other party’s statement is even more false, Tamazuo understands that now is not the time to argue about this, but to break free from the sight of these scumbags as soon as possible, and then leave here. : “How about we talk about it in the past?”

“It doesn’t matter, I’m alone everywhere anyway!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Don’t be so lonely! Forget it, one sheep is to drive, and two sheep are also to drive…

“It seems that today’s experiment can’t be done…” While Sougo Doma walked forward with Dongma and Sae, while having a headache, Mai Sakurajima on the side also opened his mouth and said, “This is the point. It’s time for me to go back.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

The bunny girl also joined blindly.

“Don’t make trouble, the next step is the point…” At this moment, he could only get to Mai Sakurajima’s ear and whisper, and he had to hold the opponent first.

“Huh?” Mai Sakurajima was a little puzzled: “It’s already this time, what else can I do, plus…” Speaking of this, she glanced at Dongma Kazuza on the other side of Tama Sougou. Means, don’t you still have someone who hasn’t settled it?

“You don’t think that just waiting for these places on the street tram and doing some tests is an experiment, right?” Sougo Tsuchima looked at the illiterate expression.

“What do you mean?” The expression made Mai Sakurajima a bit angry, but considering the poor knowledge of the other party and her, she still asked.

“You’ll know when you get to my house…”

“Go, go, go to your house?” Before Sougo Doma finished speaking, Mai Sakurajima was stunned: “You, you are not doing something to me in the name of an experiment, right?”

“Am I like this kind of person?” Sougo Tama rolled his eyes, still using a voice that only two of them could hear.

“How do I know that, besides, someone just asked me to sit on your lap in the name of doing an experiment…” Mai Sakurajima was a little distrustful.

“How can I say that I am also Tujian…”

“What’s the matter with the Tama family? Don’t people from the Tama family have the impulse to puberty? Who was staring at me just now…” Said this, Sakurajima Mai turned her head slightly: “Although I don’t mind someone looking at me Fantastically, but your eyes are too hot! You almost didn’t write the word pervert on your face…”

“Are you looking for someone?” Although Dongma and Sa did not hear the voice, the appearance of Sougo Doma turned his head frequently attracted Dongma and Sa’s attention.

Tuma Sougou: “…”


He now feels that he has been forced to become a scumbag. Nothing else, it’s just that he is in the state of a beautiful girl on the left and right. If someone else sees him, he definitely has to say, this guy enjoys the blessing of the people. , But, he really can’t enjoy this blessing now!

With Touma and Sae, he talked to Mai Sakurajima as if he was affair. No, the degree of sneaking was even more serious, but he was sneaking unilaterally, while Mai Sakurajima was shouting and yelling at no one. I can hear it.

With Mai Sakurajima, he can’t do too much to Touma and Sae. If he said too much, the mouse almost regarded him as a scumbag just now. If he is going too far, this little mouse mentality is not allowed. It explodes directly. If the opponent does not cooperate, the experiment will be more difficult…

“By the way, Dongma, where did you originally want to go?”

“No purpose, just stroll around, go home when you are tired…”

“Then how about I send you home first?” As you say, you have to send one away first, so Tuma Sougo thought.

“I don’t want to go back now!” Dongma and Sa were very determined, but Tuma Zougou saw a trace of sadness in the other’s eyes.

“Huh~!” Upon seeing this, he sighed in his heart, there is no way, if he doesn’t go back at this point, there will be a lot of waste material…

“Hey, Dongma, do you want to know what I learned after I gave up the piano?”

“Huh?” Dongma and Sa were puzzled.

“If you want to know, just follow me…” Sougo Tama is good at giving steps.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

and many more!

Doesn’t this guy want to change her out?

Before Mai Sakurajima could say anything, Tama Sougo had already taken her hand and led the other party forward with skill. Since he can’t convince the other party now, go back and gain the other party’s trust!

After walking for about twenty minutes, Tujianzhai has already appeared in front of the three of them.

“You guy moved here?” Touma and Sa were puzzled.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Although this one-family building looks good, but…

The young master of the Tujian family lives in such a place? I always feel unreliable! ! !

“Yes, I just moved here soon…” Sougo Tama nodded, and walked forward to open the door and said, “I’m back, Xiaobui, there are guests…”

Before a guest had finished speaking these three words, a small dumpling rushed out at a speed of 100 meters: “Euny sauce, the big thing is not good…”

However, just halfway through the rush, the dumpling was shocked and said: “Euny-chan, have you brought your new girlfriend home again? You also brought two at a time? Don’t you remember to teach Euny-chan? Become such a bothersome man, stop it, you will be hit by a hatchet if this goes on!”

Mai Sakurajima twitched the corners of her mouth: “…”

Whether she made a mistake, one word after another, can show that this guy is really…

Wait, this guy’s sister just said, two? Does that mean that she has also been observed.

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

She does know that this guy has more than one touch, but this little ball…

and many more!

What this little group just said seems to be that this guy took two women home…

Dongma and Sa glanced at the empty entrance beside Sou Wu Tuma. Is it a slip of the tongue? However, it suddenly occurred to her that on the way back, Tuma always realized that his mouth was open from time to time. At that time, Dongma and Za only thought that the other party was thinking about each other, and they were still muttering in their hearts. Now, naive…

But if the other party is not talking to others, but talking to people…

Dongma Kazuya felt a tremor all over, and the surroundings seemed to have cooled down!

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