Chapter 624 Information Interference

Every time he thinks of those bad scenes, Dongma and Sa can’t wait for the existence of a time machine in this world, so she can go back and remind her innocent self, not to be disturbed by the bastard who always understands the earth. For example, she simply Don’t join any organization, don’t quarrel with that guy, then say something: “I just want to be a junior, be a junior…”

Thinking that she was ignorant at the time, she thought it was because she was fighting for reasons to make the Demon King retreat, and admitted her title and position as a junior, she triumphantly announced to the Demon King and her mother Dongma Yaozi: “From today, I am a junior!”

At that time, the young and ignorant she did not notice the complicated expression of her mother Dongma Yaozi, or that she had already noticed at that time, but she ignored it…

It was not until the first two years, under the influence of her mother, that she was exposed to the culture of the celestial dynasty that she finally understood that Xiao San meant that Dongma and Sa felt extremely heartbroken at the time. At that time, she finally understood why her mother’s face was so complicated at the time. Now, that guy is really a pit!

While Dongma and Sa recalled the past, Sougo Tama continued:

“In addition, I said that it is okay for you to be blind. If you are not blind, how can you get mixed up with this kind of weak scum Heisei mansion, forget the weak scum, the key is that this guy is still a peerless big white lotus… ”

Speaking of this, Sougo Tama beckoned to her again: “It doesn’t matter if you are blind, but you have to take care of yourself. As a blind disabled person, let me give you this position.”

Kitahara Haruki: “…”

He couldn’t even refute the words of the weak scum’s abandoned house. Besides, what does Tuma Sougou’s last description mean? What is the peerless great white lotus? It sounded like he was complimenting him, but he could only hear the thick ridicule in the other party’s tone, this feeling of being humiliated by the other party and not knowing what was going on, aggrieved!

Dongma Hesha really understood it. After experiencing the baptism of her junior year, Dongma Hesha also became interested in the culture of the celestial dynasty. She understood the stalks of white lotus and so on.

“Don’t talk if you can’t speak, who is getting entangled with this kind of guy, this guy is pestering me…”

“Winter Horse…” Kitahara Chunxi felt anxious.

“Woo~!” Just as soon as the other side spoke, Sougo Tama chuckles and said: “Tongma, you won’t be the same as before. You can’t make friends or something? Then this guy wants to do it with you. In the name of a friend…”

Dongma and Sha gritted their teeth: “I want you to control!”

I was guessed!

Kitahara Haruki even broke out in a cold sweat: “…”

This, this guy actually pointed out his method directly.

“I didn’t want to care either…” Sougo Tama shrugged: “I just got off the station soon, so I made a special place for you, Xiaosan, how am I to you?”

The corners of Dongma and the yarn mouth twitched: “Isn’t it because you got out of the car and you gave up your seat, and don’t call me the mistress…”

“Although this is true, but when I got off the car, I was the first to think of giving you the position, if it weren’t for our many years of friendship…” Sougo Doma said with a sad expression on his face.

“Years of friendship are in exchange for you to give up your seat when you get off the car…” Dongma and Sa some want to hit someone: “Then I would like to thank you too much?”

“If you insist on thanking…” Toma, shamelessly, Sougo: “Then I can only accept it with shame.”

Winter horse and yarn: #^_^

“I haven’t seen you in a few years, you are getting more and more owed! I don’t need you to give up my seat…”

“I haven’t seen you in a few years, Xiaosan, you have become more and more courageous, and you dare to put words like owe beating on your lips…” Tamazuo said with a smile on his face.

Winter horse and yarn: #^_^

“Don’t call me a junior! Don’t think I’m the same as when I was a kid, if you fool me, I will…”

“Are you sure?” Before Dongma Kazuya finished her ruthless words, Tuma Sougo interrupted in a gloomy tone.

Winter horse and yarn: -_-!

This guy is not an ordinary person, this guy is not an ordinary person, this guy is the evil devil, don’t mess with him, don’t mess with him…

After reciting the Heart Sutra silently in her heart several times, she just raised her head and gritted her teeth and said: “I’m not sure what’s wrong?”

Kitahara Haruki: “…”

Is this a winter horse and yarn? Has it changed? That arrogant girl used the most ferocious attitude to say the most insulting words. What is the origin of this little white face?

Mai Sakurajima playing the air on the side: “…”

She originally thought that this girl was a proud and indifferent person, but she didn’t expect that the other party was actually a funny comparison. After seeing so many actors in the show business, she actually sometimes missed her eyes…

The corners of his mouth twitched when Tamaru heard this, and he always felt that the female characters he had come into contact with were in all kinds of collapsing settings!

At the same time he was thinking about it, the tram had slowly entered the station and the door opened.

“You’re not sure what else I can say, so goodbye, Dongma Xiaosan…” The experiment on the tram has basically been completed, so there is no reason to stay. Sougo Tama leads to play the air by the side. After Mai Sakurajima, she waved at Touma Kazuya.

“Wait…” But just as he stepped out of the tram door, Dongma and Sa also followed out: “Doma Sougo! You give me a wait…”

“Huh?” Hearing the voice, Sougo Tama was stunned.

“What do you mean by that expression? Didn’t I say it? I don’t need you to give up my seat, because I have to get off at this station too!” Dongma and Sa said with a cold face.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

If it weren’t for just discovering that this girl is actually a funny girl, based on her current image, who wouldn’t say that she is a cold and beautiful girl?

“Eh a lot?” Tuma Sougo was a little puzzled: “Where is that peerless great white lotus? You just don’t care about it?”

Although Dongma and Sa just seem to say that she was entangled by Kitahara Haruki, but this is inevitably not the kind of a young couple, the taste… After all, this world seems to have a power called fate or plot. , Is affecting some people and things.

It’s a pity that Tōma Sougou has seen too few fan dramas in his previous life, and most of them are popular dramas, but popular dramas contain supernatural powers, and they don’t exist in this world…

In this regard, Tama always realized and believed that this was in line with common sense. After all, the difference between supernatural powers is too great, for example: If a show like Tokyo Ghoul appears, and then you encounter Qishen, or Ka Baili , The dragon maid of the Kobayashi family…

The ghoul tragedy!

After thinking about this, Doma Sougou can almost conclude that this world is just like the world he lived in in his previous life. It is just an ordinary everyday world. As for why the characters in the previous life show appeared, he speculated that it was probably Because of the interference of information, it is not certain that the drama he saw in this world was also staged in a real-life plot somewhere in his previous life.

It’s like Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, under his influence, wrote the “Strange Classmates Next Door” that he had seen in his previous life…

However, it is precisely because of this that Sougo Tama is full of interest in Mai Sakurajima turned into air, um, interest in research!

After all, the appearance of Mai Sakurajima as a bunny girl overturned his previous speculations. Although things about her can still be explained by science, as long as he thinks that the guy who holds this weapon is not himself, Sougo Tama Feeling uneasy in his heart, he went back home, but he really puts safety first!

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