Chapter 623 Dongma: I’m going to be a junior!

Originally thought it was driving a harmless little sheep, but unexpectedly provokes a tiger in sheep’s clothing, Kitahara Haruki faintly regrets his recklessness, but, the matter has reached this point, he can only bite the bullet Said: “Since the friend is in good health, then give up his seat to…”

He can only hold on to the justice of the act of giving way now, but just as soon as he spoke, he was once again taken over by Sougo Tuma:

“I probably know what you want to say, is it true that the elderly and infirm should enjoy these free public resources…” Sougo Doma glanced at the gray-haired man whose face was already black, and felt a little bit forced in his heart. number.

“That’s right…” Kitahara sighed in relief. Although he didn’t know how the little white face in front of him could push the words in his favor, it didn’t mean that he would let this opportunity pass: “But is this wrong? Even the kindergarten children know about such things as politeness for the elderly…”

“You’re all right, but where are the old people here?” Before the other party could finish speaking, Sougo Tuma looked “confused” and said, “My kid, you don’t mean to say that this elder brother is an elderly person.” Weak, right?” He said, and pointed his finger at the gray-haired man in front of him.

“Kid, please pay attention, look at this big brother’s strong pectoralis major, looking at the big brother’s stiff back and thick legs, old and weak? I bet you, kid, your body bones, I am afraid it is not enough. The eldest brother punched him…” Toma Sougou hadn’t finished speaking, and the gray-haired man’s face had turned from cloudy to sunny, and he looked quite helpful.

In fact, this gray-haired man is not old, he is only in his 50s or 60s, but people at this age are most afraid of others saying that they are old. Coupled with the other side’s tendon, it is obvious that he is taking care of it-Haruno Kitahara When he came up and asked Tuma Sougou to give way to a man, in fact, he had already offended this man…

If it wasn’t for Haru Kitahara’s good intentions, and the man had no confidence in his age, and doubts about his age, I’m afraid that Sougo Tama hadn’t opened up yet, and his gray hair would have gone up.

Now, after getting Sougo Doma’s affirmation of him, the gray-haired man instantly gained confidence. Therefore, before Haruhiri Kitahara could speak, he took Sougo Doma’s words and said: “The little brother has a good vision. , Now there are so many violations of rules on the tram, like giving seats to the elderly or something, do you really think that the elderly are weak? Let me tell you…

In fact, I’m the most annoying of this kind of thing, but I have to say to give my seat to me, I will not sit, and they say I am hypocritical, I don’t know good or bad, I sit, and I feel troubled, and the little guy who clearly gave me my seat, I get serious. Ten capable people! As he said, he bulged his arms to show others his muscles.

After this performance, the other passengers were amused, but Kitahara Chunxi blushed with a sense of selflessness.

Doma Sougou also tilted his head and said, “Is this big brother old? I see, if the big brother dyes his hair black, it will look like a twenties at most. If it is dyed my color, ahem, Brother, have you graduated from university?”

The gray-haired man was stunned for a while, and then he answered, “You are still a little brother, you have vision, not an old man who blows, his body is no different from a young man in his twenties! I don’t know! Why, people always think that I…”

“This is no way…” Sougo Tama then answered, “This big brother, have you ever heard a word called “respect oneself and others”? In this era, most young people are abandoned houses, and physical strength has long been counted on. So, in their limited knowledge and imagination, of course they think that as long as people start to grow white hair, they will…”

Speaking of this, Sougo Tama once again looked at Haru Kitahara with a playful look: “Isn’t that old and weak, isn’t it like that, kids from the abandoned house family?”

“My little brother is right, young people now…” The gray-haired man began to talk about it, and the lines were full of dissatisfaction with the Heisei abandoned house.

Mai Sakurajima who witnessed the whole journey: “…”

The showbiz seems to be too small to keep this guy, this person is simply a natural instigator!

Haruki Kitahara, who was beaten into a scum of weak physical strength in public, and abandoned his house in Heisei: “…”

He was very aggrieved and uncomfortable. He always felt that the sights that swept him around were filled with him. How could he be a good young man with such weak physical strength? Abandoned house! Otaku or something, it’s really useless…


Just as Kitahara Haruki was depressed, suddenly there was the sound of a tram approaching the station.

Sougo Doma patted Mai Sakurajima who was sitting on his lap, motioned for the other person to get up, and then looked at the other person again: “My kid, you are right. The old, weak and sick do need to be taken care of. …”

“What do you mean?” Kitahara Chunxi said, holding back his anger.

“Literally, we need to take care of the old, weak, sick and disabled…” Speaking of this, Tama Zougo turned his head and looked at Dongma Hesha, who was facing his back. If this is the case, I will not take care of the old, weak, sick and disabled. Wouldn’t it be a waste of our old friendship for many years?”

Dongma Hesha gritted his teeth: “…”

This bastard actually dared to call her by that name, Damn it. If she were not so young and ignorant back then, she wouldn’t have been fooled by this bastard, so she happily recognized the alias.

Besides, when did she go blind, didn’t she just pretend not to know him?

“Soul of the earth! You are blind! I, I, I just don’t bother to take care of you, and don’t call me a mistress!”

“Eh a lot?” Sougo Tama tilted his head: “At the beginning, you cried and made a lot of noise for the honorary title of Xiao San…”

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

Can you not mention that she wanted to find a time machine at the beginning, and then go back and give her young and ignorant self a slap in the face~! Why did she believe in the evil of this bastard in the first place, she would think that the youngest person would receive more love.

I remember that the big devil proclaimed herself the boss at the time, and then named her as his deputy, and handed her the duties of his deputy: first, she had to respect the boss, so the physical work was like cleaning, tidying up, and everything was in charge of her. Secondly, she must take care of her subordinates, so all her snacks, toys, etc., must be given to the youngest one.

As the only second of the Great Demon King’s subordinates, as his deputy, Dongma and Sasha can not be used by anyone, because the other subordinate is the object of her love. How can there be any reason to call the object of love?

Seeing Zou Jian, who was talking to himself at the time, the young Dongma Kazuya was very dazed, and she was sure that it was definitely a squeeze on her…

So when she was young, she blew the horn of resistance. Who would have thought that the big devil would want to fool her:

“Tongma, I value you before promoting you as a deputy. Think about it, as long as you become a deputy, then in our organization, except for me, you are the greatest. As long as you do your job of loving your subordinates and respecting your boss…”

Young winter horse and yarn: “…”

Organization, what organization? When did she join the organization? Moreover, for a three-person organization, she must respect her boss and take care of her subordinates…

“Then I might as well be a subordinate?”

“You don’t do it with your deputy, you are going to be a junior?” Sougo Tuma said “shockedly”.

The young Dongma Hesha nodded frantically. She is not an idiot, or a deputy, she is clearly a slave: “Yes, I would rather be a junior…”

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