Chapter 620: When you meet an acquaintance, you usually get into trouble

“Puff…” Seeing the look of gloat that Sougo Doma pretended, Mai Sakurajima couldn’t help it: “Sougo, you can really break it, now those endorsements I’m taking, what the other party thinks should be Yes, ah~! Who is this guy and why I let her endorse…” Mai Sakurajima, who has checked the Internet and knows what is happening now, laughed at herself:

“Or, why, why is our spokesperson a bunch of mosaics?”

Sougo Tuma squeezed his chin after hearing this, “I wanted to ask if there is any endorsement for Mai in my family after hearing this. Anyway, can I claim compensation for this situation?”

“Do you think I can still afford it now?” Mai Sakurajima rolled her eyes.

“Economic man can do anything…” Soma Sougou said as an example.

“My agent is also an employee of the Doma Chaebol!” When it comes to economic man, Mai Sakurajima seems to be anxious.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He was silent for a long while before speaking quietly.

“The stall was too big, and I wanted to make trouble for myself, but it turned out to be my own employees…”

The corners of Mai Sakurajima’s mouth also twitched. This is already an unscrupulous show of wealth, right? Who doesn’t know that 80% of the people in this country depend on the top chaebols of the Tujian family, the Sigong family, the Suzuki family, etc.?

“By the way, Mai, you actually like life under the spotlight, don’t you?” Sakurajima Sougo, who had finished feelings, spoke again as Sakurajima was complaining in her heart.

“I…” Do you like it? Mai Sakurajima thought for a while, yes, she likes acting and also enjoys her life in the spotlight.

However, before she could say anything, Sougo Tama continued: “You don’t need to lie. Just now when Mai was looking at the younger generation who spoke for you, I have seen the desire in her eyes…” Look, How empathetic.

In fact, he and he didn’t see anything from Sakurajima Mai’s eyes. What Tama always thought was that this former bunny girl who had withdrawn from the entertainment industry must be tired of the impetuousness and falsehood in the circle. At this time, he Forcing the other party to enter the entertainment circle for an unwarranted reason, after such a show operation, he did not believe that Mai Sakurajima would still have a good impression of him:

“Actually, I have a vague guess as to what the definition of Mai is air is because of what will be found. Mai was a super popular idol artist and can be said to be a well-known public figure. However, at Minehara High School, Mai was caught by others. Defined as air, this strong drop combined with the magnetic field constitutes the original meme…”

“What do you mean? If I return to the entertainment industry, this state will disappear?” Before Sougo Doma could finish speaking, Sakurajima Mai asked.

“You can still return to the entertainment industry now?” Sougo Tama was a little confused. This f*ck can’t be observed anymore, so how can you be on TV? Show air for people to see?

“I can still be observed when I was in school! Only after school time…”

Sou Wu Tama frowned upon hearing this.

Sakurajima Mai was also taken aback when she saw this: “Is there anything wrong with this?”

“I have been emphasizing the magnetic field just now, and now it seems that your school is very problematic!”

“Huh?” Mai Sakurajima was puzzled.

“Do you know about tornadoes?” Sougo Tama gave another example.

Mai Sakurajima nodded. Without knowing the natural phenomenon of tornadoes, she would not even dare to claim to be a pseudo-student.

“Tornado~! The closer you are to the eye of the wind, the calmer the wind will be, and the farther away the edge will be, the more raging. Don’t you feel that this is similar to your current situation? Take Minehara High School as the core , Grow to the surroundings…”

Mai Sakurajima is silent, and she is not a real fool. Therefore, she does not think that Sougo Tama’s objective analysis is wrong. In other words, the reason why she has become in this state is that she actually transferred to the peak with her. Related to the original high school?

And the reason why she moved to Minehara High School was because of her withdrawal from the entertainment circle, and the reason why she withdrew from the interpretation circle…

Thinking of this, Mai Sakurajima looked back again at Sougo Doma, who seemed harmless to humans and animals-she quit the entertainment industry because this guy asked her to take swimsuit photos!

But turning around, this guy can solve her problems again. Mai Sakurajima wants to cover her forehead. This is probably a joke of fate, right? After going around, let her know the guy in front of her, doesn’t it mean that he is destined for her…

“My friend, can you give up your seat to this old man?” Just as Mai Sakurajima was thinking about it, a gentle male voice suddenly sounded.

Mai Sakurajima raised her head and saw a handsome-looking male high school student looking at her with a gentle face, pooh, it should be said, looking at the soil behind her.

“Huh!?” Tuma Zougou also looked at the person. This boy seemed to be the male partner of his acquaintance. He had never thought of disturbing others. Unexpectedly, the other party took the initiative to find him.

Give up position? Let alone a former bunny girl sitting on his lap, even if he doesn’t, it’s up to him to decide to give way. If someone else asks him to give up his position, then the position is given up. Others are grateful for it or ask for it. The person he gave way, this is holding the thing in his hand as a favor…

Thinking of this, Tuma Zouwu glanced at the acquaintance. The acquaintance felt embarrassed, and already tilted his head, as if to indicate that all this had nothing to do with her.

Seeing this, Tamazuo understood something, and then he took out a pen and a notebook while rummaging.

The man was taken aback when he saw it, but before he could say anything, he saw Sougo Tama quickly writing a paragraph in his notebook, and then spread it out in front of the other party.

The man in his early days looked at the words on the paper for a moment, and then his face turned black.

The Mai Sakurajima who saw the same was delighted-this guy can really break!

I saw that the unfolded piece of paper was written in English: “Sorry, can you speak English? I didn’t hear you very clearly just now…”

After passing the note to the other party, Tama Sougo once again turned out a “English-Japanese-Korean Dictionary Comparison Table.”

The boy who wanted to get ahead was taken aback for a moment, and secretly said: “Foreign, foreigner? Or is it a Korean?”

After thinking about it this way, the boy looked back at the acquaintance of Soma Toma. What was left for him was a head that didn’t want to care. The boy’s face became stiff, and he glanced at Soma Soma’s acquaintance. Wu, after a long while, bit the scalp and stepped forward again, and said in the English of kowtow:

“Here, this, the country, we, me, everyone, will, for age…giving seats to people with little physical strength…”

Before the other party could finish speaking, Tuma Zougou had already retracted the book in his hand and looked at the man solemnly and said, “Actually, you can also use your native language.”

The man was taken aback again: “…”

“You fool me, you are not a foreigner at all!”

“I never said that I was a foreigner…” Sougo Tama shrugged: “I’m just learning the languages ​​of other countries recently. You just spoke a little bit earthy, I didn’t hear you very clearly, so , I asked if you can speak English, but unfortunately, your oral English is much lower than I expected…”

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