Chapter 619

“Since the second experiment has reached a conclusion, do you still hold your hands?” Although in my heart I have begun to hypnotize myself as a fake academic bully, and suffered a cross-dimensional blow from a god-level figure, but watching ” Xueshen” still holding her hand, Mai Sakurajima still pursed her mouth, even now, she is still holding Mama Sougo’s hand tightly, never letting go…

Sougo Tama turned his head again, looking puzzled: “Who said that the second experiment has reached a conclusion? Mai, don’t you think that the so-called experiment is just holding hands, right?”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

As a pseudo-student, what can she do? Can she say it, can’t it?

According to her understanding of Sou Wu Tama after she came into contact with him, if she really said: “Isn’t it?” This kind of confusion said, waiting for her, it will only be a blow to the other party’s knowledge…

Pseudo Xueba discussing professional knowledge with Xueshen? Mai Sakurajima thinks she will never do this as smart as she is! Keep silent!

Seeing a pair of former bunny girls who are what you said, Doma Sougo sighed in his heart. He just thought, if the other party wants to refute, he will discuss with the other party what is quantum mechanics. Deepen his impression of being a nerd and no emotional intelligence in the other’s heart…

But the other party cooperated so well, and Tama Sougou couldn’t find any decent excuses for a while…

“The next test is to define the scope of memes. To put it simply, in the logic of meme formation, what is your existence attached to Mai…”

“Huh?” Mai Sakurajima was puzzled, is there any difference between this and the experiment just now?

“Woo~! Explain a little bit more clearly. The holding hands experiment just now just verified that the people, things, etc. you hold in your hand are not defined as air, but this does not directly explain, the influence of memes is only that One point.” Sougo Doma said as he loosened the grip of the stable position in his hand.

Because the tram has just arrived at the station and there are many passengers getting on and off, there are a lot of vacancies on the tram. Naturally, the passengers in the car are more likely to get a place than the passengers who have just boarded. He even took Mai Sakurajima and grabbed a seat with armrests on the side.


Before Mai Sakurajima could say anything, Sougo Doma patted her on the thigh and motioned for her to sit up.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

I don’t know why, she always feels that the guy in front of her is taking an inch, let her sit on her lap, and then hug her? What do you think of her! ?

“Are you sure this is for experimentation?” Looking at the calm Sougomu Sakurajima, Mai Sakurajima’s eyes are a bit complicated. Although she is a pseudo-student, since she can be a high-school student, it means she reads a lot. Don’t think about it easily. Lied to her!

“Of course…” Sougo Tama said softly, “This is to test whether the memes on you will work for me when we are close to each other and almost merged together? In the eyes of others, I am one People sitting still embrace the beautiful woman…”

“Fuse, become one?” Mai Sakurajima felt her heart beating faster, how could this guy say such things so easily? Is it too fast to blend together? As for the latter words, she didn’t even hear it!

Looking at Mai Sakurajima, whose face seemed to be a little wandering, Sougo Tama thought for a while and decided to change to a way she could accept: “Or, Mai, you sit in my position, and then I can sit on you. , So that the experimental data can be more specific, if I sit on you, in the eyes of others, I should be suspended in the air…

When this kind of unreasonable thing happens, someone will definitely explore, and the more you explore, the more you will be able to recognize you and observe you. When the meme recognized by everyone is greater than the meme on you, then, weak Memes will be swallowed…”

Before Sougo Doma could finish speaking, Mai Sakurajima was already sitting on his lap, and then coldly said, “Shut up!”

She wondered whether this man who was like a god would actually want to sit on her. He didn’t know that girls are all weak?

In this regard, Tuma Zou Wu is also quite puzzled. Isn’t this country a custom of knee pillows? Since he can sit on his knees, isn’t it easier to be accepted if he sits on the other’s knees?

While he was thinking, many passengers on the tram also flooded in.

And among the influx of passengers, Sougo Tama found another former acquaintance. However, he looked at the male partner next to him and the former bunny girl sitting on his knees. He did not get on either. The thought of saying hello before.

Therefore, his gaze only stayed on the opponent for a while, and then he took it back.

However, this did not escape Mai Sakurajima’s perception. Or, when Doma Sougo recognizes the other person, the other party also recognizes Doma Sougo. Unlike someone, the other person recognizes the other person. After enlightenment, the line of sight has been firmly locked on him, and the emotions on his face are constantly changing…

The expression was also hesitant to speak, it looked as if he wanted to step forward to greet him, but was embarrassed.

Regarding this, Mai Sakurajima is very sure. After all, although the other party is watching Sougo Tama, she is sitting on his lap. In other words, she is the first to appreciate the other party’s expressions. …

Therefore, Mai Sakurajima also looked at the opponent carefully for a while.


She was very upset.

The other party is very temperamental and beautiful,

Coupled with the clothes on the other party, not only is it tasteful, but the price is also quite high, which proves that the other party’s family conditions are not bad, maybe she is still the legendary lady, if it were before, she might become friends with the other party. But now…

“Eh?” Sougo Tama murmured something again, but Mai Sakurajima who was thinking did not hear it. This made the corners of someone’s mouth twitch, and said helplessly, “Mai, what are you thinking about? ?”

“Huh?” The sound made Mai Sakurajima fantasize out of contemplation. She raised her head slightly. As for what she was thinking, since the girl opposite hadn’t come over, she wouldn’t say anything!

Doma Sougou followed the other person’s eyes and looked up. It was an advertisement in the tram. The spokesperson in it was a pretty little girl, who was somewhat similar to the former bunny girl sitting on his lap. Like, in comparison, the spokesperson is far from the former bunny girl.

“If I remember correctly, you used to endorse this brand of food?”

“Huh?” Mai Sakurajima was taken aback when she heard the words, and then she also saw the advertisement: “Probably so…” It sounded a little depressed.

“Wow~!” Sougo Tama thought he had found the reason. Although he couldn’t speak loudly, he still teased with a voice that only two of them could hear: “This is really a tragedy, a product that Mai Sangren endorsed. I don’t even remember, those products that you endorsed will cry, really cry…”

In order to appease the rare guinea pig, Doma Sougo didn’t mind the exaggerated performance.

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