Chapter 621: It’s really impossible to borrow this time…

“Blame me too. I mistakenly thought that your Mandarin accent was too weird, and the reason why people don’t understand may be that you are learning other languages. This happens occasionally, but it turns out that I rely too much on my own experience. , I didn’t think about it, you simply can’t speak human words at all.” Sougo Tama said with a look of sympathy.

After that, let alone other people, even Mai Sakurajima, who was sitting on the lap of Sougo Domama, almost couldn’t hold back a laugh. If nothing else, this mouth was really poisonous.

“Damn it, who do you guys say can’t speak human words?” As the victim of the poisoned tongue, the man looked a little angry.

“Woo~!” Seeing the other person wanting to get angry and scrupulous, Tōma always got a look of playfulness: “Since I can speak human language, then may I ask, what you just said…”

“I’m asking you to give your seat to the standing old man…” The boy pointed to the gray-haired man beside him, which made him think that he was doing something quite moral. The whole voice was speaking. They are much bigger.

As everyone knows, the man with gray hair turned black after listening to his words…

“Sure enough, we can’t speak human words. We are all passengers who buy tickets and ride buses. Then, shouldn’t the use of public resources such as seats be an equal power for every passenger? By the way, let me take the liberty of it. Just ask, what is your name…”

“North, Kitahara, Haruki Kitahara, wait…” Male, Haruki Kitahara was taken aback by Sougo Doma’s question, but he still subconsciously replied, but, looking at his appearance, she seemed to want to know Sougo Doma. He retorted those words, but just as he spoke, he heard Sougo Tama chuckle and said:

“Haruki Kitahara, right? You see, I just knew your name just now, then, to me, you are actually just a stranger, right? Excuse me, why should I listen to a stranger and treat me like a stranger? How about letting out the public resources that should be enjoyed? Do you rely on your big face?”

While talking playfully, he glanced at the acquaintance again. Unexpectedly, it was really Haruhira Kitahara. In other words, the two people were still mixed together. Could it be that this world really Does fate exist?

Probably because the two were arguing, Tuma Sougou’s casual glance over there caught Haruki Kitahara’s attention. In addition, he was so stupid that he was almost speechless, and an evil fire was directly on him. The heart rose.

In fact, Kitahara Haruhiri wanted to target Sou Gou Tama from the beginning. He wanted to get the other party to get up and give up his seat, embarrassing him. The reason why he was so-Sou Sou Tama realized that he had guessed it because of him. The former acquaintance, Dongma Hesha!

Speaking of it, Doma Sougo had also learned piano for a while under the hands of his mother Touma Yoko. If Doma was an ordinary person, then his relationship with Dongma and Sa will probably become a childhood sweetheart. Looks like…

At first, Touma and Sa were also interested in Doma Sougo, who could teach her mother at home. After all, she actually needed playmates at that time. Unfortunately, Doma Sougo was not a copper alchemist, he was just Surprised that I seem to have met a heroine again, and then…

Dongma Hesha ushered in the source of childhood nightmares. First of all, in the study of the piano, no matter how hard Dongma Hesha worked, he could only lose out in unwillingness and despair, until Tama Zou realized. Become a child of someone else’s family in her mother’s mouth…

In the past, the children of other people’s families might still chase them, but Tama Sougou…

Dongma and Sa can feel that even her mother Dongma Yaozi looks very pleased when she praises each other, but she can still feel her mother’s anxiety and panic: “Then, that child is definitely the next Bedo. Fen, no, maybe even Beethoven’s resurrection can only be expected. He, is he really what I taught?”

This is just a blow to learning. As for life-Touma and Sa think that Doma Sougo is an out-and-out big demon. He can always guess what she is thinking, and then he is crazy with her thoughts. Teasing her, whenever she is teased to get angry, he can always coax him to laugh in the fastest way…

When Dongma and Sha always think about it, they feel that he was like a puppet in the hands of the other party. He wants her to cry, and she can cry so much. He wants her to be angry, and that day she can anger herself to death. , He wanted her to laugh, she could be like a fool that day, and even more terrifying, she actually felt that feeling was not bad…

That’s right, in Dongma’s view, after Sougo Doma’s departure, his mother returned to her original state. Compared to the time when the other party was showing mercy around the concert, the time when the other party was learning piano at her home was a rare experience. Good times, at least, she was able to enjoy a foolish day at that time!

Therefore, Touma and Sa actually don’t hate Doma Sougo, but she feels angry that the other party gave up the piano when they disagree, and she is even more angry that the other party doesn’t say anything, and breaks into her life. Then, And quit her life without saying a word…

what the hell! What do you think of her? Come as you want, leave as you want, she…

Dongma and Sa think that when they see Tuma Zougou again, they will either severely condemn him, why don’t you tell her and leave without permission, or pretend not to know each other, don’t think who cares…

In short, Touma and Sa have imagined countless scenes. However, when she really saw Sougo Doma in the tram, she panicked again. She couldn’t control her eyes. She wanted to go up and question, but faced Sougou, who was able to easily control her various emotions at the beginning, she was a little bit embarrassed…

But if she pretends not to know her, she can’t control her eyes, so she would look at Sougo Domama with complicated eyes at the time. She hoped that the other party could guess her mind like before, and then take the initiative. Say hello to her, but what she doesn’t know is that in her eyes, Sougou, who is alone in her eyes, actually has a former bunny girl sitting on her body!

Sougo Doma finally encountered a little white mouse carrying supernatural powers, where would it go to branch out, so although he saw winter horse and yarn, but this kind of relationship for several years, he felt that there is no need to go Disturb, or be disturbed, so after spotting the opponent, he quickly looked away…

Besides, there is a flower protector next to the other party. If there is any misunderstanding, then he is not at a loss? Doma always thinks things are always so delicate!

But he didn’t want to disturb each other, but he couldn’t help Haruki Kitahara, who was with Dongma Kazuya, upset.

Kitahara Haruki actually noticed Dongma and Sasha a long time ago. This girl who should have been the girl of heaven, but has lived alone, is definitely the best target for a scum man~! Even if he is rich and handsome, he is still ignorant of feelings. If he attacked the opponent, he could immediately change his class!

Under the temptation of interest and beauty, Kitahara Haruki regarded winter horses and yarns as prey. In school, he felt that he had an advantage. After all, he was not bad in appearance, had some talents, and had a cheerful personality. , It is impossible for him to hang the snow vegetables who are the same school flower all the time…

However, his strategy has just begun, and he finally found an opportunity to ride the tram with Dongma Kazuya. However, what did he find? Touma and Sa, who had always been ignorant of him, looked at a boy in the tram with complicated eyes!

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