Chapter 618

“Ahem…” In order to avoid the reaction of being knocked down, Sakurajima Mai coughed twice with a cold face: “Didn’t you say you want to change place for the second experiment? You can go now…”

While she was speaking, Sougen Toma was also observing, the coldness on her face became stronger, she looked a little impatient, very good, this former bunny girl obviously bored him, but it was because he could restore her. As it is, I was forced to endure the dissatisfaction, so that’s right. The mouse should be a good mouse. How can it produce strange emotions to the researchers?

How good is it like this? Not in vain, he was just crazy mouth, all kinds of self-defeating!

“Woo~!” Sougo Tama praised himself in his heart, and said to himself again: “This is probably a coincidence of fate. The second experiment location I prepared is in the tram. I didn’t expect Mai to first… ”

“Who, who is the coincidence of fate with you?” Mai Sakurajima turned her face, and at the same time she looked a little flustered while her face was cold.

Doma always feels more perfect. With his explicit performance, the white mouse’s favorability for him should be negative now, right? The evidence is that she is panicking now, which means that while the mouse is worried about his ugly side, and at the same time, he is afraid that if he doesn’t cooperate with him, he will not help her with all his heart.

Thinking of this, Tuma Zougou said with emotion in his heart: He really looks like a villain who persecutes others.

Mai Sakurajima’s heart is beating fast now, fate, is it a coincidence of fate? She and the guy in front of her really seemed to be involved in fate. She seems to be unable to be observed in her current state, but he can see her, that is to say, it was fate that made them meet…

Thinking about it now, Mai Sakurajima looked at the clothing storage point she randomly found, and she brought him over, but here, it was the second experimental point chosen by this guy. Is this another coincidence?

Mai Sakurajima didn’t know, she only knew that her heart was beating very fast. In order not to be seen by the other party, she could only cool down her whole face with years of acting skills. She didn’t want this guy to think that Mai Sakurajima was A girl who was picked up just after meeting each other!

“Eh a lot…” In order to avoid over-correction, Sougo Tama made some measurements, and felt that according to the other party’s favorability, he could follow her first: “Actually, I just joked when I saw Mai you were a little cold… ”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Seeing Sougo Tama with a smile on her face, she wanted to say that she didn’t feel that she was joking. She took it seriously, and she thought so too, but the reservedness of the girl’s stock still made her hesitate. Anyway, This guy behaved like this, is she still afraid of him running away? Thinking of this, even if she had been acting for many years, she couldn’t show her sullen face again…

Seeing that the other party’s face eased, Tuma Zougou was even more confident in speculation. He was really a little clever ghost. As long as he erased his favor from the source, he wouldn’t be sorry for anyone!

Now that he has “speculated” that his favorability in Mai Sakurajima is basically negative, the role he now gives her is probably to restore her to her original state, Doma Sougou does not want to waste time, after all, there is The idiom is so good, there are so many nights and dreams!

About five minutes later, Tama Sougo had already taken Sakurajima Mai on the platform, waiting for the train to arrive.

“Can I ask a question?” Mai Sakurajima couldn’t help but whispered while waiting for the train.

“Huh?” Sougo Tama nodded and motioned for the other party to continue.

“Did you pick the second experiment site in the train from the beginning?” After the question came out, Mai Sakurajima’s hand holding the bag tightened. Is it really a coincidence?

“Of course…” Just after Sougo Tama answered, he heard the sound of the train entering the station.

“Why on the train?” Mai Sakurajima was a little puzzled, but when the train pitted in, Sougo Tama had taken her hand and got up from the seat.

The trams in this country are famous for being crowded. Because they are too crowded, the station has even developed a service where the station attendants push people on the trams. Of course, this is limited to the peak period of commuting to work and school. The time selected by Sougo perfectly avoided this peak…

The tram is not crowded, but it can’t be said that there is much vacancy. Most of the new passengers can only stand with the pull ring on the tram, and the same is true for the earth.

“You haven’t answered my question yet. Why is the second experiment site in the train?” As soon as the two stood firmly, Mai Sakurajima asked again.

At the station he chose specially, Tōma Sougo said in a voice that only two of them could hear: “Look at what is written in front of us where we are standing?”

“A special seat for the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled?” Mai Sakurajima twitched the corner of her mouth as she looked at the slogan behind the front seat.

“That’s right~!” Sougo Tama lowered his voice again: “Now, if I am disabled in the hands of other people, someone will soon invite me to sit there. If no one asks me to sit, then Explain, what I hold in the eyes of other people is air…”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

For a long while.

“Should I say Sougo, are you really witty?”

“This is just a reasonable use rule…” Sougo Tama whispered.

After the tram has passed one stop.

“It looks like you didn’t get convenience because of me…” Mai Sakurajima, who stood side by side with Sougo Tama, said with a chuckle, holding hands.

Tuma Sougou: “This is also expected, so I can roughly infer that even if we hold hands, the meme on you will not affect me, but still simply and crudely define you as air… ”

“Does this make a difference?” Mai Sakurajima wondered again.

“It involves the influence of memes, the scope of influence, the defining factors, etc. If you want to understand, I can help you find the relevant information…” Sougo Tama exuded a domineering smile on his face.

“No, no need!” Mai Sakurajima refused instinctively. She just wanted to solve the problems that appeared on her body. Although she also has the attributes of a high school student, her interest is acting, not research.

“In fact, these studies are quite interesting…” Sougo Tama also made a look of regret with great cooperation: “Just understand some…”

Under Mai Sakurajima’s face listening to the scriptures, Sougo Tama said a series of profound and incomprehensible, but extremely professional terms and subjects, like spatial transformation, dimensional definition, Mobius, and even It also includes astronomy, geography, humanities and arts…

In short, after listening to Tama Sougou’s regretful remarks, Sakurajima Mai was very thankful that she didn’t say anything cheaply and wanted to see the relevant information. If she did say it, then the other party really gave her the information, she Are you looking at it? Still not watching it?

If she didn’t look at it, wouldn’t she betray the other’s intentions? Those materials sound hard to get…

But if you look at it-just by listening to the name, Sakurajima Mai feels a headache, and even suspected that she was a fake student…

Good risk, she never digs a hole by herself and jumps down!

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