Chapter 614

The hidden bunny girl…

If the boy who claims to be a magician can really conjure a bunny girl, the waitress feels that this person must be the most powerful magician she has ever seen!

As we all know, the essence of magic is blindness, and if you want to use blindness in front of people, you need not only fast eyes and hands, but also consider the surrounding environment and the cooperation of other people, etc., and transfer the attention of others to other places, so that magicians can use the methods in secret. Complete the magic show.


The waitress looked around. In the coffee shop where she works, what else can attract the attention of others more than a bunny girl? They are a regular store, there really are some bunny girls in the store, I’m afraid it will have attracted people’s onlookers long ago!

She is really curious now, what method the boy who claims to be a magician will use to make a bunny girl.

“Beautiful lady, have you ever heard such a sentence? As long as you pass it, it will inevitably leave traces…” Tuma always tempted.

“Huh?” The waitress showed a puzzled expression again.

“It doesn’t matter if I haven’t heard it, beautiful lady, don’t you think there is something weird here?” Sougo Tama pointed to the sofa where Mai Sakurajima was sitting.

“Strange place?” The waitress heard the words and carefully observed the empty sofa, wondering whether it was any strange.

“Please take a closer look, is there any difference between the left side of the sofa and the right side?” Sougo Tama was not anxious, as he said just now, as long as you pass by, there must be traces, since Sakurajima Mai can touch Matter, then this kind of touch will inevitably change the matter to a certain extent…

After all, she was only defined as air by memes, which could not be observed by people. She did not really disappear. Therefore, she still has physical properties in her body, such as force!

At the reminder of Sougo Tama, the waitress saw that on the left, where Mai Sakurajima was sitting, the sofa was sunken, as if someone was sitting there.

“Well, what’s going on? Is there anyone there?” At this time, the waitress finally felt a little evil.

“Bingo, the lady is so clever, isn’t there just the bunny girl who was hidden by me sitting there?” Sougo Doma continued to suggest, “Look carefully, she has very beautiful black hair and her face. Very delicate…”

Doma Sougo constantly instilled the characteristics of Mai Sakurajima into the brains of the waitresses through the method of suggestion. Following his description, the three-dimensional image of Mai Sakurajima gradually emerged in the minds of the waitresses. After the image was completed, a phantom suddenly appeared in front of the waitress…

“Is it useful?” Just when the waitress wanted to rub her eyes to see if she was dazzled, the phantom suddenly said.

As soon as this sound entered my ears, it seemed as if something had been added, the illusory figure began to condense, and within a few seconds, a bunny girl appeared in front of the waitress out of thin air. At that moment, the waitress was stunned. NS.

“It looks very useful…” Seeing the stunned waitress, Tuma Zou Gou said with a light smile.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”


This, this guy actually let others see her!

While surprised, the last trace of anxiety in Mai Sakurajima’s heart dissipated. This guy in front of him is not talking about war on paper, he really has a hand!

But before she could speak, the waitress who had witnessed the whole process looked at them with admiration.

“Okay, amazing, you, how did you do it? This, this rabbit girl, no, I mean, this lady was still a ghost just now? How could it suddenly change?”

“Sorry, beautiful lady, the magician won’t reveal the secrets of magic, please place an order for us, thank you…” The experiment was fruitful, and Sougo Tama didn’t plan to stay here for a long time.

“Can’t you really say it? Me, I can keep it secret, and I can also help you waive the bill…”

Doma Sougo shook his head and refused.

The waitress put her gaze on Mai Sakurajima again: “What about this sister? Although it is a magic show, if the sister goes out wearing this suit…”

Mai Sakurajima also refused. She knew that the reason why the waitress could see her was definitely related to Sougo Doma. Although she didn’t know what he did, Mai Sakurajima didn’t think that she was so simple that it was bad. Came out in an incomparable state.

“Beautiful lady, the magician and the magician’s assistant will not reveal magic, by the way, my assistant has a transvestite, she likes this dress!” Tsuchima subconsciously pours dirty water out. .

Mai Sakurajima gritted her teeth: “…”

I don’t know why, she wants to step on the foot of the guy in front of her again!

God’s transvestite, she wears this suit just to attract people’s attention!

“Variation, transvestite!?” The waitress has a good professional quality. Although surprised, she did not exclaim. She just looked at Mai Sakurajima with a rather weird look: “Really, really bold. Style…”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Her image! Although she is no longer an actor, she still has the burden of idols, okay?

It’s a pity that when she stretched out her foot to step on someone, Doma Sougou got up and settled the account: “Then let’s go, my lovely magic assistant, Ms. Bunny girl.”

In this case, Mai Sakurajima could only hold back his anger, and walked out of the cafe behind Doma Sougo, leaving the stunned waiter alone still sighing: “This, the magic of these two guys It’s really amazing, bad, I should ask, when will the two of them hold the magic show…

By the way, the magic assistant dressed up as a bunny girl is so familiar, have I seen it? I always feel that her face is very familiar, is it a certain magic celebrity? If so, you can watch the performances she has participated in…”

Just as the waitress looked at the two people who left Sougo Tama and muttered to himself, a colleague who seemed to be familiar with her walked over: “Did Mei Yijie have a crush on the little boy just now?” People have walked so far, still staring, how about it, did you take the opportunity to get that guy’s line?”

“Don’t make trouble, they are magicians, they are not the same people as us…” The waitress understands the so-called class gap very well. The assistant bunny girl is so exquisite, she doesn’t think she can compare to others.

“Eh? Mei-Jan has even inquired about the boy’s career? However, the magician or something should just be the boy’s dream? After all, he is still wearing a student uniform. Anyway, the boy has grown up really well. Yes, if I were a little younger, there was nothing wrong with Meiyi sauce just now…”

“Sister Yumi isn’t old now!” The waitress Mei Yi grumbled expressionlessly: “She is only in her twenties, and she guessed wrong. That boy is a real magician…” Still the most amazing magician she has ever seen.

“Compared with your teenagers, am I just old?” Yumi curiously asked, “The real magician? In other words, did the boy perform magic in front of Meiyi just now?”

The waitress nodded!

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