Chapter 615: What Exactly Did She See?

“So, it’s not Mei Yijiang’s wishful thinking.” Seeing the waitress admitted, the waitress who looked older joked.

“Sister Yumi, don’t joke about other girls’ feelings~!” If she didn’t see the bunny girl magic assistant, the waitress Meiyi might really believe it.

“Stupid…” Looking at Mei Yi with a helpless look, the waitress called Yumi hates iron and steel: “It doesn’t matter if that guy is a magician or a boy performs magic alone in front of you, that’s right. You are interesting, want to tease you, the fool Meiyijiang did not take the opportunity to ask for the contact information of the other party, hey…

It’s a pity, if I were as young as Meiyijiang…”

“Sister Yumi, how can anyone perform magic for me alone? They still bring such a beautiful magic assistant…”

“What magic assistant?” Yumi blinked in confusion.

“It’s the girl who follows him, although she is wearing a bunny costume, but she looks very temperamental. I always think she is familiar, maybe she is a celebrity…”

Before the waitress could finish her words, the person named Yumi reached out and touched her forehead: “Mei-chan, are you okay? You were the only two of you just now!”

The waitress was stunned: “Sister Yumi, stop making trouble, such a big living person is still dressed in a bunny girl…”

Speaking of this, the waitress seemed to have reacted to something, she just felt cold all over, yes, a beautiful girl in a bunny girl costume in their cafe did not attract any attention and walked out of the coffee. After the museum, there was no trace of sight lingering on the bunny girl…

Is the national quality of this country already so high? The waitress didn’t believe it, that could only prove that no one except her had seen the bunny girl, and even under the guidance of the guy who claimed to be a magician, she discovered the traces of the bunny girl’s existence.

The question is, what on earth did she just see, an illusion or A Piao?

Just as the waitress felt cold all over, Yumi on the side also whispered:

“Mei, you won’t be really confused, are you? How could someone come to our store wearing bunny girl costumes? If there is one…” Speaking of this, the older looking waitress paused, and again After looking at the men drinking coffee around, they said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

“If there are really bunny girls, do you think these men will not be addicted to the eyes, and still be so calm?”

Mai Yi, the waitress: “…”

She had already thought of this, so what was she just seeing!

at the same time.

After leaving the cafe, Mai Sakurajima, who was once again ignored by the people, finally couldn’t help but ask Sougo Tama: “What did you do just now that the waitress saw me…”

“Woo~!” Sougo Doma kept his hand squeezing his chin and thinking: “I didn’t expect you to be able to help it so soon?”

In the past, Mai Sakurajima always thought that she was a strong and steady girl. She didn’t understand until she met Sougo Doma. In fact, she was a violent and quick temper. What is it that you can’t help it so soon? No matter who this kind of thing falls on, who can bear it! ?

Just before she bared her teeth, she heard the guy in front of her say:

“It’s actually very simple. I changed the waitress’s definition of you after being influenced by memes through a little inducing method. The memes that you radiate make others define you as air…”

“Well, can you put it in a simpler way?” Mai Sakurajima didn’t want to admit that she was illiterate.

“I used hypnotism to make the waitress change her cognition. Under her cognition, you are not the air, but the bunny girl. Can you understand this statement?” If it weren’t for studying supernatural phenomena, Soma Sougou I didn’t bother to explain this to the experimental product.

“In other words, can hypnotism relieve my current state?” Mai Sakurajima knows the point.

“The focus is not on hypnosis, but on changing cognition…” Sougo Tama once again put his hands around the back of his neck: “I said at the beginning, because of the influence of memes, other people define you as air… ”

“Wait, is the definition of me so important to others? Just because I was treated as air by others…” If Sakurajima still had doubts about Tama Sougoto at the beginning, then, in the waitress because of the other party After re-observing her, this doubt turned into conviction.

After the credible service, she found it extremely absurd. She used to transfer to Minehara High School because of work. When she transferred to school, because the small group had already been divided, she consciously played the role of air. , Do not disturb others, nor cause trouble to others…

She also did not use her identity as a super-popular idol artist to make trouble in school, only doing what she should do, but because of this, she was aired by everyone? What did she do wrong?

“This is the terrible thing about memes…” Just when Mai Sakurajima was about to doubt his life, Sougo Tama opened his mouth and explained, “Before I met you, I always thought of the famous saying from the Celestial Kingdom’ What a thousand husbands pointed out, “Ending without a disease” is too exaggerated…”

Speaking of this, he paused, then glanced at the bunny girl beside him.

Mai Sakurajima was dumb, it turned out that this kind of thing has long been seen.

“By the way, Mai can be regarded as air by so many people, thus forming a meme. It is also considered as…”

“Can I understand that Sougo is taunting me?”

“Thinking too much, I’m just curious. After all, regardless of Mai Sang’s identity as a popular idol artist, you can rely on Mai Sang’s appearance…”

Mai Sakurajima turned her head, a little puzzled: “Are you really a student?”

“Doesn’t it look like?” Sougo Tuma asked puzzledly.

“Huh~!” Mai Sakurajima was silent for a while, before sighing: “That’s right, after all, Sougo is behind the Tuma family, so I probably don’t understand the psychology of ordinary students. In the eyes of those students, I Different from them, fame and appearance, in the ecology of the school, on the contrary, it is a cumbersome…”

“Is it another pathetic theory of the guilt of excellent people?” Doma Sougou asked.

“The outstanding person is guilty?” Mai Sakurajima thought for a while: “A strange statement, but it also fits the actual situation. Can it be said that you can say this kind of thing, can it be said that…” Has also encountered this kind of rejection? Before he could say the rest, Sougo Tama shook his head:

“I just made a summary for others. After all, this world does not lack such ridiculous things…”

Mai Sakurajima was silent. After a while, she said faintly: “It’s true…”

“If this is the case, I can probably guess why Mai is treated as air, and I can probably guess the situation Mai is facing in school…”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

In fact, there is no need to say this kind of thing!

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