Chapter 613: The First Collision

“Tsk tusk~!” Looking at the somewhat incoherent waitress, Sougo Tama chuckled slightly: “This beautiful lady, can the magic I perform is still eye-catching?”

The waitress’ eyes were rippling with stars, she nodded desperately, and got into the eyes. How could she not get into the eyes? Originally, she just thought that the soil was always good-looking. Unexpectedly, the other party still has this stunt, a treasure!

Being born in this country determines the class of most people, whether it is an artist or a magician, these professions can change classes! In this environment, celebrity wives have even become a profession. Not only do they have to arrange the husband’s daily life, but even work schedules, fan meetings, etc., have to intervene…

What’s more, most of the wives of entertainers have a harder life than the artists themselves, but there are still countless people who are happy-human beings, yearning for the promotion of their status.

Artists are like this, so, what about a magician equivalent to an artist? Especially now, the waitress dared to swear that she never blinked her eyes from beginning to end, but the coffee in front of her was wiped out and disappeared…

You know, this is true close-up magic, a field that most magicians are afraid to set foot in. With this hand alone, plus Doma Sougou’s appearance that is not inferior to anyone, the waitress is sure, As long as there is a chance, the guest in front of you can definitely become famous in one fell swoop!

Magic celebrities-this is definitely a potential stock in the waitress! Coupled with the magic that the coffee cup disappeared out of thin air, she really couldn’t see the flaws at all. With her own desire and the shock of the magic, how could the waitress nod with staring eyes.

“Since the lady is satisfied, then, do you want to appreciate the next magic?” Seeing the convincing waitress, Doma Sougo sat up from the backrest and said, shaking his fingers.

“Huh?” The waitress looked a little surprised: “Also, are there any more?”

Regardless of the current magic performances, in fact, for a magician, to create a brand-new magic performance, it is absolutely troublesome, but the soil always realizes that it will create two at a time. Doesn’t that mean He has infinite potential in magic? This, where is this treasure so simple? This is Jinshan!

Comparing creative magician with performance magician, are they two concepts? The former is a great master, just like David and Copperfield, the latter…

Mai Sakurajima was also taken aback, and said secretly: What does this guy want to do?

“By the way, the magic I am going to perform now has the effect of revealing the secret of the previous magic, the coffee cup disappeared!” Just as the waitress was surprised and Mai Sakurajima was startled, Sougo Doma continued.

“Huh!?” As soon as the voice fell, the waitress was even more surprised: “I heard that magicians will never reveal magic tricks, sir…”

“That’s because their methods are not magical enough!” Sougo Tama took a sip from the coffee cup in his hand, and then interrupted the other party.

“Then this time, Mr. wants to disappear the coffee cup in your hand?” the waitress tentatively asked.

“Ka!” Sougo Tama snapped his fingers, “Madam guessed it wrong!”

After speaking, he picked up the spoon, drew a circle in the coffee cup at a certain rate and started to stir, and explained:

“This time the magic is called the returning bunny girl!”

“Returning bunny girl?” The waitress’s eyes seemed to be a lot empty with Soma Sougou’s circle, but her subconscious instinct still asked her to ask.

“Ka~!” Sougo Tama nodded and snapped his fingers again: “Magic is a miracle given to the viewer by the magician…”

Speaking of this, he turned his gaze to Mai Sakurajima sitting opposite him:

“But this does not prevent the magician from bringing miracles to those around him…”

Before he finished speaking, Mai Sakurajima was stunned when he heard the name of the magic and wanted to say something. This guy in front of him…Bah, what exactly does Tama Sougo want to do? Bunny girl or something, are you talking about her? Can……

Seeing the other person’s face with confidence and his eyes constantly comforting her, Mai Sakurajima felt that she couldn’t make a fuss.

It was at this time that Tōma Sougou put his hands around his neck again, and raised his body back, leaning back on the sofa of the coffee shop, looking at the waitress and said, “This beautiful lady, first of all, I want to confess my coffee to you. The secret of the disappearance of the cup…”

“Huh!?” The waitress who looked dazed looked a little.

“Actually, it was not my credit that the coffee cup disappeared, but the bunny girl opposite me…” Sougo Tsuchama hinted.

“Bunny girl?” The waitress looked at him empty at the table, the confusion and doubts deepened in her eyes.

“Of course, you definitely can’t see her now, because she has been hidden by me. Of course, as to how it was hidden, let me keep it secret…” Tsuchima Sougo once again gave a hint to the waitress.

“Hidden?” A hint of curiosity flashed through the waitress’s somewhat hollow eyes: “Then she will suddenly show up later?”

“Woo…” Sougo Tama sat up again: “Sorry, this is also in the category of secrecy. The magician will not easily reveal the secret of the magic, but the beautiful lady can guess what the bunny girl will do. Appears in front of you…”

To put it plainly, the meme is the culture between people, or the process of spreading consciousness. Mai Sakurajima is the role of air in the school. Others also acquiesced to this, and she even accepted the atmosphere of air. , He took the initiative to play the role of air, so that his body began to be infected by memes…

While she is the source of infection, other people in this world also regard Mai Sakurajima as air. There may be the bonus of her once an actor and extraordinary acting skills. After all, she is playing air in reality!

What Tama Sougou is doing now is also very simple. If the meme is a kind of transmission process of consciousness, then he uses hypnosis and psychology to transform the consciousness concept that Mai Sakurajima is the air into the other party. A bunny girl, in this way, the meme that Mai Sakurajima is the air, after encountering the other party is actually a bunny girl, this meme has a great possibility of causing confusion…

Of course, the above is just a conjecture of Somatomo. The specific situation remains to be observed. However, even if the conjecture is wrong, he can start the experiment again.

Therefore, Sougo Tama looks very stable. In the eyes of the waitress and Mai Sakurajima, it means that he is very confident…

This also gave Mai Sakurajima a little confidence.

As for the half-hypnotized waitress: “…”

Sougoto Doma is based on the bunny girl, who is induced and hinted. She really seemed to be thinking wholeheartedly about what form the bunny girl would suddenly appear in front of her.

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