Chapter 570 Why are the two girls at home, so tightly wrapped up?

Shinomiya Castle, the room of Shigiya Kaguya.

Miss Hui Ye hung up the phone with gritted teeth. If it weren’t for her old antique phone that was filled with too many memories, she would have dropped the phone severely to the ground. Why is there such an annoying guy in this world? The hatred of the other party is almost as high as her brothers!

If it were not for the two evils, whichever is the lesser, even if she was killed or starved to death, she jumped down from the fourth palace castle, she would not have anything to do with the bastard of the Tujian family.

She was really angry just now, she didn’t just ask casually: “I’ve recognized the problem with the Kondo team. Now, you can tell me, how did you get my number?”

You know, when she ran into Doma Zou Enlighten that day, she deliberately kept a hand, and did not tell him the number she used for the longest time, that is, the number that the student union and a few people knew, Shimiya Kaguya even suspected, Doma Did Sougo put an undercover in the student union?

But after she thought about it, she found it impossible again. Fujiwara Qianhua didn’t have enough IQ, and she couldn’t hide it from her, Ishigami Yu-that guy definitely didn’t have the guts!

As for the president…

Ninomiya Kaguya: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Shao Te is kidding, if President Silver is the undercover of that bastard Sougo Tuma, then she, she, how can she survive in this cruel world?

If that were the case, the nasty index of that bastard from the Tujian family would definitely surpass her brothers in an instant, and she would become the first guy she wanted to stab to death.

Then, how did that bastard answer?

“Please forgive me for just boasting that you are smart? In this society, is it difficult to find a person’s contact information? If I don’t even have this little trick, then what can I do to protect you from Miss Huiye? What about your cooperation? Tsk tsk, but…

What I didn’t expect was that Miss Hui Ye had a soft spot for old people, eh, don’t you feel that there is a generation gap with the people around you? ”

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

This, this guy is really impolite, but he really makes sense. Miss Hui Ye has at least five generation gaps with the students around her. In this era, who still uses the old mobile phone? Ah, how can she remind me to make Miss Huiye realize that her mobile phone can’t use many functions at all!

Is she going to learn from this guy on the phone?

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

What the hell is the generation gap? What’s wrong with the phone she is using now?

“You don’t need to take care of my business. As for the generation gap with people around me, how could this kind of thing happen to me?”

“Really?” On the phone, the voice of Sou Maura was full of suspicion.

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

This tone is very much like the big antidote in the movie…No, it should be the passerby who mocked the protagonist for the box lunch in less than two minutes! However, this guy is right to question, there is a huge generation gap between Miss Huiye and her classmates, but Miss Huiye does not admit it…

This is obviously a reasonable question, why does it sound so undue? Could it be that she also had a generation gap with ordinary people? wrong……

Hayasaka Ai realized the real answer—compared to Miss Kaguya, the generation gap between that bastard of the Tujian family and ordinary people on the phone was much larger!

“What’s your bad tone?” I don’t know why, just by listening to the voice, Shigiya Kaguya can see the sceptical sneer in his eyes.

“Woo~! If there is no generation gap, can I ask a few questions?” Sougo Tama turned around, and he couldn’t hear that the question that was just full of malicious intent was raised by him.

“What’s the problem?” Sougo Morama’s sudden change of tone made Sigiya Kaguya somewhat inexplicable.

“Excuse me, has Miss Si Gong watched a movie on her mobile phone in her free time?”

“Who knows how to use a cell phone to watch movies!” Shigiya Kaguya retorted.

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

She wants to say, Miss Hui Ye, she has used her mobile phone to watch movies…

How to do? It feels like Miss Hui Ye is madly exposing herself.

“Understood…” At the same time that Hayasaka Ai was struggling, Tamaru’s comprehensible voice came on the phone again: “Then again, has Miss Kaguya ever played games with her mobile phone?”

“Snake? Tetris? Sokoban?” Shigiya Huiye’s face was disdainful: “You are really naive. The main function of the phone is still talking!”

Hayasaka loves to cry: (ㄒoㄒ)

Miss Huiye, don’t say anything. If you continue to expose yourself like this, when you understand the truth, you will become more ashamed!

I knew this earlier, even if Miss Huiye was unwilling to change the phone, she should always use the smartphone in front of the lady…

“Puff…” As Hayasaka was crying without tears, Sougo Domama’s voice forcibly smiled on the phone.

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

It’s over, there’s no rescue. Why is this the one who knows the truth? He doesn’t even care about Miss Huiye’s facial voice.

Shigiya Huiye frowned: “Is it? It’s like boring games like snakes. In my opinion, you shouldn’t enter the mobile phone at all. I don’t know why someone is addicted to mobile games. After all, it’s just a means of communication.”

“Cough cough…” Sougo Tama coughed twice: “Sorry, I was taken out of my armpit just now. I am the most sensitive at this point. If I touch it, I will want to laugh crazily. In fact, it’s normal. Under circumstances, I will not laugh, unless I can’t help it…”

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

Who is this fool!

Shigiya Huiye’s face became cold again: “Is there anyone else on your side?”

Do the bastards of the Tujian family know what they just discussed? If someone knows that she is cooperating with the Tujian family, her brothers will definitely go crazy…

As for Ai Hayasaka next to her, for Kazuya Shinomiya, Hayasaka, Shirogin, etc., are the people she trusts most and her salvation. If they all betrayed her, then she will be considered as Kaguya Shinomiya. Sigong Family, she would only feel pain…

For those who walk into her heart, Sigong Huiye can give everything, including trust, but for outsiders—she is always wary of being taught by Sigong’s family.

In fact, she has already endured the consequences of not being vigilant. If she hadn’t been wary of Tuma Zougou at the beginning and had listened to his lies, she would not have been drenched in Kuole’s face. The title of Le Ji.

“Aren’t there people on your side?” But at the same time she was cold-faced, Tuma Zougou asked rhetorically.

“Huh!?” The rhetorical question made Shimiya Kaguya stunned. You know, Hayasaka Ai has been silent since the call was connected. At most, she made gestures with her hands. Then the question came again, this How did the bastard know there was someone next to her?

“Am I wrong? Honestly, the guy next to you wrapped the bathrobe too tightly, isn’t it? Why does the girl enter the girl’s room and wrap the bathrobe so tightly? What is missing? Yes, it doesn’t really matter to you…” Tujian, the words are not surprising and endless, always enlightenment.

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