Chapter 569

Bing Kuo Le Ji~!

With the widespread spread of this name, Shimiya Kaguya’s grievances on Sougo Doma have been increasing day by day. As Miss Kaguya’s maid, Hayasaka Ai knows this well, and she still has evidence—

When Miss Kaguya practiced fighting skills, the dummy sandbags used were all covered with Sougo Doma’s head and name, and the average age of using these dummy sandbags was also decreasing day by day…

If a kind guy with a heart sees those broken sandbags, he won’t be allowed to cry, oh my god, what did those sandbags do wrong, they would be subjected to such abuse, ahem…

In short, in the opinion of Ai Hayasaka, it is absolutely impossible for Miss Kaguya’s resentment towards Doma Sougo to be false. Then the problem is that the second young master who has just been removed from the Doma clan suddenly finds Kaguya, who is full of resentment towards him. Miss, what is that guy thinking?

Hayasaka Ai began to think.

“Woo~! Don’t worry if you don’t care about you, I’ll just talk to Miss Huiye about the business…” However, she was thinking about it, but she couldn’t wait for someone on the phone.

“What’s the business?” Sigong Huiye asked in doubt, barely calming his good mood.

“Ms. Huiye seems to be very resistant to Kondo’s use of your name. Is this too insincere…”

“Sincere?” Before Tuma Sougo finished speaking, Shigiya Kaguya asked coldly: “I want to return this sentence to you intact. You have never said it before. You will take me. The name bless the Jidao Society!”

“You can start a powerful violent group with a name. I think my sincerity here is quite enough…” Sougo Tama always convinced people with reason.

“The Sigong family does not lack military resources. On the contrary, having a relationship with the Jidao organization will only bring the Sigong family to shame!”

“Yes, the Si Gong family does not lack military support, but Miss Hui Ye, you lack military support, may I ask, can you mobilize the armed forces of the Si Gong family? And, the innocent lady, you should not think After the action starts, the few crooked melons around you can protect you in the hands of your three brothers, right?”

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

Action, what action, what did the lady hide from her! ? And, who is the crooked melon cracking date!

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

“I really can’t mobilize the armed forces of the Shinomiya family, but what about the Kondo team? Can I mobilize them?”

“Of course you can!” Sougo Tama chuckles: “Since you have paid the price, you will definitely gain something-Miss Si Gong who holds her own armed forces will be more deterrent, right?”

“It will be even more daunting! This is a double-edged sword in any way. I think it does more harm than good to expose yourself to a Kondo team who doesn’t know the strength.”

“Fear? Do you think that your family is not afraid of you and you won’t take action against you? As for the strength, do you want to try it? Let the Kondo team show your strength, for example, if your three brothers have been What do you think of the illegal behavior that you have done is single out, let the Kondo team take action, and report it back to them?”

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

Well, how could this guy know those things?

“What are you referring to?” Si Gong Huiye’s eyes were slightly cold.

“For example, kidnapping, kidnapping, killing someone…” Sougo Tama’s voice sounded very pleasant: “Although your brothers did a good job of finishing touch-ups, they almost never left behind. Any evidence, even if they go to court, they won’t be able to sue them, but the Kondo team is more professional in these matters, and they don’t need evidence…”


“Thank you for the compliment……”

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

Sure enough, this nasty guy was completely hopeless.

“I was not talking about you just now, why can you call the scum as the leader so naturally…”

“Eh, I’m not talking about me!? It’s surprising, after all, I’m so used to being called by many people…” The voice of Sougo Tama on the phone sounded quite triumphant.

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

Are they misunderstanding the term scum? Or is there any misunderstanding on the other side! ? What’s so good about this kind of thing?

“Woo~! To be honest, instead of being judged by others as a good person, I would rather be judged as scumbag. The former must be taken advantage of by too many people to be so judged and judged by others. Take advantage of it, it’s very unhappy to think about it…” Doma Sougo is always so well-founded.

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

This guy is too real! ?

“It seems a bit too much. Okay, let’s get back to business, Miss Sinomiya, may I ask, are you still dissatisfied with the Kondo team’s use of your name?”

“Miss, agree!” Before Shimiya Kaguya had time to speak, Hayasaka Ai, who had been listening for a long time, gestured.

“Haasaka!?” Although I don’t know what Hayasaka means, but out of years of trust, Shimiya Teruya nodded: “I understand, but I don’t need to show my strength. Of course, if there is something for me, it is inconvenient. In the case of showing up, the Kondo team will also help me unconditionally, at least three times…”

“The deal, Miss Sinomiya is indeed a very smart partner.” Instead of coveting the commanding power of the Kondo team, she got three shots in exchange for it. Tama always realized that he was impressed by this guy’s restraint. Shimiya Kaguya coveted the command, Tuma Sougou never blinked to let Tumo give her…

Then, they can watch her being raised by the team members. At that time, the Kondo team can still act under the name of Shinomiya Kaguya, but the other party can only be left empty-handed, even because she has participated in the Kondo team. The relationship between the Shinomiya family and the Kondo group is even more imaginative.

But after three unconditional shots to help her, the situation is different. First of all, Shinomiya Teruya, who does not have the command of the Kondo team, will not have too much contact with the Kondo team, even if his brothers and the old fox father have doubts. It is also difficult to grasp her handle. Secondly, as Tama Sougo said, there must be something to pay for…

Since the Kondo team has named her Shimiya Kaguya, she must bear her love, otherwise, the reputation of the Kondo team will be bad, but as the saying goes, the favor debt is the most difficult to pay, and it is the favor debt. When it turns to the help of quantifying the number of times, then the Kondo team’s shots will definitely do their best…

Let alone three times~! Don’t forget, Sigong Huiye only has three brothers!

“You don’t need to judge whether Satoshi is smart or not. In that case, I will also assume that the Kondo team will act in my name…”

“Don’t worry, I didn’t expect Miss Sinomiya to be stupid enough to publicly admit her relationship with the Kondo team.” Sougo Doma said nonchalantly. There are some things, just acquiescence is enough.

Si Gong Huiye gritted his teeth: “…”

Why is this guy so annoying! ?

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