Chapter 571 Is it difficult to add one more?

The bath towel is really a strange invention. When it is wrapped, it is more concealed than the low-moon fierce outfit, halter dress, etc., but people would rather go out in the low-moon fierce halter dress than wrapped in a bath towel. Was seen…

When people are seen by strangers when they are wrapped in bath towels, they will react like Hayasaka Ai now.

First of all, hold your hands in front of the moon and buckle the top of the bath towel tightly. I’m afraid that if you don’t do this, the bath towel wrapped around your body will suddenly slip off…

Then, the whole person squatted down…

In the end, it should be yelling, right?

Seeing the performance of the almighty maid in the video software, Tōma Sougou scratched his chin and wondered, as he said at the beginning, in this era of electronic network information, unless all electronic signals are disconnected, everything he wants to detect is It’s easy…

Hayasaka Ai squatted down without knowing the specific situation, but she didn’t yell at all.

On the other hand, Sigong Huiye’s face was cold. She first closed all the curtains, then opened the door of the room and looked left and right. Seeing that there was nothing suspicious, she picked up the phone again, and the expression on her face became even colder:

“Are you watching me?”

“No, no, no… it’s just a show of strength in a timely manner, will you say that, does the action of Miss Kaguya closing the curtain represent recognition?” Sougo Tsuchima said quite happily.

“Asshole, asshole, is this the sincerity you want to express?”

“It’s always to make the eldest reassurance, and by the way weaken your caveman’s attributes, at the very least, let you have a sense of awe for modern technology, otherwise, every time I talk to you, I will have to shield the surveillance equipment around you. Not to mention the trouble, it’s easy to leave a handle…” While Sougo Doma spoke, he stepped a little and turned around in the revolving chair.

“Monitor, monitoring instrument? What do you mean?” Shigiya Kaguya was puzzled.

Sougo Tama talked with his fingers in the air: “Take back my smart assessment of you just now. I think, the little girl in a bathrobe next to you knows more than you know?”

“Haasaka!?” Shimiya Kaguya was a little surprised.

Ai Hayasaka lying inexplicably with a gun: “…”

Damn it, how much does this guy know on the phone?

“Miss Huiye, don’t believe this guy’s nonsense…” Damn it, right now, she is not ready to confess everything!

“Are you talking nonsense?” Sougo Tama chuckles again: “Little bath towel girl, do you remember what I said? In this information age, it is very easy for me to find out something here. , You say, I will explore your bottom by the way…”

Hayasaka Ai was silent: “…”

Damn bastard!

“Toroma Sougou, the people around me don’t need you to doubt…” While she was worried, Shinomiya Teruya stood in front of Hayasaka Ai.

“Is it the eldest lady of the Sigong family? Really confident, but the people around you are indeed very problematic…” Sougo Tama was so upright.

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

Bastard, bastard, bastard…

However, all of this was her fault. If she had not betrayed the eldest lady at the time and had not leaked the information of the eldest lady, she…

I’m sorry, Miss Huiye, maybe, today is their master and servant, or when their friends are in love, Huiye, I hope you can live happily without the days of Zaosaka.

With Sougo Tama’s pressing step by step, Ai Hayasaka fell into despair.

“What nonsense are you talking about, how could she be Hayasaka…” Compared with the desperate Ai Hayasaka, Kaguya Shinomiya couldn’t believe it, she questioned angrily.

“Miss Sigong, I have evidence here!” But Tuma’s voice is still so unpretentious, as if everything is under control.

“Proof, evidence?” I don’t know why, Si Gong Huiye’s voice trembled a little.

“Yes, Miss Sigiya has never used a mobile phone to watch movies, right? But according to my investigation, the little girl in the towel next to you often uses her mobile phone to download movies to watch. It should be said that Miss Hayasaka is very familiar. Obviously, she is hiding from you!”

Ai Hayasaka who was originally desperate: -_-|||

Ah~! Is it this?

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

This bastard is so good to explain it earlier, what a big deal! Moreover, does this have anything to do with her? This is all due to the fact that Miss Huiye is still unwilling to change her mobile phone!

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

Use, watch movies on your phone! ?


“Asshole, bastard, you are telling and lying again, how can this kind of thing be done! Hayasaka, tell him that you have never watched a movie on your phone!”

Hayasaka Ai: “…”


Miss Huiye, what is your expression of being unable to accept it? It is common sense to watch movies on mobile phones!

“Eh Duo, Miss, when I’m bored, I occasionally use my phone to watch movies…” Miss Hui Ye’s shameful side was spotted in person, what can Ai Hayasaka do? She is also very desperate, so she can only put it another way to make it easier for the eldest to accept.

Facing Hayasaka Ai’s confession, Shimiya Kaguya remembered what he had just said-who would use a mobile phone to watch movies, unconsciously, the corners of her mouth twitched: “…”

Hand, how can you watch a movie on your phone? Could it be that she really has a generation gap with other students? No, someone must be lying…

“Hayasaka, Sougen Tama, this bastard is right, you, you really have a problem…” It’s definitely not her Shimiya Kaguya who is wrong, it’s someone else, it’s the world!

Looking at the murderous face of Shinomiya Kaguya, Hayasaka Ai said: “…”

Wait, wait, Miss Hui Ye, the scene where you just stood up and stood in front of her has been forgotten? Moreover, the mobile phone can really watch movies!


Hayasaka Ai once again looked at Kaguya Shinomiya with red eyes, this is not Miss Kaguya, this is the silly personality created by Miss Kaguya after she was too ashamed! All this is the fault of the bastard on the phone. Even if Ai Hayasaka died, she would never let that guy go! absolute……

“Huh? Only occasionally? I have investigated Miss Hayasaka, the frequency of Miss Hayasaka’s watching movies…” Sougo Doma, who didn’t know he was worried about, continued to provoke.

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

The guy on the phone really wanted to let Missy kill her! She saved herself:

“Miss, Miss, Huiye, calm down. Watching movies on your mobile phone is just a common practice. Like Miss, you must go to the movie theater and sit in the exclusive VIP room after the clearing. This is the identity of the lady… …”

After hearing this, Shigiya Kaguya was deeply impressed, and calmed down:

“That’s right, Sougo Tama, I, as a member of the Si Gong family, my every move represents the dignity of the Si Gong family. Do you think I will do things like watching movies on my mobile phone? It’s ridiculous…”

“Actually, it’s just that you can’t watch movies on your mobile phone?” Anyway, Sougo Tama was still unscrupulous when he was not at the scene.

“Asshole, asshole, how can using a mobile phone compare to the enjoyment of a movie theater?” Shigiya Kaguya retorted.

“However, you can watch anytime and anywhere with your mobile phone, young man, sorry, Miss Hui Ye, you shouldn’t be compared with young people. With so many generation gaps, you actually already have the mindset of a stubborn old man…”

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

Clench your teeth, grind your teeth crazy!

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