Chapter 555

Yakuza ≈ Mohigan ≈ Oki Yamazaki, the reason why Sougo Tama emphasized this is actually just to prevent the two captains of the Kondo team from colliding with the character. If he is misunderstood, he has also been Yakuza, then As a comparison object, Yamazaki is too pitiful…

“This method is indeed very similar to the style of Anzai and the others. To be honest, Anzai and the others wanted to bully others in their first year…” Not to mention the speculation that Fuji Umitakuya had in his heart about Tama Sougou’s past. After thinking about it carefully, I discovered that the result of the analysis by Sougen Tujian was quite similar to something that had happened in the past.

That incident can be regarded as a bullying incident, but the private Toyosaki is a prestigious school after all. Although the school spirit is open, it is also quite rigorous on certain issues, and Anzai and others have left too many handles. So that the bullying failed, but Anxi and others were punished by the school…

After the incident, Anzai Zhe and others also stopped. As time passed, Fujigami Takuya almost forgot about it, but after listening to Doma Sougou’s analysis today, he remembered it, and then he More excited.

“Master Tuma, since you already know who Anzai and the others are, why don’t you deprive them of the qualifications to elect the president? If you let that kind of person inherit the master’s society, then the master’s painstaking effort…”

“A lot of hard work? Are you sure?” Tuma Zougou’s tone was a little puzzled.

Fujikami Takuya covered his face: “…”

For other people, a single-handed society can be called painstaking effort, but for his master, from having an idea to setting up a community, he is like a joke. The word painstaking effort, let alone other people, is an apprentice. He has a guilty conscience when using it.

“Master Tuma, to be honest, this club won’t be you who are idle and bored…” Thinking about how your master was doing nothing that day, Taku Fujikami said with some suspicion.

“Fujigami, in your heart, I set up a club because I was bored and recruited members to be bored together?” But before Fujigami Taku finished speaking, Tama Sougou asked righteously.

“Hug, sorry, Master Tuma, I shouldn’t doubt…” Looking at the serious master, Fujigami Taku also quickly apologized, Damn it, Master Tuma decided to step down because of the members. President, Master Doma must be very sad at this time, and Fujie Taku also maliciously speculated…

What’s more, he ignored the obvious situation. Just thinking about the activity funds of the club, one should think of the hard work that Master Tujian has paid for this club.

“Hey…” Seeing Takuya Fujigami who kept apologizing, Tama Sougo sighed slightly.

“Master Tuma…” This sigh made Fujigami Takuya feel more guilty. He had known Master Tuma that he valued the society so much. He, he just…

“What about your clever energy just now? That’s right, you guessed it, I just wanted to create a club for fun when I was bored. I didn’t expect it to be even more boring…” Tama Sougo felt that Fujigami Takuya was right. , It’s better to be boring than to cheat people in the first place.

As soon as the voice fell, Fujie Taku who felt guilty of himself looked stiff.

It was because of preparations that the presidential election ended earlier than Sougo Doma had imagined. Unsurprisingly, the second president was indeed not selected from Anzai’s gang, but took the lead. Assaulting Titan student Sashima, his “good friend” Shirashima Ichijo stood out among many members and took over as the president.

To this, Tōma Sougou didn’t feel the slightest surprise. In any case, the other party can also fool others into the role of pioneers for him, so he must have had experience in canvassing.

Especially, when Tama Sougou was handing over work with him, the other party’s handy performance can only be said that it is really a person who is prepared to get everything…

Of course, these have nothing to do with Sougen Tuma. He who got rid of the big fire pit of the club only felt relieved. Even the expression of Ms. Songqi’s angry face, but the expression of having to sit there, made him feel relieved. Wu feels good and looks good!

For this reason, Sougo Tama reminded the two of Shirashima a little:

“The same as Baidao, no, it should be called President Baidao now, and Teacher Song Qi, have you considered the next activities of the [Oolong Tea Research Society]?”

“Aren’t you studying oolong tea?” This is the newly appointed president, Kazushin Shirashima.

“What does your organization’s research have to do with my instructor?” This is the unhappy teacher Song Qi.

“Tsk tusk…” Seeing that the two of them hadn’t awakened yet, Tama Sougo had to shake his forefinger and said: “It’s a past to study oolong tea. Now, as the president of Shirashima, what I should think about most is How can you bring the members to the whitewash? By the way, there is also Teacher Song Qi. After all, this matter is at stake for your life and death!”

Baidao Yicheng and Teacher Songqi have a black question mark at the same time, what the hell is it?

“Woo…” Sougo Tama stepped forward again: “Don’t you really think that the incident in the morning is over? That incident can’t stand the scrutiny at all, don’t forget, I was the perpetrator. ……Ahem, members of the [Oolong Tea Research Society], if someone with the heart points out, what will happen to you, including Teacher Song Qi?”

One city in Baidao, teacher Song Qi: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Isn’t that over in the morning?

“Tu, classmate Tujian, don’t talk nonsense, even the school said, we are…” Teacher Song Qi, who felt he was fooled.

“Teacher Songqi, do you think anyone who sees it will believe it? What’s more, now it’s the Internet age. Of course, if someone is identified, the school can push the pot on Teacher Songqi. At that time, the school will only be affected by Songqi. The teacher’s deception, but Mr. Songqi, you…”

“Ha, haha, those who will be expelled, those who will be expelled, my life is over…” Before Sougo Tuma could finish speaking, the awakened teacher Song Qi shivered.

“…” Shirashima Ichijo’s complexion is also difficult to look: “Do, classmate Doma, no, no, President Doma, you, you must have some way to make us white?”

“Yes, okay? Tu, classmate Tujian?” Shirashima Yicheng Dialect reminded Teacher Song Qi, as if he had grasped the life-saving straw.

“It’s actually very simple…” Sougo Doma smiled brightly.

After the three chatted for a long time, no one knew what they were talking about, only that, since that day, private Toyonosaki has an additional custom, which is widely circulated among boys…

“Doma, classmate Tuma, is it really appropriate for us to do this?” When Doma Sougo asked to leave, Ms. Songqi still hesitated a little.

“Teacher Songqi, believe me, when most people are accustomed to something, that matter will become an ordinary trivial matter no matter how exaggerated it looks before…” Sougo Tsuchima encouraged Wan Song After Teacher Qi, he turned his head to Shiraito Yicheng Road:

“The same is true for you. When everyone is accustomed to perverts, the perverts are just ordinary people…”

Baidao Yicheng, Teacher Song Qi: -_-|||

I always feel that they have been offended!

Baidao Yicheng has a feeling that he seems to have taken a fire pit…

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