Chapter 556: How Can I Attract Others’ Attention

No matter what other people think, Tuma Sougou has stepped down as the president, got rid of the fire pit of the club, and laid a lot of money for watching the excitement in the future. The beautiful day passed without knowing it…

Daily life is always peaceful and peaceful. In this calm, time walks forward quietly, and in a blink of an eye, it’s time for Sougoto to make an appointment with Zhenbai to take her to the editor.

“Really white, to be honest, I don’t recommend that you submit your paper now. You still lack a bit of logical continuity, even if you meet with the editor…” Originally planned to stay at home with a lot of games, Sougo Mumu tried his best to save himself. .

“Zou Gou, my sister said, she has something to do today, and she can’t go home later…” In some respects, she was extremely sensitive.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

There is a feeling of guilty conscience.

“It’s really white, I want you to make progress step by step. You didn’t lack drawing skills. What you lack now is the ability to tell stories…”

While watching Zhenbai go to the place they had agreed upon, Doma Zougou was talking about it. If he started talking about it, his guilty conscience would be easier to eliminate. What if he believes it?

Probably to show the importance and care of Zhen Bai, the place where the editor made an appointment with her is not far away from the house. After walking around for too long, he has already arrived at the appointed place-one looks quite good. Family restaurant.

In this country where punctuality is extremely important, Iida Ayano, the editor, has already arrived at the door and waited in advance. When she saw it was white, she waved her hand and said hello.

“It’s really white, here.”

“Ayano…” Seeing an acquaintance, Zhenbai responded.

“Mashiro, who is this?” Iida Ayano asked with interest after Doma Sougo followed Majiro’s approach.

“Woo…” Shiina glanced at the Tuma Sougo behind him, then tilted his head: “It’s the master…”

Iida Ayano: “…”

She unconsciously took out the phone.

“Crack, demon demon spirit?”

Sougo Tama glanced at the two who were talking to themselves: #^_^

“So this stalk can’t make it through, right?”

Suddenly Iida Ayano, who felt nothing interesting, took back the phone, and then she glanced at the salted fish-like soil on her face, which seemed to say whatever you want, and said: “I said, did you guys react too plainly? point?”

“Excuse me, Obasan, what kind of response do you want me to make?” Sougo Doma replied with his face written not afraid of death.

Iida Ayano: #^_^

Oh, Obasan? She, she…

Who is this guy who followed Zhenbai? Is it so irritating? Fortunately, she knows how to deal with boys of this grade, adolescent boys, isn’t she just eager to grow up, eager to mature?

“You know? Mature men will call the opposite sex a beautiful lady…”

“Is it the price of maturity to lie? Could it be that this is how white lies come from?” Sougo Tachi hadn’t lost in the quarrel.

Iida Ayano: #^_^##

This, this guy, this guy, where did she offend him? she……

“Moreover, as an editor who has contact with Zhenbai, Obasan should be aware of the peculiarities of this guy’s character. Since he knows, he still takes out his mobile phone at every turn. Is the demon demon spirit fun? Is it because I want to see what I am anxious to explain? “Sougo Tama answered her doubts.

Iida Ayano: -_-|||

Wait, that’s it! ? Are young people so cute nowadays?

“Boys who are too cautious are basically unpopular…” She even consumed this guy today.

“That’s great, Sougo doesn’t seem to be careful…” This time, before Sougo Tama could refute, Shiina Mashiro shot Iida Ayano from behind: “Sougo is very popular!”

Iida Ayano: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Really white, what do you mean? My old lady is your editor, editor, after all, you are still your immediate boss, your face is really slapped, it’s too much…

Really white, can’t you just look at the current situation?

and many more!

It seems that Mashiro really doesn’t know if it will depend on the situation. Iida Ayano who knows Shiina Mashiro’s situation is full of helplessness.

“Yes, Zhen Bai is right…” To Zhen Bai who was on the same side with him, Tuma always enlightened him with rewards. He rubbed Zhen Bai’s head: “If you follow Obasan’s statement, then, I’m so popular, my heart is so vast!”

Iida Ayano: -_-|||

Is such a guy really popular? Really Bai won’t be fooled by this guy, right! ? Yes, the hero does not suffer from the immediate loss, she takes a step back.

“Well, okay, I just wanted to make a harmless joke with you. This little brother is called Zongwu, right? I apologize to you now. Can you forgive sister?”

“Obasan, my surname is Tuma, Tuma Sougo, I am currently serving as Zhenbai’s guardian…” Seeing the other party retreating for advancement and wanting to change his mouth, Tuma Sougo first introduced himself rather politely. After the introduction, he continued: “Sorry, I also forgot, the older the woman, the more I want to struggle with other people’s titles, Obasan…

Ahem, sorry, I, I really never learned to lie…”

Iida Ayano: -_-|||

Isn’t this special?

“Sougo, the teacher said, all liars are bad kids, don’t lie…” Shiina Mashiro struck Iida Ayano again.

“Hmm…” It feels like Zhen Bai has been assisting by God, rubbing the opponent’s head again, and said: “Zhen Bai, I promise you, I will definitely not lie…”

Speaking of this, Sougo Tama raised his head again and looked at Iida Ayano with a brilliant face: “Obasan, it’s true Bai said that, I can only say sorry to you, I, I really can’t ignore myself. Conscience, open this mouth.”

Iida Ayano: “…”

In other words, why is it such a virtue to take care of the really white guy? Aren’t you afraid of spoiling Zhenbai?

“Tama Sougo, right?” Iida Ayano gritted his teeth: “I am the editor who contacted Maashiro on the phone, Iida Ayano, if you don’t mind, you can call me Iida editor…”

“Actually, I have heard of Zhenbai’s name as editor Iida…” Sougo Tama accepts it when he sees it. “By the way, you should have come to discuss work with Zhenbai today, right? Keep your attention on me, is this okay?”

Iida Ayano: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Of course she knows this is bad, but if the guy in front of her has been Obasan, Obasan called her, and Zhenbai kept giving her backstabs, could she be distracted?

Doesn’t this guy know that a 30-year-old unmarried woman, no, even a 30-year-old married woman has a mysterious obsession with age?

Of course Doma Sougoku knew, otherwise, how could he stabbing the knife so neatly?

Facts have proved once again that human attention is often attracted by bad things. If a person keeps complimenting someone in someone’s ear, maybe he will pass by just swaying, but if he is said to him in someone’s ear He’s absolutely awkward!

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