Chapter 554

After experiencing the farce of Mr. Song Qi, the election of the first president of the second [Oolong Tea Research Society] has finally begun.

“Wow~ Damn~!”

In order to prove that neither the process nor the result of this election had anything to do with him, Sougo Doma chose to leave the meeting and wait for the results of the election before the handover work was done when the election did not turn into a fighting club.

Seeing this, Fujikami Taku also followed Doma Sougo and left with him.

“Master Tujian, I, I don’t quite understand it, it’s obviously Ms. Songqi’s problem…” After the two came out, they found an empty classroom and sat in and waited for the result to come out, but the result hasn’t come out yet. Before that, Fujikami Taku had already been full of questions.

“Woo~! You want to ask, why didn’t I confront Ms. Song Qi and just push him down…” Sougo Doma said with his hands on his shoulders.

“Yes, Song Qi was trying to slander Master Tuma…”

“What happens after you press it down? [Oolong Tea Research Society] has just been established for more than a day, and there is violence? Or is the student attacking the teacher?

Hearing this, Taku Fujikami’s expression became unnatural. After all, he was also one of the murderers who attacked the teacher.

“Master Tuma is for us…”

“No, I’m just afraid of trouble. Although Mr. Songqi doesn’t take care of this matter, it’s even more irresponsible for you who did it. For this reason, you must make a proper step backward…”

“Master Tuma~!” Takami Taku also burst into tears again. He knew that although Master Tuma said that it was not because of them, but if it were not for them, Master Tuma would not suffer this kind of grievance…

“Fujikami, you guy has too many tears, right?” Toma Sougo wanted to feel embarrassed about this, he just didn’t want the rhythm to be taken away by Anzai and Tian Ye classmates, so that the private Toyonosaki style of painting would suddenly change. It’s just a hot-blooded college.

“Moreover, as far as the problem itself is concerned, it does not conflict with allowing Ms. Songqi to step down and paying him the placement fee. After all, we are still students. We offended a teacher to death for millions of Fukuzawa Yukichi. It’s not worth…”

“But, Master Tuma, if this matter is exposed, Ms. Song Qi will definitely be punished, maybe he will be expelled directly…”

“Exposure? How to expose? Why did this club fund fall into the hands of the instructor? Where did this club fund come from? Does anyone dare to admit that he received money from the Kondo team?” Sougo Tama looked at a fool. Similar expression.

Fujigami Takuya: “…”

“Wait, Master Tujian, Teacher Song Qi just clamored to make us look good…”

“It’s just that he is stupid. When the presidential election is over, after I hand over the job to the next president, I will talk to Ms. Matsuki again, and he will shut up.” Sougo Tama drew his ears. road.

“Master Tujian, can’t Mr. Songqi directly plead guilty?”

“Woo~! It can be, but it’s dangerous, and the price/performance ratio is too low…”

“Dangerous? It means that Ms. Songqi will jump over the wall in a hurry?” Fujiyama Taku was puzzled. What is the price/performance ratio?

Sougo Tama shook his head: “I mean, Teacher Song Qi would be beaten in danger. Didn’t you find that the atmosphere at the time was very wrong? In other words, you didn’t think that the violence I was referring to was caused by Teacher Song Qi. Those two, and the punch you punched him?”

Fujigami Takuya:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

This, doesn’t it count? You know, that was the student hitting the teacher, and the punch he hit went directly to the face!

He was still in shock here, and the soil always shook his index finger and said:

“Actually, those two are a fart. The atmosphere in the conference room has deviated just now, and the rhythm has been messed up by a few guys. Most of the members no longer regard Ms. Song Qi as an elder, but as an elder. A traitor, a thief, in that case, if I say something to Teacher Song Qi, do you know what will happen?”

Fujikami Taku also shook his head.

“There will be riots. If someone preempts Yamazaki-sensei, then everyone in the classroom will riot with the idea that the law will not blame the public…”

“Why, how come?” Fujikami Taku also had some disbelief.

“Please, even you guy dare to beat Song Qi in the face…”

“No, it’s not the same, I am…” Fujigami Taku also defended: “I couldn’t help it because I was angry at the guy Songqi who arranged you, Master Mujian…”

“Actually, you should have an idea in your heart. Ms. Songqi did this kind of thing, and no one would let him go. If that’s the case, it doesn’t matter if you do it…” Sougo Tsuchima looked at him. .

Sweat beaded on Fujigami Takuya’s head: “…”

“But this is also normal. After all, when those guys brought Teacher Song Qi, they made the situation into the form they wanted…”

“What kind of situation is Master Tuma referring to?”

“First of all, they threw Teacher Songqi directly on the ground. At that time, the majesty of Teacher Songqi was broken and became a weak person. Then they deliberately said that they had not found Teacher Songqi for a long time. He also hinted that it was because some of them had good eyesight that they found Teacher Song Qi who had walked out of the school…

When I found it, Mr. Songqi was preparing to transfer the money, which shattered Mr. Songqi’s aura of integrity and honesty, and defined him as a traitor in their midst. Moreover, those guys have not forgotten to remind everyone, Mr. Songqi They have their money in my hand…

In that case, even if Mr. Songqi didn’t pay for the resettlement fee, he still couldn’t argue with it. Think about it, a weak person, a traitor who betrayed them, but holding their money in his hand, it’s better than a kid walking around the city with gold. It’s too much. In that case, even if someone is sane, as long as someone around them encourages…

How many people do you think can really control themselves? A badly controlled incident is the real violent incident, but this is not the worst case…”

Fujie Takuya became more and more frightened when he heard it, and when he heard that it was not the worst situation, he was dumbfounded.

“Also, can it be worse than this?”

“If a weak person dares to covet the food of a pack of wolves, he is likely to turn himself into food. When a weak person deliberately wants to snatch their Fukuzawa Yukichi, then they can also snatch the weak Fukuzawa Yukichi. If it gets to this point, more people will suffer.” Sougo Tama chuckled and looked at the ceiling.

“No, no, Master Tuma, you, you mean, those guys might grab Teacher Matsuki’s salary?” Fujigami Taku also took a step back, and he seemed a little unacceptable.

“What’s wrong?” Sougo Tama shrugged: “Aren’t the tactics that those guys just used are the tactics that Yakuza used to blackmail? First prove that you are stronger than the opponent, and after trampling and ravaging the opponent, Then take away the other party’s money, so that the other party will have fear and dare not tell others…

By the way, this is what I heard, I am not a Yakuza myself, and I never thought about becoming a Yakuza! ”

Fujigami Takuya: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Master Tuma, after most people say that this is what they have heard, don’t they emphasize everything-this is not their own experience, is it a friend of him?

Why do you emphasize that you are not Yakuza!

What have you experienced?

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