Chapter 527 Today is also a day when I was led by the nose

“Literature girl…” Beng Guan, who is the one who got in, has already gone in anyway, let’s see who is the strong one, Sougo Tama thought while holding his chin. : “Is it a psychological effect? ​​I always feel that once the image of this kind of high-cold character collapses, it will appear more amusing than other people…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “…”

This excitement is the reason why literary girls have become funny in your works! ?

“Zong Wujun, the wind is not strong today!”

“I can’t get up the noise…”

“So the image of that literary girl really borrowed…” Listening to the familiar dialogue, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with a red light in her eyes.

“How is it possible? That literary girl doesn’t look so fierce…” But before she could finish her words, Tuma Zougou had a pun of righteous words.

“So, Sougo-kun likes my Yuexue?” Don’t know why, Sougo Tama heard danger from it…

“There are people in this world who are in full control, some are in hand control, some are in Yuexue control, and some are in Loli control, Onee-san control… They look down on each other’s behavior separately, I am different, I control them all! So, How could it just…” Like your Yuexue?


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was silent for a long time before she said quietly.

“It always feels like this is like a declaration of abnormality…”

“Wrong, this is dare to face your pure heart…”

“Pure heart!?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu rolled her eyes: “If you have controlled so much, you don’t seem to have anything to do with the word pure, right? Zong Wu Jun is afraid that it is not the wrong adjective, but he is adolescent. boy……”

“Tsk tusk…” Before Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu turned on the explosive speech mode, Tuma Zougou interrupted with a finger shaking: “Why can’t I be described as pure? I’m just controlling, and I’m not going to possess it, like, I I also control the sound of snowflakes falling on the eaves, I also control the dewdrops after the rain, I also control the first rays of sunlight rising from the sky…

I am more in control of the sprouting of life when it makes a noise, should I control these and have to occupy them one by one? Let alone the question of whether it can be done…”

Seeing Sougou who talked freely, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: -_-|||

“Sougo-kun, are you a fool!?”

Although he was interrupted, Tuma Sougou was not annoyed. He just made a questioning expression:?_?

“Those are obviously just appreciative statements, why can you say so perverted!?”

“It turns out that just changing the description can wash away the perverted statement…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu who always feels something is wrong: “…”

Feeling that he is standing in the strong side of the soil, Suzuka quickly changed the subject: “Hey many, what we should discuss now, shouldn’t it be your new work?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu who realized something: “…”

Today, she was led by the nose again one day, no, she had to fight back!

“By the way, Sou-go-kun, did I ask you any question just now?”

“I have asked…” When ordinary people would ignore or think carefully, Tama Zougou usually doesn’t play cards according to common sense. He stepped forward slightly, leaning into the ear of the opponent and said: “The answer is that he likes this heroine very much. …”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

What, what? Yes, yes, she, the question she just asked was…

After a few seconds in a daze, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s face rose again with a red glow, and the rise of the corners of her mouth became more obvious…

Today was another day when Zongwujun was led by the nose, but she didn’t seem to mind at all.

“By the way, where did you write about the new work? How do you plan to draw on the material?” Sougo Tama made a listener in a timely manner…

“Yeah~! The male protagonist who has just transferred to school refused because of the violence…” Speaking of her new work, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu seemed very interested, which is probably the so-called creator spirit.

Doma Sougou didn’t bother when he saw the situation, he put his hands around the back of his neck, lying lazily, listening to the other party slowly.

Without a guy who was in the way, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s description became more natural, and the daily stories slowly unfolded from her mouth. Those stories sounded so natural. When they were depicted, they actually gave people a kind of thing. These things seem to be too natural. It happened in our school…

It’s just that Sougo Doma felt that the more he listened, the more familiar he became. Why did he seem to have read this story? Moreover, the name of the story is also called “Strange Classmates Next Door”?

The only small difference in it is that the male lead has changed from the entrance examination to a transfer, and the female lead has also become a Sha Yujia who likes to learn. In addition, many details have changed, but in general, it really looks like his previous life. The one I’ve used isn’t much different!

This guy won’t be worn anymore! ?

However, isn’t the standard configuration of the traverser “Sword Art Online” or something? Which traverser will have a love story with the youth! ? It’s not right. For example, he just wants to support development (salted fish), so he always acts in a low-key manner?

At the same time that Tuma is thinking about it, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu seems to have finished describing the content of the new work.

“Master Wu, Master Wu…”

“Eh, too much? Nothing?”

“At the moment, I’m writing up to this. Then, after listening, do you have any suggestions?”

“Ask, what is the protagonist like me!?”

“Very handsome…”

“I admit that…”

“Very good…”

“I admit this too…”

“I don’t like school…”

“I have to arrive at school on time every day. Where do you tell that I don’t like school anymore?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu glanced around: “Excuse me, what is this place?”

“School rooftop…”

“So far, who likes school, the total number of skipping classes, ordinary students are afraid that the entire high school will not be able to escape.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“As long as you have a lesson in your mind, it’s not called skipping class!”

“Excuse me, Zong Wu-jun, who has a lesson in his heart, what class is this?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Ahem, this kind of trivial matter, you should remember clearly, don’t expect others to tell you everything!”

Looking at someone with a stiff beak, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu squinted again: “Zong Wu Jun is saying that he is an outsider?”

Will Tama Sougo persuade you? Of course not, he stood up and said, “Do you really want to know?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “???”

“Wait for a minute…” Doma Sougo said, and jumped onto the fence.

“Wait, don’t you want to jump down and watch some class and then climb up?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu muttered her face.

“Oh, so much, our ideas really coincide…” Tama Sougo said with a boxing.

“You guy, don’t make jumping off the building so casually. This class is geography. Geography is OK…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He was silent for a while, and then pretended to be okay and said: “Okay, now Shiyu, you can ask me what class is this.”

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

This, how brazen it is! ?

“I don’t like going to school, I’m satisfied!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

In fact, he can still quibble.

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