Chapter 526 Who is it that got in?

Everyone wore a mask, watching Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu who was a little flying, Tuma Sougo was deeply impressed by this sentence.

Plus the saying goes well, you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.

“Just treat you like I’m complimenting you…” Since I can’t wake up, Tama Sougo is too lazy to do thankless things: “Speaking of which, it should still be class time now? As Toyosaki NO. Did you skip class at 1 too?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Oh, oh, I have completely forgotten the business of coming here, she is here to ask Zongwujun that Yuzhi Yazi, and what is going on with Xuexia Xuena!


After forgetting what is going on, but first confirming the relationship, it doesn’t seem to be a loss!

But in this way, how could she ask! ? Just as soon as the relationship is confirmed, ask the relationship between the other person and the other sex, does she seem jealous? Moreover, she just said that apart from her, no one would be moved by Zongwujun’s confession, but now she cares so much about his relationship with the two girls. Doesn’t it mean that she just lied?

No, no, she has to change the reason for coming to the rooftop!

“There is no way, because of the new work, I have been harassed by Yuanzi’s old woman recently. Although I can relax a little while in class, the class is just a class. How to relax, I will feel some pressure!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu rubbed Temple Road.

“Besides, the rooftop was my site before…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This is not a second dimension, and dividing the rooftop where no one will come into your own territory can only show that you have no friends! Having said that, she, who is known as Fengzhizaki Xiucai, actually uses the extreme language of territoriality, ooh, this guy is definitely too long, who is it, and why is she always biased by his side?

“So, you came to the rooftop to relax, and the reason you woke me up was because you wanted to grab the place where I was, after all. There is a parasol to cover…” Sougo Tsuchima is very good at another aspect Understand the problem.

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Although I followed her words, what kind of brain circuit is Sougo-kun?

Before she was surprised, she heard Sougo Tama continue to say:

“As a result, you didn’t grab the site, but instead took yourself into it? Hahaha, this is the so-called stealing chicken and losing rice…”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: -_-|||

This analogy…

However, can’t stealing the chicken lose the rice? Zongwujun, an idiot, unexpectedly takes her very seriously. If it weren’t for this, how could he raise her so high? No matter whether it’s getting in or stealing the chicken or losing the rice, behind every sentence, she is actually saying that she is very good.

“Zong Wu-jun, it’s wrong, the reason why I wake you up is to collect materials!”

“Taking material?”

“Yes, the new book’s materials, after all, there are characters modeled on Zongwujun…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with a look that I didn’t lie to you.

“The character based on me? The big devil who destroys the world? Crazy killer? Serial killer…” Sougo Tama’s judgment of himself is quite clear.

Looking at the serious Enlightenment of the Earth, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “…”

Heh, heh, how does Zongwu-jun think of himself?

“Since the character based on me is here, teacher Xia Shizi must have written a fantasy novel this time. The transformation is so big, is it okay?” said Soma Sougo, who defined himself very clearly, if not He deliberately suppressed, fearing that this world would not become the beginning of apocalyptic novels.

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Is she transforming into a woolen yarn? What on earth is Sogo-kun thinking? Why is it a fantasy novel based on him? Does he no longer regard himself as a human?

“There is no transformation, it’s still youth love…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

How can he be modelled on him? He started to create the Jidao armed group several years ago, and also contributed to the resistance war in Central Asia. Can those light novel characters compare to him? If this allows him to meet the Asashi male protagonist who is walking around, if it gets sick to him, it will be easy for the whole family to send to Africa…

If he is really modelled on him, it can only illustrate one point:

“For writing, Shiyu is really serious. Should passerby characters take material?” Yes, if he is modeled on light novels, it can only mean that he has acted as a passerby in it, maybe One or two lines.

“It’s not a passerby, it’s the male protagonist!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Not a passerby, not a passerby…


Actor, don’t make trouble!

“Shiyu, are you sure that you are not writing fantasy novels?”

“Are you questioning my professional level?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked.

“No, I just didn’t figure it out at all. Where in my body I have the characteristics of a light novel male protagonist, or is it realistic, like the evil Asashi, do you think I have it?”

“I don’t think an unusual male protagonist will work?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s eyes once again flashed a dangerous light.

“What about market recognition?” Sougo Tama, the editing mode activated.

“I have discussed with Yuanzi:’I’m so gentle as I’m used to mass production, so I’m particularly moved by the clumsy sincerity’, not necessarily…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu blinked.

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

“Stupid, clumsy-like sincerity who is referring to!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s index finger stuck her mouth: “Who knows? By the way, the title of the book was decided after I discussed it with Yuanzi for a long time. It’s called “Strange Classmates Next Door.”

Summa Enlightenment: (⊙ˍ⊙)

This, completely collapsed, this guy’s second book isn’t called—

“Isn’t it “Innocent One Hundred Pa”?”

“Why is it called that name? The actor is not a particularly innocent guy. Maybe he will attack suddenly…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stepped forward again, looking at Tujian Zouwu with a smile.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Heh, hehe…

Did he dig pits all day long and ended up falling into someone else’s pit?


“It turns out that the male protagonist is still not innocent…” Tuma Sougou smiled, so he is really the protagonist based on him? In addition to having a touch of his own when he grows up, facing the opposite sex, he only chooses to approach when he is happy with himself.

As for how to please yourself, there is a saying that goes well—tell the things that are unhappy about you, and let the master be happy, what, there is nothing unhappy about you? Believe him, you will have it right away!

“Yes, there is probably nothing left of the male protagonist except for his sincerity. Fortunately, he met the heroine Sha Youjia…” It seemed that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was very proud of her arrangement. When she introduced the direction of the plot, her eyes They are full of smiles.

“The heroine is Sha Yuka again?” But before she could finish introducing the plot, Tama Sougou twitched the corner of his mouth.

“Well, Sha Youjia!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu nodded affirmatively, and then turned his gaze to Tujian Sougo: “Could it be that Soujun doesn’t like this heroine?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Even if he hadn’t seen the original plot, he knew that Sha Yujia’s character was based on Kasumigaoka himself. If this guy’s new work has long been determined to use him as the blueprint to portray the male protagonist.

So here comes the problem.

When he approached her, who was it that got in?

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