Chapter 528 Regarding the temptation, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thinks that she is professional

“Well, no matter how you look at it, the male lead is very similar to Zongwu, except for the academic grades that are not known for the time being. After all, the male lead’s grades are the first. Could it be that Zongwu Jun…” When Tujian always realized some sophistry, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu tilted her head and said.

“I really got a perfect score in the admission test…” Sougo Tama covered his face.

“It seems that the academic performance is also satisfied.”

“Wait, your setting says that the male protagonist actually doesn’t have any friends… I’ve always been very confident about popularity.” Toma Sougo has always been confident about his ability to manipulate other people’s things.

“Zongwujun, do you really treat those students as friends?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu seemed to have discovered something.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He did not regard those students as friends, but as a tool for fun. He didn’t expect that he pretended to be so good, but he was still noticed.

“Do you want to know why I say that?” Seeing Tujian Zouwu’s speechless, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu squinted again.

Sorma:? ? ?

“Ask, if it was me who lay there this morning, what would Sougo-kun’s reaction be?”

“Who did it? Extinguish the mouth…” Halfway through Tuma’s words, he knew why Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had discovered something: “…”

“Oh, I see…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s mouth bends upwards again: “In addition to extinguishing the mouth, it was just ordinary people’s reaction to friends, and Sou-go-kun’s reaction today seems too calm.”

Doma Sougo: “It’s actually not difficult for you to make friends, right?”

“I said…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu pursed her lips: “I just hate dealing with boring interpersonal relationships.”

“I thought it was a stiff mouth.”

“It’s not a hard mouth…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked up at the sky: “I just don’t want to adapt to those bad guys. Compared with them, the iceberg queen is much more interesting.”

“Iceberg Queen?” Tuma always felt puzzled.

“Yukiyuki Yukino…”

The corner of Tuma’s mouth twitched: “How long has it been before that guy won this ‘famous name’, and I always feel that she’s going further and further on the road of isolation…”

“Zong Wujun cares about her?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu took the opportunity to ask.

“After all, parents…” Just because he has to take money from the Xuexiajia family now, he also has to be concerned.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Clothes, food and clothing for parents! ? What the hell is this?

“It has a deep meaning, Master Wu!”

“The meaning is very shallow, and it’s not difficult to understand…” Being able to dig out banknotes from someone else’s hands, Tama Sougo felt that this was his own skill, so he blinked and said with no shame.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

What is meant to be shallow? She would rather the sentence be full of meaning. If the meaning is shallow, wouldn’t it mean…

“Zongwu-jun, I’m short of money? If I remember correctly, your manga will be published soon, right?”

“Am I like a guy who lacks such income from a comic book or two?”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu:? ? ?

“What I lack is the money to be able to squander, a big money loser…”

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

“Could it be that the iceberg queen can give it to you?” Why the more Jungou said, the more she felt that their relationship was not serious, didn’t Yukino Yukino always say that he had hatred with Jungou? Then why do you still give it to Sou-go-kun…

“She?” Sougo Tama said with an expression of what you were thinking: “That guy doesn’t have any pocket money himself, count on her…”

“Isn’t Zongwu Jun himself the food and clothing parents?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was unhappy.

“That guy can’t give it, doesn’t mean that the capital behind her can’t give it, after all, the famous Chiba sect, Xuexia.”

“It turns out to be the famous lady, that is to say, Sougo-kun was taken by Yukoshita…”

“Yes!” Sougo Tama nodded: “I have cooperated with the Xuexia Family. I have to say that Yuukixia Yukino’s sister-Yuukixiayang is really an excellent tool for making money…”

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Cooperation, cooperation, not nurturing? Why does Zong Wujun say it is like a nurturing? and many more! So Goku cooperating with famous men? Then, did she unearth the hidden side of Zongwujun again?


“Is there any cooperation between Zongwujun and the Xuexiajia? Will there be risks? For the famous capitalist, Zongwujun’s power…” Even high school students understand that personal power is scumbag in the face of capital. Many geniuses who said they were cooperating with capital were swallowed up by capital in the end.

“Don’t watch too many TV dramas that have been overwritten. Besides, I proposed the cooperation first. I am not taking the risks or anything…” Sougo Tama stretched his waist as he said, “It’s just this way. , I’m not too embarrassed to start when I face Xuexia’s family in the future…”

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Listening to this, Zong Wu-jun still wants to swallow Xuexia’s home.

“Fortunately, I didn’t even think about starting with Xuexia’s family. It always feels very troublesome.” Sougo Doma added after stretching his waist.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: -_-|||

Why can Zongwujun always speak the most rampant, cough, and confident words with the most salty attitude?

“It turned out to be the case, but Yukoshita will be isolated. I shouldn’t talk about it. After all, there are still many people in the class who want to make friends with her, and Ako Tamaki gets along well with her… ”

Hearing this, the corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched: “Yako Yuzhi…”

“By the way, Yuzhi classmates seem to be called Zongwujun U, M, R, right?”

Sou Wu Tama covered his face and looked at the sky: “This is actually a misunderstanding that is not so wonderful…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu doubts: “Misunderstanding?”

For the guy who was thinking of her when the corner was not built, she has finally built the corner, so naturally she has to inquire clearly:

“By the way, I remember U, M, and R seem to be small buried…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He was silent for a long while before faintly said.

“You’re right, U, M, and R are Xiaomai’s game IDs.”

“Why then!?”

“Hehe, when you go home, a girl suddenly shows up and claims to be your wife, what’s your mood?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

“Although I don’t have much, but I think I doubt life?”

“It’s fine if you can understand…” Sougo Tama nodded with satisfaction.

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu: (⊙ˍ⊙)

and many more! ?

So Goku’s expression? Could it be…

“Zongwujun, Yuzhi has never done this before, right? Come to your house…”

“I just remember that Xiaobu was shivering…” Sougo Tama turned his head.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Did that guy really do this? Wait, little buried? Yuzhi classmate? Is there something wrong?

“How did Xiaomai do it?”

“Have you played online games?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu nodded: “I have played some, but not very much…”

“Do you know the marriage system inside?”

“Know something…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said inexplicably.

“Xiao Bui added attributes for marriage…”

“Wait…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu seemed to understand something: “Xiao Bui got married in the game? Is Yuzhi classmate who got married?”

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