Chapter 382: You’ve already lost since you exposed your cards…

Private Toyosaki, rooftop.

Toma Sougou, who just kissed Kasumigaoka’s forehead, is panicked now. No, it should be said that his heart is very embarrassed and a little desperate. There is no way. When you took advantage of someone’s sleep, you stole a kiss, but found out afterwards. In fact, people have already woken up, and you will be as embarrassed and desperate as Doma Sougo.

Although Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu still seemed to be asleep at this time, if he didn’t even know whether he was awake or not, the earth would still be confused?

This is so different from being a thief and getting dirty on the spot! ?

Why did Xia Zhiqiu wake up when he kissed him? Where does this put his handsome face?

Do you want to assume that this has never happened?

No, no!

The corners of Shiyu’s mouth are raised, so she can’t be sure what horrible idea she is making in her heart…

and many more!

Tuma Zouwu held his head with both hands again, why did he call Shiyu out just now! ? Oh, a lot, it seems to have screamed like this in my heart just now! ?

Calm down, always enlightenment in the earth, you must be calm, and you must firmly remember the basic principle of never panic in case of trouble. You are a celestial traverser, don’t you just kiss your forehead? It seems to be pretty good…

Sou Wu Tama covers his face…

She will laugh at it, Shi Yu will laugh at it…

Hey, it’s called Cheng Shiyu again! ?

“Boom, boom…” Doma Sougo hammered his head, calm down quickly…

Hearing the noise, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, whose eyes closed tightly, secretly opened one eye to observe, and then she saw it, the bloody soil Zou Jian…

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

what happened? How did Sougo-kun become like this? By the way, why would she sleep on Sogo-kun’s lap?

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu began to remember.

She still remembered that Zong Wujun ignored the face of a lady and clung to the topic of “groaning” on her stomach. Recalling this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was caught thinking while gritting her teeth. Did she just now? Hungry and fainted?

After following Zongwujun for a period of reasonable diet, she seems to have been unable to bear the taste of being hungry at noon.


How could it be so hungry to pass out! ? exclude……

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu fell into the memory again. She remembered that there seemed to be a ninja dressed in blue rushing towards them quickly, thinking about this.

Kasumigaoka Shiba: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

How could there be ninjas in this era! ?

She must be starving!

By the way, in the hallucinations, the ninja seemed to throw a kunwu at Zongwu-jun. Although she knew that it was an illusion, she still kissed Zongwu-jun at the same time as she kissed Zongwu-jun. Jun stood behind, and then she seemed to say something like a confession.

“Zongwu-jun, I seem to like you more than I thought…”

Thought of this.

A blush appeared on Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s delicate face.

At that time, did she say this sentence? If it is said, then Zongwujun’s act of kissing her secretly just now means that the two of them are already together? It’s a couple! ?

Damn it~! In this way, wouldn’t it become her confession? In this way, Zongwu-jun doesn’t know how proud he will be! ?

I want to die, I want to die, I really want to die, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu…

If that sentence is not spoken, Sou-jun’s act of kissing her stealthily, hum, hum…

That’s ironclad, the proof that Sou-go-kun likes her!

So did she say that sentence at the time? Shiyu Xiazhiqiu fell into chaos…

After all, why did she suddenly fall into darkness and fell asleep? Could it be that Zongwu-jun moved his hands and feet again? wrong! So Gokun had no reason to do anything to her at that time, especially…

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu secretly glanced at Zou Wu Jian, and was secretly happy: “Especially Zong Wu Jun obviously likes me too, Damn it, I blame it for being taken care of by Zong Wu Jun during this period of time, and I was hungry at noon. After a while, I couldn’t hold on…

Wait a minute, from screaming in my stomach to fainting from hunger, what kind of image I am in Zongwujun’s heart now! ? I want to die, I want to die, I want to die…

Fortunately, Sougo-kun still didn’t know that I was hungry and hallucinated and saw the ninja. If he knew this, he might have to laugh at me…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s face was even more blush.

“No, no, no! Now is not the time to think about this, but, why is Sou-go-kun full of blood!? Could it be that…

That ninja who appeared suddenly was not actually her illusion? ”

The light novelist’s imagination is about to be brought into play, but it is a pity that Sougo Doma is one step ahead.

“Shiyu, that, in fact, I know you are awake now…” Seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu who was blushing on his face, Tuma Zougou felt that this guy seemed to be more kawaii, but at the same time he had to say something. road.

Damn it!

Shiyu’s face value has clearly soared to the first gear, and then continue to kawaii, are you afraid that he can’t hold it?

“Poetry, poetry, poetry…” Xia Zhiqiu felt a rush of blood rushing to his forehead. You must know that although Zongwu Jun used to call her Shiyu, he would always start with Xia inadvertently, such as “Xia… Shi Yu.”

In fact, she knew in her heart that Zongwu-jun seemed to be forced to call her that way. However, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu always believed that one day, Zongwu Tujian would very naturally call herself Shiyu…

However, what Xiazhiqiu Shiyu did not expect was that this day came so quickly, Shiyu…Although Sou-jun said he hated Asashi, but when he was called Shiyu, his voice was so Asashi. what……

“Hey, hey…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled madly in her heart.

Seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu whose mouth keeps rising, Tuma is always enlightened: -_-|||

Shi Yu, she really is an idiot.

It’s just, why is he attracted by fools? Sougo Doma fell into thinking, and then came up with the answer:

“Probably because idiots are easier to bully, right?”

“Probably so…”


Doma always felt comforting himself at the same time.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also woke up from the slut, what did Zongwujun just say? Does he know who is awake? Shiyu, right? Shi Yu is…

Isn’t Shi Yu just her! ?

Doesn’t that mean that Zong Wujun knows that she has woken up! ?

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: (ㄒoㄒ)

The side of her nympho just now…

It’s not right, she’s just an idiot in her heart, Zongwu Jun shouldn’t know it.

Thinking of this, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu regrouped!


When did Sogo-kun guess she woke up? emm…

It must have just been discovered, then, Zong Wujun must not know that the matter of him stealing her kiss has been revealed, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu feels that she has taken advantage of it.

So, Mr. Zongwu, you who have already exposed your cards, if you have any other tricks, just use it!

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