Chapter 383: This Is Actually Tomato Juice

Activate the magic card to revive the sleeping beauty.

Sleeping Beauty’s Recovery-This card can only be activated when you have a sleeping buff. When this card is activated, you can remove all the original negative buffs and restore your own HP to the beginning stage.

At the same time, the trap card is activated, and the sleeping beauty is confused.

Sleeping Beauty’s Confusion-This card can only be activated after Sleeping Beauty’s recovery. When activated, this card will force the other party to answer their own questions. Careful and tricky questions will cause the other party to fall into self-exposure mode.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s round is ready! This is her round, duel!

Moved his eyes, and then slowly opened his eyes: “Eh Duo? Sou-go-kun, how can I sleep…”

at the same time.

Sougo Tama activated the perpetual trap card-the threat of blood, finally!

The threat of blood, it will end-this card will lose a certain amount of life before it is activated. When this card is activated, it will gain a blood-filled BUFF buff. This BUFF has a certain chance to force the opponent to be shocked and be at a loss. .

As soon as the battle started, it was quite fierce.

“Oh, this is actually…” The blood-filled Tujian Sougo had not had time to finish his words.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu has already got up: “Idiot, how could you make yourself like this? You are hurt like this. The place you should stay in now is the infirmary, not the rooftop. Come with me quickly…”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

This guy actually dared to call him an idiot, his courage is getting bigger and bigger… By the way, what infirmary does he go to? Is he like a weak person who just enters the infirmary? Besides, when was he injured…

Shiyu is a big fuss. He hasn’t eaten the takeout yet. When it comes to takeout, Sougo Doma took out his mobile phone. He has to give Hattori a big bad review!

“Wake up and let people go to the infirmary…” Just halfway through the words, Sougo Tama has already seen himself from the screen of his mobile phone. He is still so handsome if he ignores the blood on his head and face.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Who can tell him who is like a murderer on the screen of his mobile phone? Oops, I just remember to stop bleeding and accelerate wound healing. I completely forgot to tidy up the instrument!

“Don’t delay, hurry up and follow me to the infirmary…”

“If I said that the paint on my head is actually paint, would you believe Shiyu?” He was almost healed in the infirmary he went to. When he arrived in the infirmary, he couldn’t explain the cause of the blood in the brain?

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: -_-|||

Yan, paint? Where’s the paint on this rooftop?

Gently stepping forward, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sniffed: “Zong Wujun, your paint still smells of blood!?”

“Ha, ha ha…” Doma Zougou laughed for a few seconds, then silently took out a bottle of red liquid from behind and poured it on his head: “It’s actually tomato juice.”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

What a wonderful tomato juice, this operation really stunned her!

“Zongwu-jun, what the hell are you doing!?”

Damn it, how did she get into a fighting state in the face of Sou-go-kun with such a serious injury?

at the same time.

Private Toyosaki, Office of the Director of Discipline.

“This classmate, are you saying that you were bullied by someone in school?” The serious-looking dean pushed his glasses and said in an extremely serious tone.

“Yes, yes!” An Yilun with a pig-headed face also looked nervous.

“So, besides you, has anyone seen the other party using violence?”

“No, no, it should be no…” An Yilun also gritted his teeth. He knew in his heart that it was impossible for Sawamura, Yinglili, and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu to testify for him. It would be good if he didn’t bite him back.

But he can’t be beaten for nothing, if he goes back to the class with this face, maybe weird rumors will come out, plus the kind of crazy and obsessed otaku culture he usually performs. …

It’s okay that nothing happened before, but his apparently beaten appearance will definitely make some guys who hate otaku culture wave their flags. If he chooses to be patient, maybe this incident will turn into his being bullied. Ling’s fuse…

“However, I, my face became like this because I was beaten by the other party.” An Yilun also pointed to his pig-headed face.

The dean of training took off his glasses and wiped it: “…”

How can I be beaten to make my face swollen like a pig’s head. Fortunately, I have been short-sighted for many years. As long as I take off my glasses, I can’t see this student, otherwise I really can’t help but want to laugh.

“Then why the other party beat you up, do you know?”

An Yilun also: “…”

I know, how could he not know, but if you have to tell the reason, it will be considered deserved.

“Big, probably because the other party hates homes, and I am very obsessed with homes…”

The hand of the dean of discipline wiping the glasses paused: “…”

It’s an otaku, no wonder.

“Apart from you, do you know anyone who has been violently bullied by the other party?”

“This, I’m actually, it’s not, it’s not very clear…”

“Then have you ever thought it was your own problem?”

“Lord, Director, do you think it’s wrong to like home culture? My only problem is that I never conceal that I like home…” An Yilun was also excited.

The dean of training continued to wipe his glasses: “…”

In other words, this is already a big problem, right? If you dare to yell like this when facing a teacher, what about when facing other people? No wonder it will be beaten.

“Private Toyonosaki is an enlightened school. As long as you don’t disturb others, whatever you like is your freedom…”

When she heard that as long as she didn’t disturb others, An Yilun stepped back unconsciously, and this move happened to be discovered by the dean of training.

“It’s really worth it…” The well-informed dean of training naturally knew the meaning of taking a step back. He cursed inwardly, but his face was still serious.

“In addition, since our school was founded, there have been almost no incidents of violent bullying. The school will definitely investigate this kind of violent methods. If the other party beats you for no reason…”

“How to investigate, can’t the injury on my face prove it?” Not knowing why, An Yilun became excited again.

“No way, the wound on your face can only show that you have been subjected to violent treatment, but it doesn’t explain everything, do you understand? Besides, you can’t find any evidence other than yourself, even if the other party is You don’t know how to call you over…”

“Damn it!” An Yilun lowered his head and gritted his teeth. Did he get a beating for nothing?

“Actually, your best choice now is to take time off and go home to recuperate. While recuperating, you should also think about your own faults. Violent incidents are usually a slap in the face…”

An Yilun gritted her teeth again: “…”

Negligence, what is his fault? Damn it, it was Ying Riri’s fault. If she was willing to testify for him, he would not fall into this embarrassing situation. There is also the bitch of Kasugaoka, who obviously had already pleaded for it, but still I don’t want to hear anything from him. As for Tuma Sougo…

Damn it, it was those guys who were wrong, and the world was wrong. What’s wrong with him An Yilun!

It’s just that the dean of discipline said something, ask for leave and go home? In this way, you can avoid being caught in his miserable appearance…

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