Chapter 381 This time, it seems that I can’t avoid it.

Human beings have their limits. No matter how rigorous practice they have gone through, the places where the pain is so tight are still extremely fragile. Seeing that the Hattori is limping during the jump, Tuma Sougo once again sent it out. Feeling like this.

He shook his head, and hurriedly shook the thought that I would no longer be a human being that had arisen from the bottom of my heart for a certain moment, and Sougo Doma moved his gaze back to the Toyonosaki rooftop.

“Why does someone who usually seems quite savvy become an idiot at a critical moment?” Turning his gaze slightly to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, Sougo Doma rubbed his temple and walked towards the other side.

After walking to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, looking at the girl who was still in a coma, Tama Sougo sat down beside her, and then helped the other party choose a comfortable sleeping position.

“Except for Xiao Bui, you are the first guy to enjoy the treatment of my knees, savior lady…”

After doing all of this, Tōma Sougou had time to look up at the sky: “This fellow Hattori, really helped me out with a problem…”

Once again, Doma Sougo is not a dull light novel male protagonist. After seeing Hattori Quanzou and the galloping Kuunai, he already understands what Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is doing.

At that moment, Tōma Sougou seemed to see the original small burial. At that time, there were so many idiots, and he was protecting himself like this desperately…

It used to be Xiao Bui, but now it is Shi Yu. He is really a lucky guy to meet these two people…

Thinking of this, Tuma always felt the girl’s black hair, but started to complain.

“What an idiot. Fortunately, I am proficient in a variety of techniques to knock people out in an instant. Otherwise, I know afterwards that it is just a plastic kunai, this idiot shouldn’t be ashamed…

Obviously, the face value can only be ranked in the second gear. If you are blushing, wouldn’t it be even uglier? ”


Another breeze blew, blowing up the ends of the girl’s hair, and the girl’s delicate face once again appeared in front of Sougo Doma.

Toma Sougo was panicked about this.

He must have been dazzled just now. At that moment, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s appearance index obviously reached the first level in his heart, that is, he and Xiao Mai belonged to the first level…

Illusion, he must have had an illusion just now, Tama Zougou forced his gaze to the sky while hypnotizing himself in his heart, cold sweat began to emerge from his head.

“This kind of illusion can’t scare me. Then, as long as I turn my gaze back, I will find that Xia Zhiqiu is still the second grade’ugly girl’, just a small Xia Zhiqiu, how could it be possible to let him The appearance soared to the first gear…”

That’s right, that’s it.

Tuma Sougo once again glanced at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s sleeping face.

Two seconds later.

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

His endocrine is definitely out of balance, which led to the illusion of dazzling lingering, which must be the case, if not, why is Xia Zhiqiu still in the first gear! ?

Sou Wu Qiang smiled and pulled out a wooden sword from behind, and then slammed it at his forehead. Now that the body had already suffered from endocrine disorders, he would let the pain in his brain wake him up.


Ruthless people are not only ruthless to others, but even more ruthless to themselves. After a sword, Sougo Tama has blood on his head. Fortunately, his hemostatic skills are not bad…

In this way, there will be no illusion, right?

The blood-filled Sougo Tama once again aimed his gaze at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s sleeping face.

Two seconds later.

Tama Sougou: ▄█▀█●

This illusion is really tenacious. Didn’t you even break your head and didn’t drive this illusion away?

In that case…

Doma Sougo turned his attention to the wooden sword again.


This time, the wooden sword broke into two pieces directly, and the blood on Tujian Zouwu’s head became more and more red. He didn’t believe it. It was so cruel that he couldn’t beat that illusion.

Thinking of this, Tuma Sougo once again sneaked a glance at the sleeping face of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

Two seconds later.

Tama Sougou: ▄█▀█●

It doesn’t seem to be an illusion. He really thinks that Kasumigaoka is ranked first, Damn it, it’s just a mere Kasumigaoka. How could he have a tendency to fall…

Doesn’t it mean that he will defend him at ordinary times, or will he be defiant to protect him at critical times? Sovereign understanding of the earth, hurry up and sober, don’t forget, this guy not only greets your cooking skills, but also lusts your body…

The soil is always enlightened, holding his head in both hands.

Wait a minute…

Isn’t the cooking skills he trained to make the guy who cares eat better? For example, Xiaobui…

If you greet him…

Sougo Tama secretly glanced at the sleeping face of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, it seemed that that was not unacceptable…

Wait, don’t forget, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is a person with a black tongue…

With regard to the poisonous tongue, Tuma always thought about it. It seems that only the first time he met to strike up a conversation, he was poisoned. Since seeing the aggressiveness he showed, this guy Xia Zhiqiu will not talk about his poisonous tongue when facing him, even Driving is very difficult, until recently, after greedying him, there is a trend of recovery…

Besides, the black belly is not enough to see what Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu calls the black belly compared to his total enlightenment in the soil…

Just thought of this.

Tuma Zougou held his head with his hands once again-what is he doing, why is he always helping this Xia Zhiqiu to find a reason! ?

For a long while.

Tuma Zouwu looked at the sky with a look of lovelessness, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu still fell asleep quietly, with his head still resting on his thigh.

“This time, it seems that I can’t avoid it…” After a while, Tuma Zougou said to the sky to himself.


Another refreshing breeze blew by, and the gentle breeze drew back Tuma Zouwu’s gaze.

He once again turned his gaze to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, this time, instead of moving away as quickly as before, but staring at it for a long time…

Blue sky.

Mild sunlight.

Quiet rooftop.

A light breeze blowing.

And the sleeping girl.

It’s really a beautiful afternoon landscape.

“Stupid, you were the one who provoke me first…” Facing this picture scroll, Tuma Zouwu bent his head and kissed the forehead of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu for the first time.

So, let’s put the mark that belongs to him first…

Doma Sougo thought so.

As he kissed, he gently closed his eyes.

Of course, it was precisely because he closed his eyes that Sougo Tama did not notice, because his actions…

Perhaps the bending motion was too large, awakening Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu who was in a coma from the darkness. The moment she opened her eyes, she noticed someone’s small movements…

“What, Zong Wujun is also a guy who can steal fishery!” While thinking about this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu closed her eyes again, and the slightly raised corner of her mouth seemed to be saying something. It was the girl’s mood at this time. NS?

If this is a dream, don’t wake up!

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