Chapter 375 Today’s Wind Is Very Noisy

In the face of mistakes, some people will choose to attribute the responsibility to themselves, such as Sougo Tama-the reason why those guys greedy me is definitely because I am too good, so I should change it!

Some people will put all the blame on others, just like An Yilun at this time. When he learned that his hidden face was known by Ying Lili several years ago, his heart collapsed at the same time. , And once again pushed the responsibility to Zecun, Ying Lili:

“Why didn’t Ying Lili make things clear earlier? Yes, it’s because my performance like a clown made you very proud…”

“Huh!?” In this regard, Ying Lili felt inexplicably strange: “You guys feel too good about themselves, right? Why do you think that I have to spend my time on people like you?”

“Isn’t it all because of Yinglili’s fault that I have become what I am today?” An Yilun also struggled to get up, while roaring: “Yinglili just needs to follow behind me, why should I Go make friends? Why do you have such a good talent for drawing? Why can’t you be like when you were a kid? Why go ahead without authorization…”

An Yilun finally stood up, although he still lowered his head:

“The current Yinglili is far from when I was a child. At that time, Yinglili would not leave me alone, let alone stand on the side of others!”

After screaming at these words, An Yilun’s pig-headed face also began to grow filthy.

Ying Lili: “…”

“Since Ying Lili chooses to stand with others, don’t blame me…” An Yilun also wanted to rush forward with a grim look. This is probably the so-called Blacken three times stronger?

“Wait, what do you want to do…” Seeing An Yilun who rushed up, Ying Lili took a half step back.

“Of course you asked me to bring back Ying Lili when I was a child!” An Yilun also roared.

Ying Lili was frightened, Ying Lili closed her eyes, and Ying Lili was about to play GG.


A strong wind blew through Yinglili’s double ponytails, and then, there was a loud noise in front of her. Yinglili, who hadn’t noticed anything abnormal on her body for a long while, couldn’t help but open her eyes. The first thing that imprinted in her eyes was a It’s not wide, but it looks safe from the back, and after An Yilun also flew out, he couldn’t get down on the wall.

If you change the scene, or An Yilun has not been beaten and hung on the wall, Ying Lili feels that she will be moved by that figure, now…


This, what a movie! ? Why is that guy like a picture? Is this special still saved? You won’t die, right?

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

When did Sogo-kun pass by? That scumbag can’t die anymore, right? Sou-kun will be fine, right? Blame the guy who draws the book, she knew it would be like this a long time ago, and she said nothing would come over!

Sou Maura: -_-!

With a little bit of effort, ooh, can this kind of scene that obviously doesn’t want Newton to rest in peace, can it be completed? It should be no problem. He is professional in the face of this kind of thing, just two JKs, just send it away…

The three sober people at the scene had their own thoughts, and for a while, they were speechless. For a while, Ying Lili was about to speak, but was suddenly preempted by Soma Tuma Yuanchang.

“Today’s wind is very noisy…”

It should be possible to classify the wind pressure he just attracted to the hustle and bustle of Feng’er first, right? Ah, but it’s still embarrassing!

Yinglili: (⊙ˍ⊙)

What is the bastard talking about?

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu suddenly smiled: “In this noisy wind, there seems to be something dirty…”

Yinglili: (⊙﹏⊙)b

This, is this a riddle?

Sovereign Enlightenment: ~_~+

Why is Xia Zhiqiu able to cooperate so well?

“It looks like I have to leave, while the wind is not stopping…” The glasses A Zhai has slowly slipped down, so let’s flash people first and leave this place of right and wrong.

Yinglili: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Isn’t this kind of saying just wanting to leave? No way? No way?

While she was puzzled, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stretched out her hand: “Then, take me and get out of this evil wind…”

Summoning the Earth: #^_^

Was it waiting for him here? Well, he can’t kill the donkey just after he unloads the grievance…

Stepped forward and took the hand of Shiyu Kasumigaoka.

“Let us set off when the wind rises and stop when the wind stops…”


Ying Riri: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Isn’t it true that you just left like this? People have been beaten and hung on the wall. Do you still want to use his own reason for falling down the stairs? Who would roll down the stairs and hang on the wall! ? Ah~! She doesn’t care, just do whatever the bastard loves!

Thinking of this, Ying Lili also turned around and left. If An Yilun hadn’t corrected the one just now, maybe Ying Lili would have to consider whether to send him to the infirmary. Now-he should ask for more blessings.

A few minutes later.

Private Toyosaki, rooftop area.

Recalling the scene just now, Doma Sougo wanted to find a hole to go in, and then plug the hole. No one has been seen in this life. What did he think just now, why did he find such a bad excuse, Xia This fellow Zhiqiu seems to be cooperating, but he must be laughing to death in his heart, right?

If Xiao buried knows that O’Neill still has such a secondary side, how can he keep O’Neill’s majesty! ?

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is even more shy at this time, wanting to die, wanting to die…

Why did she get so hot just now that she couldn’t control herself, and cooperated with Zongwujun? Men can also say that they are teenagers until they die. What do the two teenagers have? But what about her…

Think of those humiliating lines. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu feels that his entire face is burnt. Don’t look at Zongwujun not saying anything now. In fact, he wants to laugh to death in his heart. The nasty Zongwujun will even say : “Sure enough, this is what a literary girl is like…”

If she is said to be so, then why does she have the face to stand up in front of Sou-go-kun?

“Absolutely, we must fool the matter just now!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, Tuma Zou Gou made a decision at the same time.

The two people with different hearts suddenly reached a consensus without knowing it.

First of all, Sougo Tama attacked. He raised his head and looked at the blue sky, his eyes far away: “This wind seems to have subsided a little…”

Just halfway through the conversation, Doma Sougo wanted to slap himself. Is this a recurrence of the embarrassing scene in the brain?

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu: o(╥﹏╥)o

Sou Go-kun is really bad, he wants to start taunting her, right? She wants to fight back!

“The disappearing wind calmed down my heart…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu began to counterattack.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu played GG!

No, it’s not like that!

Why did she subconsciously cooperate again? This is so poisonous! ? This is definitely a proper dark history from now on…

Sou Maura: -_-!

Xia Zhiqiu, I’ll give you three hundred yuan, don’t continue to talk about this matter, do you dare to look at the sky without seeing my embarrassed face?

Can we still speak well! ?

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