Chapter 376 In order to maintain the image, start desperately!

Private Toyosaki, rooftop, breeze.

The wind lightly brushed the girl’s black hair, and then wrapped around the young girl’s hair. It seemed to see the young girl’s back facing the girl, and the naughty wind blew back to the girl’s skirt…

This scene is like a confession, it looks so romantic and moving…

But in fact, this is not a confession.

It is a pair of men and women who are embarrassed by their brains.

As a traverser, Sougo Tama always thought that the second grade incident had nothing to do with him. However, he was in the second grade of high school, suddenly he was in second grade…

Fearing that he would be more aware of it, he had to use the most vicious mind to guess what Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was thinking about, and whether he could fool her!

As Toyonozaki’s No.1, light novelist, Kasumigaoka Shiyu thinks that she can satisfy people’s fantasy of literary girls except for some aspects that are a little darker. However, just today, her mind is hot. After cooperating with Sougo Doma…

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu gritted her teeth, this is definitely her dark history as a literary girl! Zong Wujun doesn’t know what Le Cheng is now in her heart, and she can’t let Zong Wujun succeed. She wants to fool the things just now!

The most important point from now on is that she shouldn’t be affected by the hustle and bustle of her thoughts. She has to get the topic back. By the way, there is exactly one problem that she cares about:

“By the way, why did Sougo-kun suddenly appear in that classroom just now?” Was it because he didn’t see her and was worried and looked for it?

“Huh~!” Toma Zouwu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. He didn’t expect that Xia Zhiqiu didn’t bother him with the second grade. Could it be that the three hundred yuan he said in his heart worked?

While thinking about this, Sougo Tama turned around and said, “Actually, I used to take takeaway…”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: #^_^

Take your sister’s takeaway? Let’s not talk about the question of whether the takeaway can be delivered to Toyosaki, but when it comes to taking takeaway in the multimedia classroom, who is this really deceiving!?

Forbearing not to spit out the trough, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu nodded her head as if understanding: “It’s true, because today Jun Wu didn’t even bring a lunch box. What’s more pitiful is that Jun Wu still suffers from a severe canteen phobia. Thinking about it makes people sobbing, sobbing…”

Sou Maura: -_-!

Yes, that’s right, this is a fictitious illness he made up to avoid having a meal with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

“It’s not as exaggerated as you! Do you need to cry out?” Sougo Tama said with a big face: “Canteen phobia or something, I don’t care that much…”

“I just sobbed twice, and I didn’t cry…” Before he finished speaking, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu raised his head and blinked his eyes twice: “What is Zongwujun thinking about?”

Sovereign Enlightenment: #^_^

Come with him? Believe it or not, he started the fire, so that Xia Zhiqiu couldn’t cry even if he wanted to cry. How could this guy be so arrogant if it wasn’t for the face of that hamster?

“By the way, Zongwu-jun hasn’t eaten lunch until now, right? The lunch break is about to end, it’s so pitiful…”

“Poor or something, I will probably disappoint you, I won’t let myself go hungry…” Sougo Tama raised his eyebrows.

“Eh!? Really?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu nodded in agreement: “Yes, after all, Zongwu Jun can still deceive himself, there are non-existent takeaways to enjoy…” The school door is locked, how can there be takeaways? Can you send it in?

So Goku Jun, even if you have any canteen phobia, you can ask her to bring some fried noodles and bread. What’s the big deal? It’s not that I didn’t ask her to buy drinks and soda, really…


While Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was muttering psychologically, a soft noise similar to the bell of the stomach made the two quiet again. After a long while, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu covered her mouth and said:

“So Wu-jun, who doesn’t let himself be hungry, also screams? It’s a pitiful cry. I just don’t know if the non-existent takeaway can satisfy his stomach, or…”

Before she could finish her words, Tama Sougou smiled and interrupted:

“Xia, hehe, Shiyu, didn’t you realize that you called yourself in your stomach just now?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (¬_¬)

What nonsense is Sogo-kun talking about? Does she scream? How can it be? By the way, Zongwu-jun probably doesn’t know yet. Before he transfers to school, she always eats lunch or something after she buys bread. If she doesn’t buy bread, that day will pass. This makes her His stomach has been exercised long ago…

So, how could Shiyu Xiazhiqiu scream in her stomach? This is a joke, if her stomach screams, she…

Before Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu finished his ruthless words.

“Gurulu…” Another soft whistle came from her stomach.

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

When did her stomach become so weak, she just didn’t eat at noon, what’s her name?

Summoning the Earth: →_→

“My stomach is screaming again. Didn’t you also miss lunch? By the way, you didn’t go…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (One. One;;)

Ladies don’t know how to scream, can Sou-jun, can’t he just hear it? Damn it, it must have been too good for the stomach recently, it just started to be hungry, and it started to be unable to stand it, but all of this is Zongwu-jun’s fault, who made him do such a good bento?

“Illusion, Zongwu-jun, you are already hungry, because you are too hungry, and imagine that others are starving like yourself, so there is an illusion called by my stomach…”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

Does Xia Zhiqiu treat him as a fool? In other words, to what extent is it necessary to be hungry before the illusion of hearing the wrong belly call appears? Depending on the situation, this guy probably didn’t eat lunch, so he was entangled in some scum, forget it…

“Actually, I’m not too hungry right now…” The subtext is, if you come for takeout, it’s better to give you a little bit.

Unfortunately, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu did not understand, she is like this now: #^_^##

So Goku-kun, don’t you know what to keep secret for a lady? What’s the name of my stomach? Isn’t it okay if you don’t match her at all? If something like this happens, you should have not heard it! She had just walked out of an embarrassing scene, and she did not expect to step into another embarrassing scene. How can she maintain her image in the future! ?

no! This matter must be fooled as soon as possible…

“Zongwu Jun, you see that you are hungry again… No, it is an illusion. The so-called not too hungry, in fact, after being hungry to the extreme, the brain gives the stomach a feeling of fullness in order to protect itself. This is like people who are killed in a snowy mountain often take off their warm clothes. That is also an illusion released by the brain to protect itself…

It is said that when some people who were killed in the snow-capped mountains came back from rescue, they thought they had just been on the Hawaiian beach…”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

Is this a big axe in front of Luban? Not to mention that the nervousness caused by the ultra-low temperature and the hungry stomach are completely two concepts…

“I think, I shouldn’t be hungry to this level? Teacher Xia Shizi who is groaning…”

“Zongwujun, you have it, you have already begun to remember the confusion, your stomach is groaning or something…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s eyes flashed a dangerous light.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, for the sake of image, start desperately!

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