Chapter 374 You count on an evil person to behave the rules?

“As for this guy…” Tuma Sougo glanced at An Yilun who was still lying on the ground: “Since this pair of glasses Azhai likes to lie on the ground, let it continue to lie on it. The same is glasses. This pair of glasses completely embarrass Xinba Hao!”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: -_-!

She should have thought of this kind of answer long ago. Even if she was asked to take care of Mr. Kirsu, this guy wanted to throw it on the ground and leave. How could this guy like Sougo-kun care about this pair of pig-headed glasses?

It has already been used to refer to it. Zongwujun really didn’t want to have anything to do with the pig-headed glasses in his heart. Wait, why was she also taken into the ditch? Directly use pig-head glasses to call this complicated-minded schoolboy, then again, who is Xinbahao…

While Kasumigaoka Shiyu was thinking about it, Eriri pointed out the problem with Sawamura, who hadn’t seen Sougo Tama for a long time.

“Wait, if he goes to school like this, the bastard will be punished by the school!? Bastard, don’t you worry about your own?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Tuma Sougou smiled evilly again. Now he wants Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu to crazily reduce his favorability towards him. The effect of this pair of glasses seems to be a little more:

“Ms. Sawamura, did you make a mistake? Why did these pig-headed glasses go to school for trouble? Why should he be punished for making trouble? Have I done anything?”


Do you think you can pick yourself out in a few words? Are you blind as an old lady and that black-skinned girl? Isn’t he the virtue of being slapped and slapped by you?

However, before Ying Lili could speak, he heard Tama Sougo turning his head to Kasagioka:

“Shiyu, did you see anything just now? If you say something…” Mu Jian, with a terrifying smile, Sou Wu.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (¬_¬)

“I see, I didn’t see anything, okay…” From when you said that you hate me being seated by people, I haven’t seen anything, Sou-go-kun-of course, the last words of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu are I won’t say it.


It’s really just opening your eyes and talking nonsense!

Sou Maura: -_-!

This guy Xia Zhiqiu promised to be so profitable, but why is he so panicked?

Forget it, don’t think about those…

Doma Sougo turned his head to Sawamura, Ying Riri: “Then, Miss Sawamura will testify for this pair of pig-head glasses? With…” Speaking of this, Doma Sougo suddenly stepped forward and leaned against Ying Riri’s ear. He whispered: “As Hideri Kashiwagi, come to testify for this pair of pig-head glasses?”


Toma always realizes that this bastard is a demon, is this a threat to her? It means that as long as she comes out to testify, the identity of Hideri Kashiwagi will be exposed? Good, evil fellow…


Ying Lili suddenly lowered her head, what is it! ? It was a threat to her, but he still noticed that there are outsiders here. When mentioning Hideri Kashiwagi, he deliberately leaned against her ears and kept her voice low to prevent her from being recognized;

Contrary to this guy, An Yilun is also a scumbag, but she said out loudly that Hideri Kashiwagi was her without her consent. Although Xia Shizi was the only one present at the time, she was How to say, this kind of thing must be approved by her first, right? What about confidentiality?


Dirt bastard, although thank you very much for thinking about my old lady, it’s no secret that her identity as Hideri Kashiwagi is on the scene o(╥﹏╥)o


“Yes, even if I don’t testify, as long as this guy goes to the school to report with this face, this matter will be thoroughly investigated…”

Hearing this, An Yilun also gave up completely. The childhood sweetheart Ying Lili was unwilling to even testify for him, thinking that he had calculated everything, but in the end he got nothing!

Immediately afterwards, an anger ignited in An Yilun’s heart again, and her sanity began to gradually lose.

However, this anger has not yet come out, and even the content of An Yilun’s desperate dialogue appears.

“Ms. Sawamura, are you stunned? The reason why these pig-headed glasses became like this is not because you fell down the stairs?” Mujian, the old murderer, always woke up with a good face. :

“Or, Ms. Sawamura is unwilling to make this kind of testimony, she has to use…”


This guy is definitely a demon. He actually made her perjury, and once again wanted to threaten her by exposing Hideri Kashiwagi’s identity! Is she Ying Lili someone who is afraid of threats?

To be clear, she was not afraid of threats, but the Tujia Zongwu, so:

“I know, I will say when I see that classmate An Yi fell down the stairs like this.”

“Look, the facts are clear, and the evidence is well-documented. Because this pair of pig-headed glasses fell off the stairs by accident when walking, and fell into such a virtue, what does it have to do with me? What is the school’s punishment? What about me?” Sougo Tama turned his head back, with a natural look: “I’ve seen this accident, then, Miss Sawamura, BYEBYE!”

Immediately afterwards, Sou Wu Tama walked towards Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu with a headache, and it was time to think about how to deal with this guy.

An Yilun also: (?_?)

Watford? What the hell, it’s fine if you don’t testify for him, and you have to give perjury for that Tujian Zougou, even if he is a scumbag, but they have known each other for so many years? Actually, unexpectedly…

Under this blow, the anger completely burned An Yilun’s sanity.

He first quietly looked up at the situation.

The violent bastard has already walked back to the woman in Xiazhiqiu. They should be about 7 meters apart now. The fellow Sawamura is less than two meters away from where he lay down. In other words, Ying Lili is still between them. Some distance…

Well, don’t these guys want to make things big? Want him to be beaten for nothing, and even be bullied because of it…

He just didn’t want that bastard to be violent, he was going to make a big mess now, he would not be slapped in the face with this slap!

Sawamura, Spencer, Ying Lili, since you are unrighteous, don’t blame him An Yilun for being unkind. He wants to hold Ying Lili as the daughter of a diplomat. If something happens in the school, don’t the principal. Want to get rid of responsibility.

Of course, An Yilun did not think about the future.

As long as he waited for the people from the school to come, he would honestly apologize and let them look at the evidence of being bullied. Then, as long as he makes good use of the public opinion on the Internet, he can let the man named Sougen Tuma. Violent social death!

Thinking of this, An Yilun also said suddenly:

“Ying, Sawamura, do I look like a clown in your eyes?”

“Anyi-student, what do you want to do?” After everything was said, Ying Lili was frightened for a long time, and Ying Lili naturally didn’t have a good face.

“I knew what I was thinking tomorrow morning, but I was watching my performance happily. I felt very proud and interesting, right?”

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