Chapter 373: Old Friend? no! It’s an old toy…

“I broke the situation, so I was so angry that I used violence? Ying Lili, can you see it clearly? This guy is actually…” After being slapped by Tama Sougo again, An Yilun also hurriedly covered her hands. Face, yelled.

An Yilun, who has been burned out of anger, probably only has one thought now. What he can’t get, he can’t say anything can’t be taken by this guy who has repeatedly eaten him. In any case, he must splash the dirty water. On the body of Sougo Tama.


Tuma Sougo stepped forward and slapped again! This slap in the face directly slapped An Yilun to the ground:

“Do you know why I just slap you all the time? A Zhai with glasses?”

An Yilun who was slapped to the ground: “…”

Who knows what you violent mad think? Ying Lili, stop him!

“I usually like to beat people with my fists, except for scumbags. For me, to beat you with a fist is an insult to the fist. Don’t use your dirty and dark thinking to imagine me, understand? ”

Soverego Tuma finished speaking, “Pop!” He slapped it up again, and An Yilun returned to the familiar ground again.


This time, two more teeth fell out. If there are a few more visits, Doma Sougo feels that he has to charge a fee for tooth extraction. This is really no cavities!

It’s just that the two girls who are standing obviously don’t think so.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little worried: “Zong Wu Jun…”

Sawamura, Ying Riri shouted: “Enough, Sougo Tama, stop! Don’t go on…”

Ying Lili’s words caused An Yilun’s eyes to ignite a flame called hope. Sure enough, Ying Lili still failed to put him down. She came forward to rescue him…

Sougo Tama tilted his head at Ying Riri, “What? Miss Sawamura wanted to help this glasses Azhai? Or did Miss Sawamura have any dissatisfaction with me?”

An Yilun also: “…”

This, why does this guy dare to talk like that when facing Yingli Liwei? Could he still dare not make a move against Ying Lili? No, it’s impossible! In any case, Ying Lili’s father was a British diplomat, a figure belonging to the upper class!

Sawamura, Yinglili:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Who really wants to help this spectacles home? Is she really a fool? As for being dissatisfied with you, that’s right, she is dissatisfied, but she, Ying Lili, dare not say it!

“Asshole in the soil, don’t make a big mess just because of a pair of glasses. Do you want to be dropped out of school for this?”

As soon as Ying Lili’s voice fell, An Yilun also extinguished the flame named Hope in her eyes. She heard it out, Sawemura, Ying Lili was not because of him, and let this violent mania stop…

“Ms. Sawamura is caring about me?” In order to reduce his affection in Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s heart, Sougo Tama began to free himself up.

Sawamura, Yinglili: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

“Stupid, idiot, just, it’s not because you care about something to stop you, you, don’t get me wrong, otherwise, you, you continue, I, I will never stop you again!” He turned his head.

Sou Maura: -_-!

Why is this guy Tsundere up?

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: #^_^

So this is the nature of this little golden retriever? No wonder she felt something strange just now, so it seems that the relationship between Zong Wujun and this little golden retriever is not shallow!

“Huh!? Isn’t it because of concern? I remember my relationship with Ms. Sawamura was very good…” Doma, there is no limit to death, Sougou.

Yinglili: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

“Who, who has a good relationship with you? I, I don’t know you like this…”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: #^_^##

Why didn’t I find out just now that this little golden retriever is so annoying?

Sougo Doma finally ignored An Yilun who was lying on the side, squeezing his chin and said, “Isn’t it? I remember when I said goodbye to Yinglili, Yinglili was still crying…”

Yinglili: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Goodbye? What goodbye? Is there a problem with her memory? Didn’t Tama Sougou leave without saying goodbye after the demon had played with her enough? Moreover, how could she cry because of this demon’s goodbye? She should be too happy to be happy, right, that’s right, that’s right…

“Earth, earth, earth always enlightenment, you want to play with me again, you disappeared without saying anything at first, obviously playing with others…”

“Tsk tusk tusk…” Before finishing speaking, Sougo Tama shakes her index finger and interrupts: “Ying Lili, the so-called goodbye, does not mean that after the two sides have said a few words, one party cried, and the other said I was leaving. Bye bye?”

“You, what do you want to talk about?”

“It’s not a fallacious reason, Ying Lili, think about it, the scene when we last met. At that time, did you cry so badly and helplessly…”

Ying Lili: “That’s all because of…”

“Finally, did I say that too, then, bye bye…” Sougo Tama interrupted.

Ying Lili: “That’s right, but…”

“Look, don’t you have a goodbye procedure? After a few exchanges, after you cried, I left chicly, it was a perfect goodbye…” Sougo Doma shrugged.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: #^_^##

So, what have you experienced back then? Very unhappy!

Ying Lili was even more anxious: “You bastard, you, do you call that kind of thing goodbye?”

If she was not afraid of the ponytail being tied up, she really wanted to rush up with a double ponytail whirlwind…

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: #^_^

What kind of thing does that kind of thing mean? What exactly did Sogo-kun do at the time?

“Anyway, as far as the program is concerned, it fits the farewell scene…” Sougo Tama explained.

Ying Riri: “If you continue talking, even if you die with you, I will hit you to death…”

“Ms. Sawamura, you think too much. It’s impossible for you to die together. As for whether you will break your blood, it’s hard to say…”

Ying Lili: “You…”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: #^_^

Let them say that she will become an outsider. Thinking of this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also said:

“Zongwujun, school girl Zecun, shouldn’t it be enough for an old friend to reminisce about the past? Excuse me, what about this pighead schoolboy?”

“Who is an old friend with him?” This is Eiri.

“It’s not a retrospect, it’s a kind of toy, cough cough, okay…” This is Soma Sougou, okay, even if you want to lower your favorability, you can’t turn your impression into a scum, although, he was originally It is indeed true to use Yingli Li as a toy.

Yinglili: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Sougo Tama just said something too much, right? I definitely said too much! ? Play, toy? Can she rush up and give him two bites?

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (¬_¬)

It’s a wonderful analogy, but what would happen to this little golden retriever as a toy?

and many more……

This golden retriever is a book painter. You can’t guess the thoughts of the world’s bigwigs with ordinary people’s thinking. What if the little golden retriever likes this set?

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