Chapter 372: Why Are You Sending Assists?

“In the process of human venting emotions, verbal confession is the most important thing. Even adults will inevitably want to find a psychologist to confide their worries, let alone a scumbag growing up?” Xiaoan Yilun, who is a kind of fluttering, sighed while recording the video.

Of course, these An Yilun didn’t know either, he only knew that after confessing everything, his heart was extremely happy, which made him believe the “sincere” words…

In fact, this is just the benefit of venting emotions. After unscrupulous venting, everyone will feel that their moods have to be calmer. Unfortunately, An Yilun does not understand these, so in order to make himself more enjoyable, he even more The strategy plan for the island to go out to sea is revealed…

To this kind of self-exposure, Sougo Tama did not bother him, but when he left after recording the video, he knocked on the door of An Yilun’s house, and then praised his performance when he came out to open the door: “You It’s amazing. You who have this kind of talent should go to the interpretation circle to develop…”

“Huh?” The young An Yilun also opened the door with a dazed expression: “Excuse me, who are you?”

“You don’t need to ask who I am, I’m just a passing cameraman, please remember, you definitely have the talent to be an actor…” Sougo Tama is such a friendly guy, and he meant to help An Yilun. The way is clear.

Unfortunately, as far as the current situation is concerned-An Yilun didn’t seem to listen to him. He didn’t transfer from A Zhai to an actor, and went round and round and fell into his hands.

To be honest, Tōma Zougou was also very surprised. Originally, he thought that after giving the video to Ying Lili, An Yilun would also be very likely to evaporate from the world. At least the transfer is inevitable, but he did not expect Zecun and Spencer’s family. So useless…

Knowing this a long time ago, he sent a copy of the video to that Hashima Iori. The guy he admired had been trying to beat himself a lot, and he had already calculated that he would break up with him. What will the boy of the truth do?

Sou Goku Tama just thought about it, and felt that they should be able to perform a fierce sitcom for himself. Unfortunately, he didn’t have much time to appreciate it. In addition, he was too lazy to find out who Hashima Iori was. Just put it aside…

Judging from the current situation, Sougo Tama regrets it a bit. Maybe he sent the video to the Hashima Iori at the time, and now he probably doesn’t have to watch the bitter drama here.

Although he can leave with the bitter drama between Ying Lili and An Yilun, let’s not talk about embarrassment or embarrassment, just say that he just slapped An Yilun and slapped Ying Lili. Isn’t it the same as confessing to Little Golden Retriever to leave as soon as he arrives?

He is now a violent man. He wants to make Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu fear the existence. How can he admit it in front of Little Golden Retriever?

There is no way, even if it is a miserable drama, you can only wait and see the changes.

Just as Tama always realized the random thoughts, Shiyu Kasumigaoka on the side suddenly whispered: “Do you use the girl’s guilt to hold the other party? This schoolboy who is all white in his mind is very good, but This school girl looks very smart. This kind of thing has made her discover the truth. She looks like a general!”

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

General? Can the little golden retriever of the Zecun family be considered a chess game? At most it is the landlord. This is the game where An Yilun has already revealed three singles, and Little Golden Retriever has the last game left in the hands of the king…

The little Golden Retriever can think about it for a long time without talking about it, and in the end he broke up Wang Bomb and shot it out——Sougo Tama said that he too was convinced.

The two who are irrelevant will not mention it.

An Yilun also dared to swear that after venting his sincere heart, he had never mentioned these things to anyone. It would be better to say that if you mentioned it to others, he would have died socially a long time ago. …

So, it must be Ying Lili who is cheating on him, and blame him for giving a seat to Kasuga no Ooka instead of giving her Ying Lili, right?

“Ying, Ying Lili, no, stop talking nonsense, me, how could I say this…” An Yilun also paled sophistry.

“Anyi classmate, please call me classmate Sawamura, thank you…” Sawamura, Yinglili is more polite: “Actually, I also know classmate Anyi won’t admit it, for example, what is the strategy for school girls going to sea on Bodao Island? Plan…”

Before he finished speaking, An Yilun took two steps back. At this time, his original red and swollen face looked a little pale: “You, because of this, you really started to ignore me? ?”

“Anyi classmate, you overestimate yourself too much. Didn’t I say that since I was in elementary school, I don’t think I have done anything wrong, let alone feel guilty about you, why on earth do you think? , I must always pay attention to you…” Sawamura, face to face, Ying Lili.

“Lying, Ying Lili is definitely lying…” An Yilun also uttered incompetent fury again.

“But this is the case! As an ordinary friend, friendship is so easy to break…” Sawamura, Ying Riri interrupted.

“No, it’s not like this!” An Yilun also said while pointing his finger at Muma Zou Wu: “If Ying Lili doesn’t care about me anymore, why did Ying Lili stand again when I was bullied by this guy? Out?”

I haven’t waited for Ying Lili to speak.

An Yilun also looked at Tuma Zougou’s face again and was stunned: “I, I remember, you, you, you are the cameraman back then.”

Sougo Tama shrugged: “You made two more mistakes. First, I hate being pointed at by someone’s fingers, and second, it’s a cameraman who is passing by, because of interest…”

“It’s you!? It’s you, right? It’s all you doing the ghost…” Seeing Tama Sougo admits, An Yilun also seemed to connect everything together: “You took my video and sent it. For Ying Lili, she has been in friendship with her since then…”

Sou Maura: -_-!

What is this guy thinking? Does he need to befriend the little golden retriever?

However, before Tuma Zou Wu could speak, An Yilun already seemed to understand everything.

“That’s it, it’s that way, no wonder I said why everything went wrong as long as I met you, I know now, it turns out that you guys have been aiming at me…”

Sou Maura: -_-!

This Zhai can really make up his mind. In other words, is this a sign of the beginning of Blacken?

“On the day of the signing ceremony, you were afraid that I would get the first opportunity to sign with Xia Shizi, so you deliberately asked someone to throw me out. Senior sister Xia Zhiqiu, this guy is actually the same as me. He wants to be the first. As a reader, I will start a strategy for you…”

“Pop!” Before An Yilun finished speaking, Sougo Doma stepped forward and slapped again.


He is now having a headache about Xiazhiqiu greedy him! What if that guy listens to An Yilun’s words? If you really listen to it…

Whether that Xiazhiqiu will fly to the sky is not to say, at least it is a great increase in confidence!

Who is to blame for this trouble?

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