Chapter 371

“No, I don’t understand. Why do I have to cater to those people? And, the betrayer is obviously Yinglili…” Facing Sawamura, Yinglili’s questioning, An Yilun also roared with a pig’s face, as if only Only in this way can he prove that he has a clear conscience…

However, before he finished speaking, Eiri Sawamura smiled:

“Anyi student, don’t you know better than anyone else? Otherwise, why do you care about the word betrayal? Yes, it’s to make a girl feel guilty for you because of her identity as a betrayer? Ah, originally Just give it a try. I didn’t expect that idiot Yinglili would actually do this…”

These familiar words made An Yilun also sweat: “Ying, Ying Lili, what are you talking nonsense, me, how could I have such an idea! This is simply…”

“But Anyi, didn’t you say it yourself?” Ying Lili interrupted again in the form of a rhetorical question.

An Yilun also: “…”

How, how could it be, how could he tell this kind of thing! ? But if it weren’t for him, why would Yinglili know his thoughts hidden in his heart…

and many more!

An Yilun also suddenly remembered something. It was a rather spiritual experience he encountered in junior high school.

At that time, he was still a junior high school student and had become a man in the otaku circle in his class. Even so, compared to his childhood sweetheart Ying Riri, he was still treated differently.

Especially some boys who have recently moved into the house in their class often say: “In fact, it feels good not to play games after school, but to hang out with friends…”

Under this kind of rhetoric, some guys who entered the house were also impressed. Even if they still love to play games, they no longer refuse to go out with their friends, and they will not talk about the second dimension in public. Go full of life.

The atmosphere in this country is like this, and the otaku will always look forward to being present.

However, this makes An Yilun also uncomfortable.

Doesn’t he know the happiness of being a present? Doesn’t he want to be a cashier? he thinks!

But in order to make Ying Lili feel guilty towards him, he had to disguise himself as a fanatical nerd, that is to say, he has no choice at all between the current person and the otaku…

For this reason, An Yilun also hopes that everyone in the class is an otaku, but what did he hear? What do you see? A few guys who have just entered the house even drove some real houses away. What did they say that it feels good to hang out with friends?

This is almost like saying to An Yilun: “I’m sorry, I didn’t have a choice before, but now I just want to be a current charger!”

For An Yilun also, this is no longer about salting his wounds, it is a complete denial of his whole being-since others will conceal himself in a timely manner, why can he not be An Yilun?

He must stop this kind of thing!

Therefore, under An Yilun’s threatening preaching, three senior houses were successfully removed from the house circle and formally stepped into the current circle. According to a senior house, “Origin, I used to have a classmate with An Yi. Is it true? It really caused a lot of trouble for everyone…”

To this.

An Yilun, who has been demoralized, also said: “That’s because they don’t love the second element deeply enough!”

Although this made him a little bit higher in the house circle, only he himself knew that he actually just wanted those guys to stay with him in the abyss of the house boy, the current charge or something, if it weren’t for him, it would all explode. Bar……

The words full of words could not find a place to vent, and Yilun An also had a deep heart, but he would inevitably feel aggrieved, and just when he was upset, that spiritual encounter happened…

An Yilun, who was at home alone, also met “himself”-it was a boring afternoon, and he fell on the bed when he was tired of playing games, picked up a few light novels and turned them over, then lost it. Aside, at this moment, An Yilun also heard a voice.

“It’s so boring, I really want to go out with my friends…” That was his voice, An Yilun.

An Yilun was also startled by the sudden voice: “Who, who is it?”

“Idiot, I am you…”

An Yilun also looked dumbfounded: “What do you mean?”

“Can’t you hear the sound? I’m fool, I’m the sincere heart that is hidden by you…” It’s still An Yilun’s own voice.

“Hidden sincere? Stop kidding? Who are you?” An Yilun was also quite wary.

“I have said, I am you, because you have been doing things ignorant of your conscience, so I can only stay in the dark, and I am going crazy if I can’t come out to breathe.” It is still An Yilun’s voice.

“You, what are you talking nonsense, when am I…”

“Isn’t it? For example, in the case of Ze… Ying Lili, in fact, as long as you obey your heart and hide the enthusiasm of the second element a little, you will not be awkward with her, and I will not be so uncomfortable. .”

“Asshole, insisting on the yearning and love for the second element is my true heart…” An Yilun also excitedly said.

“Really? Why do I feel so uncomfortable as you who are sincere? If I didn’t have trouble with Eiri at the beginning, I can ask her now instead of being boring by myself…” Although there is no emotion, it is still An Yi Lun Ye’s own voice: “In addition, if I am too uncomfortable, it will cause problems in your heart…”

“Huh?” An Yilun was also stunned: “Why, why do you feel uncomfortable for my heart to have a problem?”

“Because I am your sincere heart. Besides, haven’t you ever heard the saying that anger attacks your heart?”

“Wait, if you are my true heart, you should know what I am thinking?”

“Not at all, I can only make judgments about actual actions. If something is done and I feel chest tightness, then I am uncomfortable…” the voiceless voice explained.

“Then you can only be a fool, understand?” An Yilun also proudly said.

“I don’t understand, I only know that it will be uncomfortable, and the heart will be uncomfortable…”

“Idiot, the discomfort is only temporary, give me patience, don’t really make my heart problem!?”

“Uncomfortable is temporary, why? If I know, maybe it won’t be so uncomfortable, and the heart will be healthier.”

“Then I ask you, if I hid my love for the second element and joined Ying Lili’s circle, there can only be one result, and that is to lose everyone among her many friends. Ying Lili mentioned me the most. , A friend who has known since childhood, do you understand?” Even An Yilun is a junior high school student.

With no one everywhere and his own voice, he believed in the so-called sincerity. In order to appease his sincerity and to vent it, An Yilun also began to answer without reservation.

“I don’t understand, it’s awkward…”

“Is the so-called sincerity so stupid? People like me have no talent in the first place. Even if they join Ying Lili’s circle, they will only be at the bottom of the circle, and once Ying Lili accepts that she and I are ordinary friends. Definition, then, I can only be an ordinary friend…

And after the awkwardness, then I and Ying Lili are equal, no matter how high her status in the circle, I am her childhood sweetheart, she will never treat me like a normal friend…”

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