Chapter 350

“How does Eirili feel about “The Metronome of Love”? If it is to draw illustrations for “The Metronome of Love”, I can help Eirili contact the author himself…” Just when Eirili was annoyed that her reputation for Eri Kashiwagi was too big, An Yilun also said suddenly, he has done a lot of things like this two-sided charity.

“”Love Metronome”? Ha, it’s the novel that suddenly exploded? It doesn’t feel very good…” This is a lie. In fact, Ying Lili is a fan of “Love Metronome”, “Love Metronome” has not yet When the fire started, she had already bought the collection…

The reason why she said this is very simple. She really doesn’t want to have anything to do with An Yilun. She is hungry, and this guy apologizes and introduces work. Ying Lili feels that there must be some trick in it, as the saying goes. Well done, nothing to do with diligence, whoever rapes or steals, she had learned a bitter lesson from someone in the first place…

However, Ying Lili really does not lie. When she opened her mouth, her eyes began to wander, so An Yilun could see through the truth in an instant. He deliberately said:

“Hey, doesn’t Ying Riri like this novel? I think it’s pretty good, but the illustrations in it are too simple to match the current “Love Metronome”. If it were Eri Kashiwagi, it would definitely be able to draw it. The illustrations that match the novel are…”

These words made Ying Lili quite contented. Even if she made up her mind and didn’t want to have any more dealings with An Yilun, humans would basically have zero resistance to complimenting themselves…

Moreover, An Yilun also has a saying that really touched on Ying Lili’s heart, that is, the illustration of “The Metronome of Love” she was angry just looking at it, and she could draw better than that illustrator with her eyes closed…

Ying Lili once believed that the reason why the “Love Metronome” did not become popular is that the illustrations absolutely accounted for 80%. If it was replaced by her to paint, what kind of tongue would be recommended for “Love Metronome”? It should be a big fire!

“Unfortunately, I didn’t expect that Ying Lili would not agree with “Love Metronome”. If Teacher Xia Shizi knew about it, she would definitely be sad…” An Yilun, who knew what Ying Lili thought about, also deliberately said.

Sure enough, he didn’t finish his words, and Sawamura and Yinglili were a little uncomfortable: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Eh? Eh? Teacher Xia Shizi will be sad because of her words? No, this is the Shimizu writer she has only recently found. What if she is sad because of what she said and can’t write the story? Then she Yinglili has become a sinner through the ages? To be cast aside by a crowd of book fans! No, you can’t let this happen…

“In fact, it’s not a disagreement. It’s not impossible to ask me to help “Love Metronome”, but classmate An Yi, do you really know the teacher Xia Shizi?”

Although Ying Lili knows that the guy in front of him has been doing well on the Internet in recent years, but if it has anything to do with Teacher Xia Shizi, Ying Lili still thinks it is impossible. To put it bluntly, An Yilun also looks like he has 40W fans. Internet celebrities, but who knows how many zombie fans are there?

If Mr. Xia Shizi’s “Love Metronome” hadn’t become popular before, he might have relied on An Yilun’s influence to intersect with it. However, after the single volume has broken through one million volumes, Mr. Xia Shizi is already worthy of the name. It’s a great writer, and the sales volume of Ren Yilun is more than that of An Yilun’s fans…

In this case, the probability of the two being able to overlap is zero!

and many more!

Ying Lili suddenly thought that her childhood sweetheart is a scumbag who can play with other people’s hearts. If An Yilun also used Xia Shizi teacher…

If it is really like that!

While Ying Lili was thinking about it, An Yilun suddenly pushed his glasses and said, “Ying Lili, don’t you know, in fact, the teacher Xia Shizi is the senior sister of Xia Zhiqiu, because of the work. , I had a very happy conversation with Teacher Xia Shizi. When I talked about the illustrations of the works, I immediately thought of you Yinglili…”

An Yilun also said this deliberately. He wanted to see how this childhood sweetheart who had just reconciled with him felt to him. If he still cares about him, then, when he hears the happy conversation with Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu, he must There will be small emotions. After all, Senior Sister Kasumigaoka is one of the few in the school that can compete with Ying Lili…

One of the few… An Yilun felt exciting after thinking about it. Originally, the goddesses in the school tended to be three-legged.

Noble daughter-Yinglili.

Perfect master-buried in the soil.

The goddess of high cold-Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

If there hadn’t been the misunderstanding at the signing event, he would have already met Tuma classmates and Xiazhiqiu-senpai. At that time, he really didn’t expect that someone would ignore a man’s soil seat…

If you can meet Tujian and Xiazhiqiu-senpai, then he will be the envy of everyone. At that time, what is the real life, handsome guy, all are clouds. He An Yilun is also with the three goddesses. They are all connected!


Fortunately, his An Yilun was not discouraged either. Tuma’s line can still be developed from Kasumigaoka-senpai. Even if it is a current one, as long as he likes light novels, he can develop him into an otaku. , Become his follower…

A certain has completely waste the hamster and buried it: “Huh?”

The development that followed made An Yilun also overwhelmed.

The Queen of Ice and Snow-Snow under the snow.

The beauty that God has left on earth-Shiina is pure white.

The three-legged camp suddenly became the vassal struggle for hegemony. This, this is definitely the gospel of God! An Yilun also thought so at the time.

Especially after seeing the beauty left behind by God—Shiina Mashiro had a good relationship with Kasumigaoka-senpai, An Yilun even felt that this was a blessing to his destiny!

As long as Eriri can help Kasanooka-senpai, then he can catch both Eriri and Kasanooka-senpai at the same time. After passing Kasanogaoka-senpai, he can get in touch with Shiina Shiina…

Although Tuma has a very violent brother, this does not hinder his strategy. After the strategy is successful, he can still say: “Sorry, I really don’t know how to face your brother…” This is similar. Reason, to bury the soil aside, this is his revenge!

There are already four of the five goddesses, the last ice queen is easy, because women have a comparability, as long as he timely lets Xuexiaxuena discover his relationship with the other four schoolgirls, even the ice queen will do it. Be curious about him, and curiosity is the beginning of the fall…

I have to say that An Yilun also thinks very beautifully, and the facts are developing as he expected. After hearing that teacher Xia Shizi is the senior Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, Ying Lili was moved.

Sawamura, Yinglili:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu? Sure enough, An Yilun also has a very clear target for this guy. They are all beautiful girls who are all the attention. The previous wave of the island went to sea, hehe, I saw it again…

wrong! Now is not the time to think about this kind of thing. What she should be thinking now is how to remind Teacher Xia Shizi not to be deceived by An Yilun…

What should I do? If she passed by with a big grin, she would only be jealous of teacher Xia Shizi’s fight for the wind on the spot, Damn it-Ying Lili gritted her teeth.

Could it be that you can only agree to this guy’s invitation and give Xia Shizi a hint during the cooperation process? Why does she have to do such a thing! ?

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