Chapter 351 The boys see hope!

Seeing Sawemura and Young Riri whose expressions have changed, An Yilun is also determined that things are gradually developing in the direction he deduced…

Ying Lili can’t forget him, heh, didn’t he just pretend to look alike? However, when he heard that he had contacted Senior Sister Kasumigaoka in high school, he immediately panicked. It’s no wonder that when Yinglili first entered the private Toyosaki, she was put on a par with Senior Sister Kasumigaoka?

Presumably Ying Riri also paid attention to Kasumigaoka-senpai because of this, right? Had it not been for the number of goddesses in the private Toyosaki nowadays, An Yilun also believed that with the competitive spirit between beautiful girls, he would be able to do well between the two, but there are so many benefits…

If you can attract the eyes of other beautiful girls and form a society with him as the mainstay, isn’t he a proper light novel male protagonist?

The thought of a guy called a goddess outside is jealous for him, and An Yilun can still be like a general in ancient times, whoever he wants to choose, he can choose whoever he wants. That picture, An Yilun is really excited to think about it. what!

Although my heart is extremely surging, An Yilun has also suppressed his excitement after years of disguising career, and on the surface he still said calmly:

“Actually, I always think that only Eiri Kashiwagi, that is, Eiri Li’s paintings are worthy of the current “Love Metronome”, but unfortunately Eiri is not interested…” It has been determined that Eiri still thinks about him. “An Yilun also takes retreat as the way forward.

Sawamura Hideri: ( ̄ˇ ̄)

Damn it, this guy is really talking about her heart, although she doesn’t want to admit it, but when she reads, she wants to give the illustrator a hammer, and then do it herself!

“Since I’m a student in a school, I shouldn’t be unable to draw illustrations for Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu, but I really don’t have much interest in “Love Metronome”. Out of professional ethics, I will make up the previous plot. …”

Why did An Yilun also target the author she admired recently, Damn it! If it weren’t for this, she would never contact this guy at all!

“Hehe, sure enough…” An Yilun also sneered in his heart. Yinglili’s reaction was still in his expectation. In that case, Yinglili had another serious crime. In recent years, Yinglili has treated him the slightest bit. Don’t care, wait, wait for him, he must let Ying Lili understand what regret is!

There were cruel words in the bottom of my heart, but on the surface, An Yilun also had a fanatical expression:

“Eh!? So Ying Riri agreed? Great, if Hideri Kashiwagi and Kasushiko teacher work together, he will be able to create the best light novel in history!”

Sawamura Hideri: -_-|||

This bastard is really annoying, she has said that she should keep it quiet, right? Why is this guy still so loud, afraid that others will not know that Hideri Kashiwagi is her?

And the strongest in history? These words are too irresponsible, what did he regard those great gods known as old thieves?

“Shut up…”

I won’t mention it here for the time being.

In the second grade, Tuma Zongwu Class, the whole class caused a sensation again because of someone’s enrollment.

“Mom, tell me this is not true…”

“Dad far away in heaven, my son is so happy…”

“I feel that there is absolutely no problem with my youth love…”

“It’s a goddess again, our class is about to become a goddess concentration camp…”

“Everyone, don’t be fooled. I met so many goddesses in high school. Can I still have girlfriends in the future?”

“You can choose to change classes…”

“No, I want you to change classes. The whole class only needs to leave me and classmate Tujian as two boys…”

This is the reaction of the boys, Doma always lay down with a gun inexplicably.

The girls are.

“Ha ha……”

“I don’t want to comment at all…”

“Why is our high school career so sad…”

“First, Kasumigaoka, then Yukinoshita, and then Shiina Mashiro, who is this adult…”

“Change shift?”

“Change classes!”

“No, let’s transfer directly!”

“Fortunately, my old lady is clever and promised Takuya-kun’s confession…”

As for why these conversations occurred, it was probably because the girl on the stage who appeared to be a pair of Yamato Nadeshiko was introducing herself.

“Eh Duo, I am Ako Tamaki, I am very, very glad to meet you, eh, I, I want to be friends with everyone, so please give me more advice in the future…”

Many boys are boiling again, this time the goddess is finally a normal person!

The boys guarding the three goddesses are actually bitter.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, don’t think about it, that’s a proof of the debut of the big brothers in the soil, they just forget it…

Yukino under the snow, this is a colder existence than the Snow Queen. If it weren’t for her hobby of secretly observing Sou Maura, boys would think that Yuuki would not be interested in anything.

Ahem, Xuexiaxue thinks that it is secret to observe Sougen Doma secretly. In fact, it is already an open “secret” among boys, and this also made the prestige of Sougen Tuma soar for a while…

Shiina is really white, and he is almost inseparable from Sougo Doma during school time, otherwise, he will be by Kasumigaoka, and, because of his lack of common sense and the easily misunderstood words, everyone has to stay away…

In such a detailed count, the three super college-level beautiful girls are more or less related to Sougo Doma, which makes many boys want to replace them…

It’s just that Sougo Tama opened his mouth to teach them how to pick up girls. This is a life mentor for boys who have just arrived in puberty! In this way, the achievements of Tama Sougo turned into qualifications, and Fujikami Taku also took the lead…

In this way, the mood of the boys has become: the big brother of the soil, hurry up and teach everyone to get out of the order with both hands.

And Tuma Zougou responded in a timely manner, and he also set up an association [Oolong Tea Research Society] to instruct them on how to get along with girls-Tuma classmates, no, you should use the full name at this time to show respect, Tuma Zou Gou, he has been out of the realm of mortals and is the spokesperson of the god of pick-up girls in the world!

Toma Sougo said to this: “Just be happy if you guys…”

And the three beautiful girls who are related to gods, can they be coveted by mortals?

Restraint, must restraint!

Finally, the restraint of the boys has come to gain. Look, today is a new beautiful girl transferred? Moreover, the way the other party introduces himself is normal at first glance, and it definitely has nothing to do with the Tujian classmates…

In this way, as long as they wait until the [Oolong Tea Research Society] is established, they can learn the means of interacting with beautiful girls from the Tuma students. Doesn’t that mean, hehe…Many boys are in delusion.

Yuzhi Yazi, what a nice name, when you are dating, you call it “Yazi”

and many more……

The boys suddenly woke up, and it was not just a single person who joined the [Oolong Tea Research Society]. With that said, except Tujian, other people of the same sex are enemies?

As for Tama-san, there are already three beautiful girls around him. He is definitely not interested in Tamaki Ako. In addition, most of the beautiful girls Tama-san knows are weird people, such as Tamaki Ako. One of them, he will definitely not be tempted…

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