Chapter 349 Kindness will always be exploited

If it is not obsessive to add body, who is willing to stop in the past? When An Yilun also confided the truth because of Sougo Doma’s design, the guilt and the past that had bound Yinglili were completely cut off…

An Yilun would never think that the situation he carefully designed was because it became extremely strange after the truth was revealed. After all, no one had told him!

In fact, An Yilun’s matter, Ying Lili hadn’t even told her parents, she was really kind-hearted by nature, she was really frightened by Tujian Sougo, the second young master of a Tujian family dared to kill. Skinning… these are on your lips, if she lets her diplomat father know An Yilun’s nature…

Ying Lili thought for a while, and felt that An Yilun was also afraid to be sent to the meat grinder. If this happened, how would she face her father in the future?

Let’s conceal it. Anyway, she already knows An Yilun’s nature. Then, it’s as good as before. When this person doesn’t exist, we still need to act in a drama before. After knowing the truth, she doesn’t even have to act in a drama. !

Toma Zougou has always sneered at this practice. If he encounters such a thing, he must arrange the other party clearly in minutes. After that, when the other party is in a beautiful funeral, he will spit first. There is no way, can He was calculated, he should have been a decent person before he was alive, and he should not lose his spit…

If you dare to count on Xiao Bui, then the other party’s family should be neat and tidy. I believe that in the final scene, it must be family joy, maybe…

To Ying Lili, sorry, he just wanted to slap Ying Lili in the face. Isn’t that calculating Ying Lili has something to do with him?

However, it is precisely because of Ying Lili’s kindness and the carelessness of Tama Sougo that An Yilun can survive safely, apart from other things, even Mr. Spencer, a diplomat, knows this. Anyway, An Yilun also had to swallow a pill.

Even if Mr. Spencer doesn’t do things like Doma Sougo, it is only a breeze to use his influence to get the Aki family out of the city of Tokyo.

It is a pity that Ying Lili was completely frightened by Sougo Doma at the time, and chose to conceal this matter, so that the Anyi family did not feel any crisis.

Probably because he was not punished, An Yilun always felt that her disguise was perfect. The reason why Yinglili ignored him again was because she was bewitched by others. As long as one day, Yinglili can look at him directly, and will Turning his gaze to him again…

Even if he never looked back, as long as An Yilun is willing to apologize, Ying Lili will definitely forgive him, because An Yilun dares to say that he is the first person to understand this childhood sweetheart…

It’s a pity that An Yilun doesn’t understand that if it is not bound by obsession, no one will stay in place.

Just like now, Ying Lili smiled and said: “Anyi student, there is no forgiveness or forgiveness between us…”.

An Yilun, who thinks he knows Eirili very well, was also determined: “Eirili, are we reconciled? Sorry, I forgot. In school, I should call you Sawamura classmate… …”

Sawamura, Ying Riri: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

This guy is really self-talking. How did she become blind with this guy in the first place? No, it has nothing to do with her, it’s all my mother’s fault!

Although I was complaining in my heart, Ying Lili still kept a dry smile after a good recuperation.

“Anyi classmate thinks what it is…” Anyway, she has club activities after school, and she can’t run into this guy from the homecoming department.

As for coming to her house to find her, when the time comes, he will tell the servant that she is no longer there, just hide from an otaku. How big is it?

Ying Lili’s answer made An Yilun very satisfied. It was exactly what he thought. As long as he apologizes, Ying Lili will reconcile with him. Don’t look at Ying Lili’s stiff appearance, in fact, her heart is already happy. It’s blooming, now, it’s just that Yinglili has started Tsundere again…

I don’t believe it, as long as he makes a request, Ying Lili will not refuse!

“Yingli…No, it’s classmate Zecun. Actually, I came to you today to discuss something…”

Sawamura, Yinglili: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Unexpectedly, the purpose of this guy’s reconciliation is actually to ask her for help. When she is free labor? I’m sorry, I can’t do it, let’s find someone else…

Skilled refusal Before Sanlian had time to speak, An Yilun revealed her identity in the request.

“I want Teacher Hideri Kashiwagi…”

Sawamura, Yinglili:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Did this bastard come to invite her or threaten her?

While thinking about this, Ying Lili used her schoolbag to plug An Yilun’s mouth: “Asshole, don’t mention that name in school…”

“Sure enough, even if you have drawn the master of “Father’s Love as a Mountain”—Mr. Hideri Kashiwagi, he still doesn’t want to admit his identity in his heart. Ying, Sawamura, have you ever thought of going ashore? ”

When it comes to work, Ying Lili said instinctively: “Asshole, who doesn’t want to be able to wash white, but I can’t think of a comic story…”

It would be great if Tama Sougou was willing to help her with the demon, but not long after knowing her identity, that guy wrote the script of “Father’s Love is Like a Mountain”, although it is the script of the book…

Damn it, if Tama Sougo had given a manga script at the time, she might already be an accomplished manga artist! It’s like now, the identity is not only visible, and it needs to be concealed…

Fortunately, Tuma always realized that he didn’t know what this guy thought, otherwise he would have to say back to her, you are thinking of peaches! At first, I just wanted you to be called Dad, but I didn’t expect even the personal settings to be replaced…

“If the manga can’t think of a plot, has Ying Lili ever considered drawing illustrations?” An Yilun also understands people’s hearts. After chatting, he naturally called Ying Lili’s name instead of Sawamura classmates.

Ying Lili, whose brains are obviously not enough in her thinking, obviously did not realize this: “Illustration? What kind of illustration? The library almost has its own dedicated illustrator. Even if there is no one, they will choose some lesser-known and good-quality painters… ”

That’s right, Ying Lili’s position in the industry is actually very embarrassing. A “Father’s Love is Like a Mountain” has made him a hot boss in one fell swoop, but this increase in status has not improved Ying Lili’s painting skills. It’s not uneconomical to hire Ying Lili as an illustrator with the treatment of a big man in the industry…

But Ying Lili still cannot say that the treatment can be lowered. Once she opens her mouth, she is afraid that she will immediately become a target among the painters. The library will definitely use her as an example: “You people, every day you want to improve your treatment, like Kashiwa Mu Teacher Yingli, with such a high status, the fees and treatment are lower than yours…”

Every time I think about this, Ying Lili wants to grit his teeth, always feeling that Tama Sougo was deliberate in the first place! Let her withstand such a big reputation, it will be more difficult for her to go ashore!

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