Chapter 348 Ying Lili said she was also very confused!

Time back to now, private Toyosaki, at the shoe cabinet.

When you see a goddess, how can you narrow the distance between yourself and the goddess?

An Yilun also teaches you a trick, let’s take a seat! As long as you can lose face, even the goddess who is accustomed to seeing strong winds and waves will have to be in a hurry.

If the goddess says a few hard words-others have already kneel down, and the woman is so ugly, it is so unkind and her reputation is ruined.

If you directly touch people-people all kneel down, and the woman left directly, it is obvious that the woman must have done something to be sorry for others, and her reputation will be ruined again.

If you are persuaded by words-my God, people have already kneel down before they can speak well. The woman must have a guilty conscience. If she is not guilty, why doesn’t she leave without turning around, or scolding the man a few words?

In Sawamura, Ying Lili is currently in such a scene. Facing her childhood sweetheart who suddenly fell to the ground, Ying Lili was almost stunned. She, what should she do?

The guy in front of me who said he didn’t want to continue arguing with her, under certain circumstances, it was indeed her childhood sweetheart. However, it was a scumbag, but this scumbag didn’t even know that he had been exposed. About the matter, Ying Lili didn’t want to talk about it either.

After all, it was because she had not known people at the first time that she would treat rubbish as masonry. If this is known, how would she still live in Yinglili! ?

Originally, Ying Lili thought that as long as she stopped paying attention to An Yilun, this guy would disappear from her life. There was no way, it was like peeling, Ling Chi, Ying Lili was scared to think about it…

But what Ying Lili didn’t expect, An Yilun also said, betrayal, unforgivable guy, but once she completely ignored him, she ran over again without authorization.

An Yilun also gave her the latest GALGAME game. Although she did not buy it, Ying Lili still shuddered. This is beyond the limit of a stalker. Now we are observing whether she bought any games. What about the future? Observe whether she buys any shower gel?

Don’t blame Ying Lili for making the fuss, it’s because, as the first two-dimensional heroine to be known by Soma Tuma, she was shocked enough!


In addition, now, An Yilun is also directly facing her. Ying Lili has the desire to kill people. Does this scum know that he can’t get rid of it anymore? Kishimoto is the kind that is useless!

Of course, An Yilun knows nothing about Ying Lili’s thoughts. In his impression, Ying Lili has always had a good impression of him, especially when he is rejected, that good impression will turn into guilt.

As the saying goes, if he is familiar with three hundred Tang poems, he will not chant poems and will also sue, An Yilun also swears by his own experience of playing so many GAIGAME games, Ying Lili is nothing but his own pocket, as long as he is willing to condescend, ha ha , Ying Li Li…

Although it is a bit different from the GALGAME game, Ying Lili later seemed to ignore herself a little, even his TAKI online account has been closed, but thinking about Ying Lili’s personality, An Yilun also feels that everything is normal, after all, Tsundere Well……

Besides, how to deal with the girl who has finished the strategy, I believe that the otaku knows it?

In GALGAME, after attacking a girl, doesn’t it mean that the story of the girl can be put aside? The GALGAME games of all ages are unlikely to happen after the Raiders. This also makes An Yilun also want to complain. He attacked Hingtang Michiru, and went to sea on Bo Island, and then…

But the two guys entangled him so tightly that he almost had no time to breathe, so couldn’t he learn from Ying Lili? After being attacked, he stayed quietly aside.

Ying Lili will betray?

How can it be! ? An Yilun would not give this opportunity first. For example, when Hashima Iori was about to come into contact with Yinglili, didn’t he cruelly cut off diplomatic ties with him? Even if that guy’s sister is also his target, but what about it? Anyway, that guy’s sister is almost over…

Even if she broke up with her brother, the idiot who went to sea on Bodao Island would still regard him as An Yilun. Besides, the idiot of Bodao Iori would still speak for him An Yilun. He stood there from beginning to end. At the highest level of morality!

Like now…

Although Ying Lili was just a heroine who was left behind after her attack, maybe the value of his favorability still needs to be negotiated, but after he takes the seat directly, Ying Lili will definitely be moved!

Because no woman would refuse to kneel down from her beloved man! What’s more, he, An Yilun, is still sitting down! Feel guilty from good, from guilt to dim love, just wake up in this dirt seat!

Even if Ying Lili ignored him An Yilun for several years, but An Yilun also felt that he forgave her. Anyway, in the end, An Yilun would not be with Ying Lili, so what if he had a big belly?

No way, after all, Sawamura and Ying Lili are already the heroine who has been captured by him, Yilun An, do it again? He is tired of…

Okay, even though I’m tired of it, An Yilun is still very upset. Although it is in self-recognition, Young Lili has already finished the strategy, but Young Lili suddenly ignored this kind of thing, let him Unhappy, shouldn’t that Ying Lili keep paying attention to him with the mood of a betrayer?

If it wasn’t for Ying Lili’s betrayal…

An Yilun has also forgotten that when he was able to constrain a little bit, no one else would isolate him.

That’s not right.

At that time, An Yilun was actually forcing Ying Lili to make a choice, whether to choose other friends, or to be like him, although rejected and isolated by others…

Not everyone has a big heart, Ying Lili made her own choice.

An Yilun was also able to join in, but, already quite emotionally intelligent, he chose to keep himself, he wants to make Ying Lili regret and feel guilty!


An Yilun also looked up and saw that although she was a little flustered, she was more afraid of the secret being exposed: “This guy, how can this guy be like this? How about our childhood sweethearts!?” Ying Lili She has no guilt at all!

Eiri Sawamura is very helpless, how could she have a shameless childhood sweetheart? Although she really wants to deny this relationship!

A certain passerby Tuma Sougo: “This is absolutely nothing to do with me!”

“Hey…” Zecun, Ying Lili sighed, to be honest, but fortunately there are no people now, otherwise An Yilun, who is sitting down here, would have to bring her some strange rumors.

Ying Lili is not afraid of rumors.

I’m afraid that the rumors will be heard by a guy with the surname Tujian and Zongwu, and then turn into her nightmare again!

“Anyi classmate, get up first. Well, there is no forgiveness or forgiveness between us…” As long as you think that Tama Sougo will find her, Ying Lili is all bad, she can only smile stiffly. The childhood sweetheart who suddenly knelt down.

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