Chapter 347

Self-brain supplement is the most deadly!

Ying Lili’s brain supplementation was accompanied by the fire of “Father of Ghosts”, and the name Eri Kashiwagi became another milestone in the book world and reached its peak…

Although, with the fire in “Father of Ghosts”, Sayuri Sawamura always hesitated to talk when facing Eiri. House, but what he is saying is your biological father, yes, Ying Lili was born, not adopted…”

Sawamura Sayuri was bitter at the time, saying that the work is the budding in the heart of the creator, and the “Father of Ghosts” drawn by her daughter Ying Lili…

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Why did she not realize early on that Ying Lili has an Electra plot! ? What about An Yilun? Didn’t Ying Lili really care about it? Why is there no shadow of that guy in the work!

After her Sawamura Sayuri has defeated in many Shura fields, will she immediately face her own brand-new enemy? What is her own daughter! ?

Could it be said that this is the retribution that she led Ying Lili to draw the book?

What would my husband think if he saw this work? Moreover, Ying Lili, who painted herself so full in the book, is jealous, definitely jealous, right? Having said that, is this the gene of despising their Zecun family? Was the old lady hungry for you? Ying Li Li!

Ying Riri, who was unaware of Sayuri’s emotions, just dealt with it: “Yes, yes, I didn’t say that I was adopted again. By the way, mom, how is “Father of Ghosts” now!?”

Sawamura Sayuri: #^_^

Do you still have the face to ask! ? If you really let my old lady find out what you are thinking about your father, you will be over, Ying Lili! But just think about these words, let Sayuri say it, she can’t speak, this is so special that one party is her own man, the other party is her own daughter, what can she do, she is also very desperate, not just Tell the truth…

“The response is amazing, Yinglili, the name Hideri Kashiwagi has been regarded as a big man in the book world from now on. The community has printed a few times, but it still can’t satisfy the fans, that is Xiaolun’s TAKI account. Still no news…”

“Ha…” If these words were put in the past, Ying Lili would be depressed to death. Fortunately, at this time, she was only a little guilty and longing for An Yilun. Since I have seen An Yilun’s true face, okay. Yeah, although Yinglili was sad for a few days, Yinglili stood up after all…

no way……

Compared with the harm An Yilun also did to her, Ying Lili always felt that the fellow Tama Sougo was even better!

The guy who opened her mouth to reveal the fat words;

The guy who takes pleasure in hitting her;

The guy who just listened to her words and went to help investigate;

The guy who called her Miss Zecun, but had fun with her;

After knowing her identity, the guy who not only didn’t ridicule, but desperately helped her think about the plot;

What an insincere fool!

Had she not been a creator, she would have never understood how much effort “Father of Ghosts” would take!

That idiot, really looks like someone who silently guards her behind…

Fortunately, Sougo Doma didn’t know what Ying Lili was thinking at the time, otherwise he would be ashamed. Isn’t “Father of Ghosts” plagiarism? He spent a lot of effort!

The purpose is also very simple. Before the release of “Father of Ghosts”, Ying Lili had always used him as the main character. Although Huang Mao is the green protagonist, can the things in the book be taken seriously?

Sougo Doma was very indignant about this, and then he looked at the author’s name, Hideri Kashiwagi, isn’t this the Sawamura, the servant of Eriri? He actually painted him as a male protagonist, what if he was seen by Xiaobu…

Ying Riri should feel fortunate that Sougo Tama is not a demon, at best she wants her to be called father! Keke, in fact, after all this, Tuma Zou Wu didn’t believe it anymore, and Ying Lili dared to set him as a male host!

Facts have proved that Doma Sougou’s conjecture is extremely correct. Even “Father of Ghosts” Ying Lili has changed the male host design. Doma Sougou is also a lot easier. It is still a long time for Xiaobui to become an adult. Wait for Xiaobui to become an adult. , Ying Lili’s previous books should have been swept into the dust of history…

Just as Sougo Tama had expected, since the release of “Father of Ghosts”.

The book drawn by Hideri Kashiwagi is nowhere to be seen. Although there are rumors that Hideri Kashiwagi is already exhausted, Hideri Kashiwagi is still doing its own way. In his works, there will be no shadow of Doma Sougou at all.

Ying Lili: “Although I am an idiot, but it is my idiot, so I don’t want others to see it!”

If the story goes on like this, maybe Yinglili will…

It’s a pity that Sougo Doma, who noticed something, cut the line with his own hands.

I still remember the tears in Ying Lili’s eyes: “Asshole, can’t you not tease people? Obviously, I believe you so much, why?”

“It’s just a joke. Isn’t Hideri Kashiwagi unbearable?”

“No one would make such a bad joke! Doma Sougo, you are a bastard, a big bastard…” On that day, Sawamura, Ying Riri seemed to be crying and ran into the car.

Soon after that, Sougo Tama transferred to Yuanyue, and this relationship basically ended there.

With the passage of time, Ying Lili’s impression of Sougo Doma returned to zero again, and even began to feel a sense of fear-that guy Sougo Doma was definitely a terrifying demon!

Time goes back to now.

Ying Lili felt that the scum that made Tuma always realize that the devil had a bond with him was the same An Yilun sitting in front of the soil. If it weren’t for what she said at the beginning: “childhood sweetheart…”

The demon wouldn’t be upset, so he should investigate it.

As a result, Doma Sougo was refreshed by the demon. Ying Lili herself was almost suffocated to death. Before she became angry, Doma Sougo’s advice almost scared her…

Cough, urinating or something, it’s better not to say, to be dignified and elegant…

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Elegant and tall! Who would discuss with the 10-year-old Loli, is it skinning, or Ling Chi? The key is to discuss and discuss, why describe the picture!

Something like peeling, burying a person in the soil, revealing a head, opening a mouth and pouring mercury into it. The mercury peels off the skin. If the victim can’t bear it, he will peel off the skin and become a bloody flesh. thing?

Ying Lili did not dare to go to bed after listening to it for three days. She was afraid that someone would bury her in the soil and refused to accept the silver jewelry. It was a psychological shadow!

No way, in Ying Lili’s eyes, breaking up is already the biggest punishment, peeling? Ling Chi…For this frightening reason, Sawamura Hideri has not yet dared to tell the true face of An Yilun to the family. She is afraid that the diplomat’s father will do something unwise…

And Sayuri Sawamura, because of the influence of a “Father of Ghosts”, more and more wants Ying Riri to find her boyfriend as soon as possible. The Shura field between mother and daughter, Sayuri has a headache to think about!

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